Iran to once again become the predominant "policeman" of the Persian Gulf?

Over 1 million Soviet Jews since 1990. We also have a little Odessa here in the states as well.

And what does it prove? Okay, 1 million Jews (or Soviet Jews as you call them) have moved from the ex-USSR to Israel. And according to your opinion these people have established Soviet rules in Israel and therefore, considering that, you think that Israel is similar to communist Russia?

I will help you to understand Penelope------a stat appeared in the islamo Nazi shit propaganda----so she parroted it. I kinda doubt that stat a bit but
there is no issue as you note------islamo Nazi propaganda is like that------CREATIVE with any
tenuous bit of "information" that can be mucked up. I am inclined to believe that there are---perhaps a million jews in Israel either FROM the former USSR ---(or some land thereof---before it was the USSR----or after it was the USSR) or who have parents or grandparents----thereof. I doubt that a million moved in---from the USSR-----since 1990-----that's only 25 years-----it would be a giant influx for so small a country. Reading the islamo Nazi propaganda is actually a kind of
JOB-----you need to interpret it-----it is very misleading and often outright lie

Judges 3:5-7New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
5 So the Israelites settled among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites.6 They took their daughters in marriage, and gave their own daughters to their sons in marriage,and served their gods.
Judah (from the line of Shem)married a Canaanite , from the line of Ham. Mean, Jew is not a race as Jacob was not a Jew.
With them brought a lot more crime , not that there wasn't a lot there anyway..

I don’t know whether they brought more crime or not. Okay, maybe they did. But that is not an answer. Do you think that in the USSR the crime rate was extremely high?

The Israelites in Israel are Russians, they are not from the Levant.

I see. So, there are no Israelites in Israel who didn’t come from Russia. Right?

Besides, where are the Pals who lived there for years suppose to live. Gaza is already the largest outdoor prison.

And what are your proposals?
Over 1 million Soviet Jews since 1990. We also have a little Odessa here in the states as well.

And what does it prove? Okay, 1 million Jews (or Soviet Jews as you call them) have moved from the ex-USSR to Israel. And according to your opinion these people have established Soviet rules in Israel and therefore, considering that, you think that Israel is similar to communist Russia?

With them brought a lot more crime , not that there wasn't a lot there anyway.. The Israelites in Israel are Russians, they are not from the Levant. Besides, where are the Pals who lived there for years suppose to live. Gaza is already the largest outdoor prison.

yes-----they do have a high crime rate-----not all that unusual for immigrant groups-----they also do have a significant number who are not really jews---not most but a significant number who were
actually Christians back there. The genetic studies over which you seemed delighted do
reveal that people who are really jews
have roots in the LEVANT. Arabs who left Israel have more than enough land in the neighboring lands of their BRETHEREN----in
the Levant and even share the same language and cuisine and religion. There is enough land
in the Levant for all. In fact----an interesting anecdote-----My hubby was born in an arab shariah shit hole-------naturally when he meets an
arab/muslim from the same land they talk. During the course of conversation one mentioned
the area from which he originated and noted----
"my sister has one of the jewish houses left there"
SEE? there are nice houses just left in
those countries-----for any arab who wants
one. Gaza is a prison? why? it has a big
border with Egypt-------did Egypt set up
BARS? Are all the former Gazans living
in the USA -----on PAROLE???
Over 1 million Soviet Jews since 1990. We also have a little Odessa here in the states as well.

And what does it prove? Okay, 1 million Jews (or Soviet Jews as you call them) have moved from the ex-USSR to Israel. And according to your opinion these people have established Soviet rules in Israel and therefore, considering that, you think that Israel is similar to communist Russia?

With them brought a lot more crime , not that there wasn't a lot there anyway.. The Israelites in Israel are Russians, they are not from the Levant. Besides, where are the Pals who lived there for years suppose to live. Gaza is already the largest outdoor prison.

BTW---linguistically------(in anthropological studies
of migration linguistics is a better tool than
DNA) the Bedouins of the Negev and Sinai
actually originated from the desert of Saudi
Arabia -----fairly recently---like in the past
1500 years or less. (Arabic is very very
variable over space and time----so a good
tool for locating people's origins------Arabic
speaking people seem to have no trouble
PINNING a land of origin on other Arabic
speaking people based on ACCENT or
style. ------I have a friend born in Mumbai,
one day we were walking around town -
she struck up a conversation with a
shop keeper ---new to both of us---in Arabic.
I had had no idea that she knew Arabic----
She told me "it was Iraqi Arabic"----her
family had migrated to Bombay (Mumbai)
centuries earlier but she recognized the
"Iraqi Arabic" of her ancestors. Yeah---
she was fluent in Hebrew too ---sorry
about that, Penelope. Hebrew is not like
that------differences in usage and accent
are very very minor over time and space
Of course for Israel to give their land back and take the fence down, to quit bulldozing their homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, what they agreed to in the Balfour Declaration.
Esay----regarding crime in Russia----yup----
the Russians virtually live on it----very much so
including during the heyday of communism
Over 1 million Soviet Jews since 1990. We also have a little Odessa here in the states as well.

