Iran: We supplied Hezbollah with advanced missiles.

FINALLY! So the Israeli's ADMIT they have nukes!



We must rid the ME of all nuclear material for there to be peace. I think nukes in Israel are a far greater theat to peace than a few missiles given to some terrorists. I'm sure Mossad as done much worse.

Mossad's Motto: "By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War"

Mossad is guilty of far far worse than a few missiles, so give the forum a break already, we don't give a shit.

The Dancing Israelis FBI Report - Debunked
Iran: We supplied Hezbollah missiles capable of reaching Dimona

Senior Revolutionary Guard official says Fateh-110 missiles, with a range of up to 350 kilometers, can strike Israel's nuclear reactor.
Iran We supplied Hezbollah missiles capable of reaching Dimona - Israel News Ynetnews

What's the name of the Senior Guard official, seems Israel is the one with the inside news, how convenient just ahead of the Iran talks
"The inflammatory report was published some 48 hours ahead of a final deadline for a nuclear deal between Iran and Western powers."

So predictable.
Iran: We supplied Hezbollah missiles capable of reaching Dimona

Senior Revolutionary Guard official says Fateh-110 missiles, with a range of up to 350 kilometers, can strike Israel's nuclear reactor.
Iran We supplied Hezbollah missiles capable of reaching Dimona - Israel News Ynetnews

What's the name of the Senior Guard official, seems Israel is the one with the inside news, how convenient just ahead of the Iran talks
"The inflammatory report was published some 48 hours ahead of a final deadline for a nuclear deal between Iran and Western powers."

So predictable.
Never mind the timing...

Was the report accurate?
FINALLY! So the Israeli's ADMIT they have nukes!



We must rid the ME of all nuclear material for there to be peace. I think nukes in Israel are a far greater theat to peace than a few missiles given to some terrorists. I'm sure Mossad as done much worse.

Mossad's Motto: "By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War"

Mossad is guilty of far far worse than a few missiles, so give the forum a break already, we don't give a shit.

The Dancing Israelis FBI Report - Debunked
1.Its Iranian report, not Israeli report (including the quotations..)
2.The Mossad Motto is "Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety."(Proverbs XI:14)

Now back to the subject.
Of course this is all predictable to you Penelope you cannot believe Muslims are behind the war waging all across the Middle East...Another Israeli conspiracy!~

Alas..we all expected a new chapter with Hezbollah now, it is known for months, predictable? what else would you expect?!

Iran commander Hezbollah s missile power improved News Lebanon News THE DAILY STAR
Iran says Hezbollah s missile power improved - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Good for them; might deter another Zionist incursion into Lebanon. If israel has a right to defend itself, why not Lebanon?

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