Iranian chief nuclear scientist assassinated

Because idiot they’re trying to destroy Israel
Because greedy Jews in Israel have been stealing the land and water of their neighbors for the last century.

"During and since its foundation in 1948, Israel has set out to control as much of the land of historic Palestine as possible and drive as many Palestinians from the land as it can.

"To this day, Israel continues to steal land, construct Jewish-only settlements, expel some Palestinians while cornering others into crowded ghettos, surrounded by walls, military watchtowers and checkpoints. (See this map showing Israeli ethnic cleaning, settler colonialism and apartheid, 1948 - present)."

Colonialism and Apartheid
Because idiot they’re trying to destroy Israel
Because greedy Jews in Israel have been stealing the land and water of their neighbors for the last century.

"During and since its foundation in 1948, Israel has set out to control as much of the land of historic Palestine as possible and drive as many Palestinians from the land as it can.

"To this day, Israel continues to steal land, construct Jewish-only settlements, expel some Palestinians while cornering others into crowded ghettos, surrounded by walls, military watchtowers and checkpoints. (See this map showing Israeli ethnic cleaning, settler colonialism and apartheid, 1948 - present)."

Colonialism and Apartheid
Excuse me ?? Who invaded who in 1948, 67 and 74??
Israel was attacked . Israel agreed to the 1948 UN but was invaders and almost exterminated . The 48 map only gave the Jews some scattered dots
The 48 map was just about zero land, then they won an impossible war only thanks to the help of smuggled US planes from American Jews and ex -WW2 American Jewish fighter pilots
Tell that to the soldiers dying under his watch...highest numbers in years....
Trump's "four years of peace" have also killed far more civilians than Obama's final term.

"Since his emergence as a political figure, Trump has promised that if he ever attained power, he would use the U.S. military to inflict a massive bloodletting on others, including noncombatants.

"Unlike other campaign promises, Trump has delivered on this one.

"Since taking office, he has presided over skyrocketing rates of civilian casualties in America’s many foreign conflicts.

"Beneath the hue and cry of the impeachment announcement, more people are dying in wars that are being waged as Trump promised, with more brutality than ever."

Don’t Forget: Civilian Casualties Are Skyrocketing Under Trump
Excuse me ?? Who invaded who in 1948, 67 and 74??
Israel was attacked . Israel agreed to the 1948 UN but was invaders and almost exterminated . The 48 map only gave the Jews some scattered dots
European Zionists had been speaking openly of converting Palestine to a Jewish-majority state for 30 years before 1948 when a Jewish minority was offered 55% of Palestine by the UN which violated its own Charter by not calling for free elections.

A century ago there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living between the River and the sea. By 1948 the ratio had shrunk to about 2:1. Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews in Palestine.

"The Iron Wall"

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs.

"Not now, nor in the prospective future.

"I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists.

"I do not believe that they will be hurt.

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."
Excuse me ?? Who invaded who in 1948, 67 and 74??
Israel was attacked . Israel agreed to the 1948 UN but was invaders and almost exterminated . The 48 map only gave the Jews some scattered dots
European Zionists had been speaking openly of converting Palestine to a Jewish-majority state for 30 years before 1948 when a Jewish minority was offered 55% of Palestine by the UN which violated its own Charter by not calling for free elections.

A century ago there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living between the River and the sea. By 1948 the ratio had shrunk to about 2:1. Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews in Palestine.

"The Iron Wall"

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs.

"Not now, nor in the prospective future.

"I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists.

"I do not believe that they will be hurt.

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."
It has always been where the Jewish people first came from
It even looks like a diamond !!
Jews have lost 2/3 of the West Bank which was historic Jewish lands
The 48 map was just about zero land, then they won an impossible war only thanks to the help of smuggled US planes from American Jews and ex -WW2 American Jewish fighter pilots
Imho, the Jews won in '48 and later because they were better organized and far more ruthless in their tactics than the Arabs were, but I think you have to consider the fact that they would not have won any of those military encounters without a generation of help from western imperialists:
The real legacy of the controversial Balfour Declaration - AIJAC

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The opening words of the declaration represented the first public expression of support for Zionism by a major political power.

"The term 'national home' had no precedent in international law, and was intentionally vague as to whether a Jewish state was contemplated.

"The intended boundaries of Palestine were not specified, and the British government later confirmed that the words 'in Palestine' meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine."
Mossad rammed a truck with explosives at it then had several agents open fire
All that is left is goo
A giant slab of goo
It has always been where the Jewish people first came from
It even looks like a diamond !!
Jews have lost 2/3 of the West Bank which was historic Jewish lands
Why are Jews entitled to the land their ancestors lived on thousands of years ago? The War to End All Wars had more to do with creating Israel than Moses did.

