Iran: "The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing."


Nov 14, 2012
Iran is coming to help Syria in the critical situation in Idlib. Iran recently deployed thousands of troops in Syria and more are supposed to come. Up to 50.000 troops will be deployed and a prominent Iranian general promised that "everything is going to be okay in a couple of months".

"Major General Qasem Soleimani, the shadowy former leader of Iran's elite Quds Force, the special operations arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC), has asserted that plans being made by Damascus and Tehran in regard to the Syrian civil war will "surprise" the world.

Soleimani, who had been directly overseeing the eastern offensive on the Isis-held Iraqi city of Tikrit before it was successfully recaptured in April, is Tehran's key link between the Shia militias in Iraq and the Assad regime in Damascus.

"The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days," Iran's official IRNA state news agency quoted the general as saying.

The agency added that it "takes no responsibility for the information" although Syrian sources have already confirmed that thousands of Iranian and Iraqi fighters have arrived in Syria over the last month in order to strengthen the Assad regime's manpower in the face of rebel gains in Idlib province.

"It's a way for Soleimani to suggest to Assad and the Alawite community in Syria that they are on their side and they will not let them go," says Benjamin Decker, senior intelligence analyst at the Tel Aviv-based geopolitical risk consultancy, The Levantine Group.

"Soleimani wants to present this huge gift to the Syrians, saying we are going to give you way more troops than you expected and everything is going to be okay in a couple of months," he adds.

Iranian military mastermind Soleimani vows to surprise world in Syria

Meanwhile, Iran has reportedly deployed 15.000 troops in Syria.
Iran sends 15 000 fighters to Syria Report - Yahoo News

The situation in Idlib is critical though the army fiercely battles the 15.000 Islamist terrorists of al-Nusra and other terrorist groups that came from Turkey some weeks ago and stormed the Idlib province, capturing the capital and two other cities. These Al-Qaeda terrorists are probably the "moderate rebels", the US trained in Turkey to allegedly make them fight the Islamic State.
Turkey U.S. to finalize Syrian rebel training this month official Reuters
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Good luck to you, Syrians. Somebody needs to come and to help cleaning the mess and chaos Obama made to your country. As well as to all the others, where he and his wonderful administration decided to bring their "democracy".
"a couple of months" ----oh goody-----I can't wait- SUMMER TIME FUN
That is not going to be funny for the terrorists.

it's going to be funny for the entire civilized world-------isis pigs, Shiite shit, alawite dogs----
Wrong. Assad is the head of the side that represents the civilized world. The Syrian government represents freedom and secularism.

Nah. Islamic nazis verses Arab nationalist Nazi dictators. Both trace their origins to the same supremacist ideology.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

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