And what does it prove? Okay, 1 million Jews (or Soviet Jews as you call them) have moved from the ex-USSR to Israel. And according to your opinion these people have established Soviet rules in Israel and therefore, considering that, you think that Israel is similar to communist Russia?

With them brought a lot more crime , not that there wasn't a lot there anyway.. The Israelites in Israel are Russians, they are not from the Levant. Besides, where are the Pals who lived there for years suppose to live. Gaza is already the largest outdoor prison.

yes-----they do have a high crime rate-----not all that unusual for immigrant groups-----they also do have a significant number who are not really jews---not most but a significant number who were
actually Christians back there. The genetic studies over which you seemed delighted do
reveal that people who are really jews
have roots in the LEVANT. Arabs who left Israel have more than enough land in the neighboring lands of their BRETHEREN----in
the Levant and even share the same language and cuisine and religion. There is enough land
in the Levant for all. In fact----an interesting anecdote-----My hubby was born in an arab shariah shit hole-------naturally when he meets an
arab/muslim from the same land they talk. During the course of conversation one mentioned
the area from which he originated and noted----
"my sister has one of the jewish houses left there"
SEE? there are nice houses just left in
those countries-----for any arab who wants
one. Gaza is a prison? why? it has a big
border with Egypt-------did Egypt set up
BARS? Are all the former Gazans living
in the USA -----on PAROLE???
Over 1 million Soviet Jews since 1990. We also have a little Odessa here in the states as well.

And what does it prove? Okay, 1 million Jews (or Soviet Jews as you call them) have moved from the ex-USSR to Israel. And according to your opinion these people have established Soviet rules in Israel and therefore, considering that, you think that Israel is similar to communist Russia?

With them brought a lot more crime , not that there wasn't a lot there anyway.. The Israelites in Israel are Russians, they are not from the Levant. Besides, where are the Pals who lived there for years suppose to live. Gaza is already the largest outdoor prison.

BTW---linguistically------(in anthropological studies
of migration linguistics is a better tool than
DNA) the Bedouins of the Negev and Sinai
actually originated from the desert of Saudi
Arabia -----fairly recently---like in the past
1500 years or less. (Arabic is very very
variable over space and time----so a good
tool for locating people's origins------Arabic
speaking people seem to have no trouble
PINNING a land of origin on other Arabic
speaking people based on ACCENT or
style. ------I have a friend born in Mumbai,
one day we were walking around town -
she struck up a conversation with a
shop keeper ---new to both of us---in Arabic.
I had had no idea that she knew Arabic----
She told me "it was Iraqi Arabic"----her
family had migrated to Bombay (Mumbai)
centuries earlier but she recognized the
"Iraqi Arabic" of her ancestors. Yeah---
she was fluent in Hebrew too ---sorry
about that, Penelope. Hebrew is not like
that------differences in usage and accent
are very very minor over time and space

Are you a Jew? What line do you come from. What makes you a jew?
Of course for Israel to give their land back and take the fence down, to quit bulldozing their homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, what they agreed to in the Balfour Declaration.

the balfour declaration was issued by the British---it was not a treaty. The arabs rejected it In fact if the Balfour declaration details were actually
imposed-------lands and houses etc lost by jews
in the BRITISH MANDATE lands would have
to be returned to jews------I am delighted that you
insist that my husband gets his house back. When do we get it? East Jerusalem is chock full of land that was owned by jews during the
British Mandate times too.. In fact at that time
arabs owned virtually no land in East Jerusalem .
What dates did you have in mind for this restoration project-----ie what window of time?
will ISIS have to donate Baghdad back to DA
JOOOS/ Do DA JOOOOS get back a big
part of ALEXANDRIA from Egypt?
Who started communism. I can understand some of it, as EO Czars were a monarchy like régime, no doubt, but the Bolsheviks went overboard to where the Jews were in charge , in a way it was nothing more than a coup, and then begun a global communist vine that spread into each country , including the US. Stalin was more in to national communism , not global. Germany was anti Russia communism. Today the US is going to become communistic, the government will be the elites, it already is in a way, takeover of the US government by the elites who tell our politicians what to do.
Of course for Israel to give their land back and take the fence down, to quit bulldozing their homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, what they agreed to in the Balfour Declaration.