Capitalists in the UK needed US help to defeat German capitalists, and American Jews were key to convincing President Wilson to renege on his campaign promise to remain neutral. A "Jewish homeland in Palestine" was really a "little, loyal Jewish Ulster" at the headwaters of the Suez Canal.

The Balfour Myth

"Winston Churchill, colonial secretary during the Mandate era, considered a potential Jewish state to be a useful counterweight to the 'International Jew'.

"Sir Ronald Storss, the first British Governor of Jerusalem, hoped that a Jewish state would 'form for England a ‘"little loyal Jewish Ulster" in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'

"The British-Zionist partnership was drenched in racism, underpinned by British imperial motives.

"Attempts at peaceful coexistence between Jewish and Arab communities in the famous Faisal-Weizmann agreements of 1919, were frustrated by British mandate authorities in favour of more direct British control, further reinforcing the idea that Britain acted out of self-interest."
It has always been where the Jewish people first came from
It even looks like a diamond !!
Jews have lost 2/3 of the West Bank which was historic Jewish lands
Why are Jews entitled to the land their ancestors lived on thousands of years ago? The War to End All Wars had more to do with creating Israel than Moses did.

Capitalists in the UK needed US help to defeat German capitalists, and American Jews were key to convincing President Wilson to renege on his campaign promise to remain neutral. A "Jewish homeland in Palestine" was really a "little, loyal Jewish Ulster" at the headwaters of the Suez Canal.

The Balfour Myth

"Winston Churchill, colonial secretary during the Mandate era, considered a potential Jewish state to be a useful counterweight to the 'International Jew'.

"Sir Ronald Storss, the first British Governor of Jerusalem, hoped that a Jewish state would 'form for England a ‘"little loyal Jewish Ulster" in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'

"The British-Zionist partnership was drenched in racism, underpinned by British imperial motives.

"Attempts at peaceful coexistence between Jewish and Arab communities in the famous Faisal-Weizmann agreements of 1919, were frustrated by British mandate authorities in favour of more direct British control, further reinforcing the idea that Britain acted out of self-interest."
When you lose half your race by death camps ; it’s time to give the few survivors a nation
Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.
As opposed to Obama’s strategy of paying terrorists to overthrow a government we don’t “like”.
Mossad rammed a truck with explosives at it then had several agents open fire
All that is left is goohh
A giant slab of gooh

Maybe it was done by Iraqi Sunni's?
Only Mossad could carry out this extreme detail
They’re so good ..they could sneak into your house and circumcise you and you would not even know
Mossad rammed a truck with explosives at it then had several agents open fire
All that is left is goohh
A giant slab of gooh

Maybe it was done by Iraqi Sunni's?
Only Mossad could carry out this extreme detail
They’re so good ..they could sneak into your house and circumcise you and you would not even know

On the surface could be Mossad as they have had sleeper cells in Iran for decades via Iranian Jews.
But it's also a possibility that Iraqi Sunni's got lucky.
No one's talking.
On the surface could be Mossad as they have had sleeper cells in Iran for decades via Iranian Jews.
But it's also a possibility that Iraqi Sunni's got lucky.
No one's talking.
Brennan's talking:

"UPDATE: The former CIA Director, John Brennan, just tweeted this:

"I do not know whether a foreign government authorized or carried out the the murder of Fakhrizadeh. Such an act of state-sponsored terrorism would be a flagrant violation of international law & encourage more governments to carry out lethal attacks against foreign officials."
Because idiot they’re trying to destroy Israel
Because greedy Jews in Israel have been stealing the land and water of their neighbors for the last century.

"During and since its foundation in 1948, Israel has set out to control as much of the land of historic Palestine as possible and drive as many Palestinians from the land as it can.

"To this day, Israel continues to steal land, construct Jewish-only settlements, expel some Palestinians while cornering others into crowded ghettos, surrounded by walls, military watchtowers and checkpoints. (See this map showing Israeli ethnic cleaning, settler colonialism and apartheid, 1948 - present)."

Colonialism and Apartheid

Yeah, the muzzies really fucked up, eh?
Because idiot they’re trying to destroy Israel
Because greedy Jews in Israel have been stealing the land and water of their neighbors for the last century.

"During and since its foundation in 1948, Israel has set out to control as much of the land of historic Palestine as possible and drive as many Palestinians from the land as it can.

"To this day, Israel continues to steal land, construct Jewish-only settlements, expel some Palestinians while cornering others into crowded ghettos, surrounded by walls, military watchtowers and checkpoints. (See this map showing Israeli ethnic cleaning, settler colonialism and apartheid, 1948 - present)."

Colonialism and Apartheid

Yeah, the muzzies really fucked up, eh?
I wonder if someone should tell the muslims that the jews were there about 2000 years before they were?

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