Iran: We Can Hit 35 US Bases in 'Minutes'

surface to air missiles.

Missiles to intercept flying objects is very costly.
The cost-advantage is with the side who launches surface-to-surface.
A single SM-3 missile of AEGIS system costs 15 million $. For that money the Iranians probably can produce 15-100 missiles. And there's no guaranteed success of interception.
The USA can not protect all of its assets in that area.
there would be a flurry of asymmetrical naval warfare, they have no air force worthy of the term, basically water borne hit and run and indirect fire weapons, via mobile and some static launch sites.

you can bet we have been cataloging them for years, their movements etc would be short, lively and result in the destitution of Irans forces period.

age old conundrum;if you dissipate your forces you no longer have those forces to threaten anyone with.....;).
surface to air missiles.

Missiles to intercept flying objects is very costly.
The cost-advantage is with the side who launches surface-to-surface.
A single SM-3 missile of AEGIS system costs 15 million $. For that money the Iranians probably can produce 15-100 missiles. And there's no guaranteed success of interception.
The USA can not protect all of its assets in that area.

there may be a few leakers and we may even lose a few ships, agreed, BUT, they had better act all at once, because as soon as the the balloon goes up, their forces are on a very short timeline for life.
Right....And what do they do after a thorough and professional counter-attack, with precision guided ordinance rammed up their asses?

Not that I'm necessarily for such a thing, but who do those little goat fuckers think that they're dealing with?

who says we'd be counter attacking? and if so, what of the counter counter attack?

The first day of the Romney Administration.

That's the way Reagan came in when the first Carter went out.

What's a few pissed off Persians?
It is way too optimistic to imagine that obama would be interested in mounting any kind of defense or retaliatory attack.
Though I thin Iran would be far more problematic than the recent wars we have been in, they really are not a problem for the US military. We would probably see a much higher US soldier death toll, but unless iranian allies get involved they really cannot do much. I also think Iran's leadership are blustering. A military base has to be designed with being hit in mind. This means heavier defenses, quicker recovery, and heavier protection for key parts. Possibly they could even have mobility or just offsite resources to re-establish the base.

O course, such a response would cause an escalated confrontation and the US no longer holding back as much lie they do in some places. In places like afganistan there are concerns about allied forces and civilians. This ties US hands, but if the entire country is considered hostile the US has a much easier time.

At the very least there is no threat to the US lands from Iran. They can bluster all they want way down there, but that is their neighborhood. Without the ability to strike the source they cannot take a protracted and violent war.
Granny says Obama needs to...

... smack dat Ammerjabberjob...

... on his beanie lil' head...

... an' den put one o' dem boots onna ground...

... uppa his butt...

... an' kick the Shiite right outta him.
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America invented the bomb, and we pioneered ICBM's. Over fifty years of experience. We lived with the threat of nuclear war for years. We have mini nukes and drones... Iran is a snot nosed bunch of muslim ideologue ding-a-lings with an attitude. Who do they think they are fooling?
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Where to start?

We have 2 carrier task forces within striking distance of Iran. That's two of the most destructive forces on earth.

If we have a President with half a brain and a set of balls, We will not occupy Iran. But we will blow them back to the bronze age.

Iranian forces are a joke compared to ours.

Imajihad will be shitting his pants until we march down the street and take him out...

Did I mention that they pissed me off personally back in 79 and I haven't forgotten or forgiven the assholes?

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