Iranians are Dancing in the Streets...

Why shouldn't they be dancing? They just got over $100 billion of frozen assets released and can continue with both their nuclear and ICBM programs. Kerry and Obama should both be beating themselves over the head with a brick right now.
They should be, I am happy for them as well.
Liberals do not understand what's at stake. Their country is run by theocrats that hate the west and believe allah will bless them in heaven for the destruction they cause.

The Iranians actually believe that the the 12th Imam's return will be hastened by the creation of chaos on earth, thus their desire to have nuclear weapons. They fully intend on using them against Israel.

Imam Mahdi
They have reason to dance. The sanctions hurt them badly and Obama and the other 5 countries have averted war.

That's good news for all of us.

Thank you, Mr. President.
They should be, I am happy for them as well.
Liberals do not understand what's at stake. Their country is run by theocrats that hate the west and believe allah will bless them in heaven for the destruction they cause.
Hmm that's funny... the GOP wants America to be run by theocrats who hate the east AND much of the west, and believe Jesus will bless them in heaven for the destruction they cause
They should be, I am happy for them as well.
Liberals do not understand what's at stake. Their country is run by theocrats that hate the west and believe allah will bless them in heaven for the destruction they cause.

The Iranians actually believe that the the 12th Imam's return will be hastened by the creation of chaos on earth, thus their desire to have nuclear weapons. They fully intend on using them against Israel.

Imam Mahdi
Delusional claptrap.
Why shouldn't they be dancing? They just got over $100 billion of frozen assets released and can continue with both their nuclear and ICBM programs. Kerry and Obama should both be beating themselves over the head with a brick right now.

Iran used the enrichment program to get the sanctions lifted, although they also want nuclear energy and its use for science. They have no intention of nuclear weapons.
They should be, I am happy for them as well.
Liberals do not understand what's at stake. Their country is run by theocrats that hate the west and believe allah will bless them in heaven for the destruction they cause.

The Iranians actually believe that the the 12th Imam's return will be hastened by the creation of chaos on earth, thus their desire to have nuclear weapons. They fully intend on using them against Israel.

Imam Mahdi

I really doubt deep down they believe that stuff, of course some may like the evangelical Christians in the US.
Iran used the enrichment program to get the sanctions lifted, although they also want nuclear energy and its use for science. They have no intention of nuclear weapons.

Really? So why do they have a heavy-water PLUTONIUM reactor that has no role in producing electricity?

Um, the got or are getting the sanctions lifted. That is what they were after and that was the way they went about it . If they wanted a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel they would of done it , sanctions or no sanctions, years ago.
Of course they are. they bought and Paid for Obama and played him like the puppet he is to them.

way to go all you who voted for him

get this:
Kerry Dismisses Iran's Financial Support for Hezbollah, Other Terror Groups

He said it was the U.S. intelligence community analysis that whatever amount of money accrued by Iran “that finds its way somewhere, is not the difference in what is happening in the Middle East.”


A 2010 Pentagon report to Congress on Iran's military power said Tehran 'provides roughly 00-$200 million per year in funding to support Hezbollah.' (Image: DoD)
In a 2010 report to Congress on Iran’s military power, the Department of Defense said that Iran “provides roughly $100-$200 million per year in funding to support Hezbollah.”

all of it here:
Kerry Dismisses Iran s Financial Support for Hezbollah Other Terror Groups
Yeah, they do want nukes, but this will push them back by almost a decade and a lot can happen before then.
Um, the got or are getting the sanctions lifted. That is what they were after and that was the way they went about it . If they wanted a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel they would of done it , sanctions or no sanctions, years ago.

My God....why do you think they've been enriching uranium for all these years if they could find a bomb elsewhere? And why do they have a plutonium reactor? Continue making a fool of yourself if you want, but I'd suggest buying a clue what all this is about first.
... I don't see a whole lot of that here.
That's because you're comprehensively ignorant of the issues, like most others on the right.

Oh, and what "issues" would those be? A doctrine of never allowing them to have nukes changing to delaying them getting nukes? Barry's "legacy" will seem a little different if Tel Aviv is one day a smoldering pile of ashes, asshole.
Iran used the enrichment program to get the sanctions lifted, although they also want nuclear energy and its use for science. They have no intention of nuclear weapons.

Really? So why do they have a heavy-water PLUTONIUM reactor that has no role in producing electricity?
They found it on sale on Amazon and got free shipping?
Um, the got or are getting the sanctions lifted. That is what they were after and that was the way they went about it . If they wanted a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel they would of done it , sanctions or no sanctions, years ago.

Wait a're saying they started a nuclear program to end the sanctions against them for having a nuclear program? :spinner:

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