the balfour declaration was issued by the British---it was not a treaty. The arabs rejected it In fact if the Balfour declaration details were actually
imposed-------lands and houses etc lost by jews
in the BRITISH MANDATE lands would have
to be returned to jews------I am delighted that you
insist that my husband gets his house back. When do we get it? East Jerusalem is chock full of land that was owned by jews during the
British Mandate times too.. In fact at that time
arabs owned virtually no land in East Jerusalem .
What dates did you have in mind for this restoration project-----ie what window of time?
will ISIS have to donate Baghdad back to DA
JOOOS/ Do DA JOOOOS get back a big
part of ALEXANDRIA from Egypt?

Of course the Arabs didn't like it, but only a certain no. of Jews were suppose to go there every year, not boatloads, so many they had to live in tents on Cyprus. It was suppose to be a slow gradual process.

If your husband had a home in E. Jerusalem who come they are bulldozing the Pals homes down. Is he a Palestinians?
for Penelope----jews define Jew ----as any child of
a jewish mother-----or any convert to Judaism.
Both of my parents are jews. What are you,
Penelope-----other than somewhat illiterate and-----
based on my experience with Nazis of the north-east
of the USA and my time in the navy------a southern Nazi?-------do you have an impression
that 95% of "NEW YORK"s population are
jooos and the whole place is a GIANT CITY??
Who started communism. I can understand some of it, as EO Czars were a monarchy like régime, no doubt, but the Bolsheviks went overboard to where the Jews were in charge , in a way it was nothing more than a coup, and then begun a global communist vine that spread into each country , including the US. Stalin was more in to national communism , not global. Germany was anti Russia communism. Today the US is going to become communistic, the government will be the elites, it already is in a way, takeover of the US government by the elites who tell our politicians what to do.

are there a whole lot of people in your town who
are alcoholics, Penelope?
for Penelope----jews define Jew ----as any child of
a jewish mother-----or any convert to Judaism.
Both of my parents are jews. What are you,
Penelope-----other than somewhat illiterate and-----
based on my experience with Nazis of the north-east
of the USA and my time in the navy------a southern Nazi?-------do you have an impression
that 95% of "NEW YORK"s population are
jooos and the whole place is a GIANT CITY??

then you have a problem, Judah married a Ham Canaanite. We are also told in Kings they intermarried with all the pagan women and had children by then. So you see the problem here?

If both your parents are jews, what line are they from, what tribe?? To even think your a jew you should know this. If your a convert, just proves once again ,, jew is not a race. (This has nothing to do with the German Army or WWII)
Over 1 million Soviet Jews since 1990. We also have a little Odessa here in the states as well.

And what does it prove? Okay, 1 million Jews (or Soviet Jews as you call them) have moved from the ex-USSR to Israel. And according to your opinion these people have established Soviet rules in Israel and therefore, considering that, you think that Israel is similar to communist Russia?

I will help you to understand Penelope------a stat appeared in the islamo Nazi shit propaganda----so she parroted it. I kinda doubt that stat a bit but
there is no issue as you note------islamo Nazi propaganda is like that------CREATIVE with any
tenuous bit of "information" that can be mucked up. I am inclined to believe that there are---perhaps a million jews in Israel either FROM the former USSR ---(or some land thereof---before it was the USSR----or after it was the USSR) or who have parents or grandparents----thereof. I doubt that a million moved in---from the USSR-----since 1990-----that's only 25 years-----it would be a giant influx for so small a country. Reading the islamo Nazi propaganda is actually a kind of
JOB-----you need to interpret it-----it is very misleading and often outright lie

Judges 3:5-7New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
5 So the Israelites settled among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites.6 They took their daughters in marriage, and gave their own daughters to their sons in marriage,and served their gods.
Judah (from the line of Shem)married a Canaanite , from the line of Ham. Mean, Jew is not a race as Jacob was not a Jew.

