Iraq embassy under attack by Iran lead protests!

Iranian terrorists flags flown by the dipshits attacking the embassy.

Thank you Obama for giving your Iranian Mullah buddies the billions in cash so they finance anti American demonstrations like this, you fucking asshole.

Clearly, retaliating against Iranian proxies in Iraq is a failed tactic. The next retaliation has to be against Iranian targets, preferably inside of Iran.
Or we should just get out of Iraq.....

Seems like ever since we fucked up and invaded Iraq, Iran has gotten stronger and Iraq has gotten weaker.....

But here we are --- nearly 20 years later and you neo-cons are sneaking back out of the closet again like we don't recognize you
It doesn't seem that way at all. When Obama took office US forces were only supplying logistical support for Iraqi forces who were successfully fighting terrorists among both the Shi'ite and Sunni, and Iraq had become a functioning democracy. When Obama withdrew US forces to enhance his reelection prospects in the 2012 elections, the country fell apart. Al Qaeda, which had been reduced to a mere nuisance became resurgent and morphed into ISIS, the Shi'ites kicked the Sunni and Kurds out of the officer corps and Shi'ite militia began attacking Sunni who had been abandoned by Obama. If you recall, it was Obama who sent US forces back into Iraq to fight ISIS when the Iraqis and Iranians were unable to stop them without US help.

It was Obama's reckless politicking that caused the present problems in Iraq and repeating his same irresponsible mistake again will only make matters worse. The only sensible action is to hold Iran directly accountable for its actions by hitting government targets inside of Iran the next time Iranian proxies attack US forces.
Shouldn't Iran get out of Iraq? Surely we can compromise.....riiighhtt.....
Exactly. Iran is a global threat. There lies the problem. The are a state sponsor of terrorism and seek to disrupt the global oil supply.
America's next move in Iraq should be to exit the country.

Even the puppet government we have set up wants us to leave. .. :cool:
It is a Shi’a government that is a puppet of Iran.
It's not clear that the Iraqi government is an Iranian puppet by choice. When Obama sent US forces back into Iraq to fight ISIS, he made no objection to Shi'ite militia becoming part of Iraq's defence forces, and now these same Shi'ite militia are loyal to Iran and are effectively holding the Iraqi government hostage.
Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.

Yeah, this is actually news! I saw it on Reuters first thing this morning. Thanx for the thread.

Can't agree it's "obvious" Iran is behind it: they probably want us out because they want us out. We do sort of bomb them a lot; I can see the problem there. Out would be great with me: Iraq doesn't matter as much as Iran. They are quite ineffective. It's like South Vietnam and North Vietnam: why do we always ally with the weaker, less popular, ineffective part of the area??

But my first thought was that Trump pulled out the ambassador and all the staff in the face of THOUSANDS in angry crowds mixed with armed militia attacking the embassy. Unlike Hillary, he is not willing to lose another ambassador. It still makes me mad, that she and that Obama character just didn't bother to defend or save the embassy personnel in Libya at all -- just let them die, despite their pleading for days for help.

Trump does better.
Your welcome. Iran is now a full frontal threat to global security. Trump better take out some nuclear reactors with cruise missiles.Tell Israel to warm-up the jet planes, they can hit a few too.
Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.
100 Marines are in route. We’re about to see the opposite of Benghazi.
...Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad..

So, the killing of dozens of Iraqi soldiers by the empire has nothing to do with it?

Not Iraqi soldiers but Shi'ite militia loyal to Iran that killed a US contractor after several rocket attacks against US forces, who, if you recall, saved Iraq from ISIS after Obama withdrew US forces in preparation for the 2012 elections.
Shouldn't Iran get out of Iraq? Surely we can compromise.....riiighhtt.....
Exactly. Iran is a global threat. There lies the problem. The are a state sponsor of terrorism and seek to disrupt the global oil supply.
You`re a well trained puppet with all of the 20 year old talking points. If the enemy had 35 military bases surrounding my country I would lash out too. It`s time to go home and stop threatening Iran.
...even if you believe the official propaganda, it was the Saudis that did it... how come you ended up in the wrong country?

I know this guy is just a Russkie, but it is a good question, and one many American people asked themselves back in the day....

I just brought down to read the book Hubris about all the WMD lies and politicking that got us into the war in Iraq ---- the wrong country. I still wish we had bombed Mecca: I know a lot of Americans still wish that.
Am now waiting for the outrage that Mike Pompeo allowed the US embassy in Iraq to be stormed & entered.

That is not a problem. The problem is when we lose an ambassador and all his staff! That's really a problem. I don't care about the real estate or the building --- them messing it up should get us pulled out of Iraq quicker, I hope. I am very happy Trump managed to save the personnel.

You know, thousands of people in a mob are unstoppable. That is why riot police don't shoot: they'd be rolled over and killed. They make it into a sort of cat and mouse game. Unstoppable is why the Hong Kong riots just keep going --- they can't be stopped. Once that many furious people are outside the embassy, whoops, time to go.

That Bush --- he went into TWO countries making all the same mistakes we made in Vietnam, which we'd avoided making for thirty solid years, and of course, the exact same thing happened: we took 15 years and lost both wars. I only voted for that guy once: fool me twice, shame on me.
Shouldn't Iran get out of Iraq? Surely we can compromise.....riiighhtt.....
Exactly. Iran is a global threat. There lies the problem. The are a state sponsor of terrorism and seek to disrupt the global oil supply.
You`re a well trained puppet with all of the 20 year old talking points. If the enemy had 35 military bases surrounding my country I would lash out too. It`s time to go home and stop threatening Iran.
Obama returned US forces to Iraq at the request of the Iraqi government to rescue Iraq from ISIS after Iraqi and Iranian military forces were unable to do it. If it were not for those US bases Iraq would still be engaged in a devastating war with ISIS. Unfortunately, Obama raised no objection to Shi'ite militia loyal to Iran to become part of Iraqi defense forces and now those same militia are holding the Iraqi government hostage.

The US doesn't need forces in Iraq to threaten Iran. Iran is an hour from devastation anytime the US thinks it is necessary.
Am now waiting for the outrage that Mike Pompeo allowed the US embassy in Iraq to be stormed & entered.
"Outrage" (or lack of it) compared to Hillary calling in sick after Benghazi defenders ran out of ammunition and were killed and mutilated and dragged through the streets? That kind of outrage?
If it were not for those US bases Iraq would still be engaged in a devastating war with ISIS. Unfortunately, Obama raised no objection to Shi'ite militia loyal to Iran to become part of Iraqi defense forces and now those same militia are holding the Iraqi government hostage.

The way I saw it in the news is that ISIS just rolled over Iraq and conquered it as fast as we did in 2003. (Not really a valiant country, Iraq. Pretty incompetent at every level.) ISIS was a serious danger to the U.S. and Europe, what with all the terrorism and their conquering large amounts of territory and gaining soldiers from many countries. So we had to go in and undo the Obama damage when he pulled out troops, leaving a huge vacuum they filled. The problem with withdrawing -- and I hate this, I want us out -- is that ISIS could well come back and set up shop again. Well, what am I saying, that's what we just bombed, and made the Iraqis so mad.

The US doesn't need forces in Iraq to threaten Iran. Iran is an hour from devastation anytime the US thinks it is necessary.

I hope you are right. I think so. We still owe them for 1979 --- anytime is fine with me.
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