Race has very little meaning in humans. Of course "JEWS" is not a race------why do you
repeat this moot point incessantly Penelope-----you seem to be trying to prove that you are a moron The term "jew" is derived from the name JUDAH-----Judah is the son of Jacob----
Jacob named JUDAH as his heir in reference to
the person who should GOVERN what was by that time a little nation of people including Jacob's 12 sons and their wives and kids and whoever else JOINED up. Jacob was the progenitor
of that little nation. Feel free to ask questions
Penelope. At that time that Jacob named JUDAH his heir-------he would not have been
called "a jew" ------His name was ISRAEL and
he would have been called a "Hebrew"-----being a
HEBREW----refers------ie. self describes by people who called themselves Hebrews refers to
a semitic root which implies-----something like
movement and transformation. Hebrews came under the leadership of JUDAH----and his heirs---
and came to be called "JEWS"-----got it now,
Of course for Israel to give their land back and take the fence down, to quit bulldozing their homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, what they agreed to in the Balfour Declaration.

If I remember correctly, Arab countries waged several wars against Israel. And they lost these wars. Why couldn’t these territories be considered as a trophy?

Esay----regarding crime in Russia----yup----
the Russians virtually live on it----very much so
including during the heyday of communism

Well, the crime rate in the USSR was very low. Actually, that was one of the advantages which the Bolshevik rule had brought.
for Penelope----jews define Jew ----as any child of
a jewish mother-----or any convert to Judaism.
Both of my parents are jews. What are you,
Penelope-----other than somewhat illiterate and-----
based on my experience with Nazis of the north-east
of the USA and my time in the navy------a southern Nazi?-------do you have an impression
that 95% of "NEW YORK"s population are
jooos and the whole place is a GIANT CITY??

then you have a problem, Judah married a Ham Canaanite. We are also told in Kings they intermarried with all the pagan women and had children by then. So you see the problem here?

If both your parents are jews, what line are they from, what tribe?? To even think your a jew you should know this. If your a convert, just proves once again ,, jew is not a race. (This has nothing to do with the German Army or WWII)

I see no problem at all -----your statement
"JEWS ARE NOT A RACE" has no meaning at
all. Race is a very artificial designation ----virtually meaningless. In some places it simply depends on the color of the skin-----Sometimes the term "race" is used to describe any "group"
of people with common attributes -----for example---some people refer to "Hispanics" as a
race -----just because they either came from or have ancestors from south America ----where for
many centuries SPANISH was (and is) the spoken language------and the cuisine includes
CORN TORTILLAS. Are you STILL trying to
present yourself as an idiot?
for Penelope----jews define Jew ----as any child of
a jewish mother-----or any convert to Judaism.
Both of my parents are jews. What are you,
Penelope-----other than somewhat illiterate and-----
based on my experience with Nazis of the north-east
of the USA and my time in the navy------a southern Nazi?-------do you have an impression
that 95% of "NEW YORK"s population are
jooos and the whole place is a GIANT CITY??

then you have a problem, Judah married a Ham Canaanite. We are also told in Kings they intermarried with all the pagan women and had children by then. So you see the problem here?
Of course for Israel to give their land back and take the fence down, to quit bulldozing their homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, what they agreed to in the Balfour Declaration.

If I remember correctly, Arab countries waged several wars against Israel. And they lost these wars. Why couldn’t these territories be considered as a trophy?

Esay----regarding crime in Russia----yup----
the Russians virtually live on it----very much so
including during the heyday of communism

Well, the crime rate in the USSR was very low. Actually, that was one of the advantages which the Bolshevik rule had brought.

I agree the arabs did wage war, in retaliation, and I suppose , they can see it as a trophy win, but we really don't do that these days do we, like what Isis may be doing, because if so, then Isis is doing just what the Zionist did and are continuing to do. Since 1948 to today they are still stealing land from the Pals and now the Bedouins and building apts for Jews. They have taken over the land. So if we want to be barbaric then we have to allow Isis to do what they are doing.

As far as crime in Russia:

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.

Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty,7...342999,00.html
Of course for Israel to give their land back and take the fence down, to quit bulldozing their homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, what they agreed to in the Balfour Declaration.

If I remember correctly, Arab countries waged several wars against Israel. And they lost these wars. Why couldn’t these territories be considered as a trophy?

Esay----regarding crime in Russia----yup----
the Russians virtually live on it----very much so
including during the heyday of communism

Well, the crime rate in the USSR was very low. Actually, that was one of the advantages which the Bolshevik rule had brought.

not really-------crime was the way of life-----petty theft, and ---corruption and bribery etc was
the way of life. ----everyone dealt with the black
market -----now and then. Theft was so prevalent that when people used common kitchens----they had pots with LOCKS on them. Factories making consumer products had a rate of loss
from pilfering-----which was expected. I know this stuff from Russians-----way back in 1965 my brother visited Russia-------he could barely walk around without being offered black market rate
rubles for his blue jeans
for Penelope----jews define Jew ----as any child of
a jewish mother-----or any convert to Judaism.
Both of my parents are jews. What are you,
Penelope-----other than somewhat illiterate and-----
based on my experience with Nazis of the north-east
of the USA and my time in the navy------a southern Nazi?-------do you have an impression
that 95% of "NEW YORK"s population are
jooos and the whole place is a GIANT CITY??

then you have a problem, Judah married a Ham Canaanite. We are also told in Kings they intermarried with all the pagan women and had children by then. So you see the problem here?

If both your parents are jews, what line are they from, what tribe?? To even think your a jew you should know this. If your a convert, just proves once again ,, jew is not a race. (This has nothing to do with the German Army or WWII)

I see no problem at all -----your statement
"JEWS ARE NOT A RACE" has no meaning at
all. Race is a very artificial designation ----virtually meaningless. In some places it simply depends on the color of the skin-----Sometimes the term "race" is used to describe any "group"
of people with common attributes -----for example---some people refer to "Hispanics" as a
race -----just because they either came from or have ancestors from south America ----where for
many centuries SPANISH was (and is) the spoken language------and the cuisine includes
CORN TORTILLAS. Are you STILL trying to
present yourself as an idiot?

I agree then how can you have a jewish state, which you know your Israel is based on secular state . Yes they teach torah and Hebrew in the schools but not as a religion. They see it as culture. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim state , but that is a religion, but you Israelites have no right to that land as I hear your PM so often say, about everyday, although he was raised secular and lived most of his life in the US, yet he talks about how God gave them the land. He is so full of it, it can literally make one throw up. Just today, Jerusalem means so much to them , heck for centuries they could care less about Palestine let alone Jerusalem or the wailing wall . Even when Cyrus, linage from Ham, said the Jews could return from Babylonia most chose not to. So it would be nice if they quit all this BS about God gave them this land, but if one reads the OT one can see they were not holy people then and who ever is there today are the same. How they can treat the Pals like they do, is just beyond me.
not really-------crime was the way of life-----petty theft, and ---corruption and bribery etc was
the way of life. ----everyone dealt with the black
market -----now and then. Theft was so prevalent that when people used common kitchens----they had pots with LOCKS on them. Factories making consumer products had a rate of loss
from pilfering-----which was expected. I know this stuff from Russians-----way back in 1965 my brother visited Russia-------he could barely walk around without being offered black market rate
rubles for his blue jeans

I will open you a little secret – I live in a post-Soviet country. I was very young when the USSR existed, but my parents and some other relatives remember that time. There were much less killings, robbery, drugs, and other things we have now. Of course, information about serious crimes wasn’t freely released at that time, but ‘murder will out’. And level of corruption was too much lower than it is now. Of course, corruption existed there, but now its level is just incredible.
for Penelope----jews define Jew ----as any child of
a jewish mother-----or any convert to Judaism.
Both of my parents are jews. What are you,
Penelope-----other than somewhat illiterate and-----
based on my experience with Nazis of the north-east
of the USA and my time in the navy------a southern Nazi?-------do you have an impression
that 95% of "NEW YORK"s population are
jooos and the whole place is a GIANT CITY??

then you have a problem, Judah married a Ham Canaanite. We are also told in Kings they intermarried with all the pagan women and had children by then. So you see the problem here?
Of course for Israel to give their land back and take the fence down, to quit bulldozing their homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, what they agreed to in the Balfour Declaration.

If I remember correctly, Arab countries waged several wars against Israel. And they lost these wars. Why couldn’t these territories be considered as a trophy?

Esay----regarding crime in Russia----yup----
the Russians virtually live on it----very much so
including during the heyday of communism

Well, the crime rate in the USSR was very low. Actually, that was one of the advantages which the Bolshevik rule had brought.

I agree the arabs did wage war, in retaliation, and I suppose , they can see it as a trophy win, but we really don't do that these days do we, like what Isis may be doing, because if so, then Isis is doing just what the Zionist did and are continuing to do. Since 1948 to today they are still stealing land from the Pals and now the Bedouins and building apts for Jews. They have taken over the land. So if we want to be barbaric then we have to allow Isis to do what they are doing.

As far as crime in Russia:

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.

Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty,7...342999,00.html

Penelope---what is there about the statement you use in your signature that so fascinates you? Do
you have even the slightest idea why a jew would
have written it-----or what it actually reveals about jews and what it reveals about scum like you?

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