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Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
August 15, 2014 Headline out of Iran:

Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals Friday, August 15, 2014 10:18 PM

25 prominent Sunni tribes have taken up arms against radical militants and their allies in west of the Iraqi capital, a tribal leader and officers have said.

So why would anyone ever believe that all Sunnis are ISIL?

On 08-10-2014 at 11:13 AM tinydancer *wrote, "What a fucking pantload. This has nothing at all to do with Sunni disenchantment with a Shia government. ISIS couldn't give a rats ass about who is in power in Baghdad. I know Obama is aiming for a two for one to try to rid Syria of Assad and Iraq of Maliki but this bullshit you are trotting out in good Obamabot fashion is beyond the pale.

See *thread: “I blame Bushes for destabilizing Iraq..."

Here's the report that must stun tinydancer's mind:

!!!!! 25 prominent Sunni tribes have taken up arms against radical militants and their allies in west of the Iraqi capital, a tribal leader and officers have said.!!!!!!
Isn't it amazing how Obama get's the people of Iraq fight against their enemies without getting US troops killed on the ground to do it?

The uprising against extremists in Anbar province, where radicals from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group and insurgent allies hold major areas, came a day after Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi premier, abandoned his bid for a third term.
The current effort could potentially be a major turning point in Iraq's two-month conflict against an ISIL-led offensive.

"This popular revolution was agreed on with all the tribes that want to fight ISIL, which spilled our blood," Sheikh Abdel-Jabbar Abu Risha, one of the leaders of the uprising, told AFP.


Anbar police chief Maj. Gen. Ahmed Saddak said security forces were backing the uprising, which began at 6:00 am Friday.

"The battles are continuing until this moment," he said, putting the toll at 12 militants killed and adding: "We will not stop until the liberation of Anbar."

The push by tribesmen and security forces began with attacks on multiple areas northwest of Anbar provincial capital Ramadi, Abu Risha and Saddak said.


The case that Sunnis in Iraq were disenfranchised by Maliki is well established.

So now Iraq will become a ISIL terrorist 'bug zapper' for ISIL cockroaches. Kkurds, Shiites, an Sunni tribes can kill them all. with minimal US air support and stirkes.

Cockroaches can't fly can they?
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Syria too:

Sunni tribe rises up against ISIL in Syria 2014-08-14 By Waleed Abu al-Khair in Cairo

As alliances forged by the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) with tribes and factions in Iraq and Syria begin to crumble, local populations under the group's control are losing their fear of fighting back, analysts and activists told Al-Shorfa.

The recent clashes between ISIL gunmen and fighters from the Sunni Shaitat tribe, one of Syria's largest, have destroyed ISIL's aura and broken the barrier of public fear, they said.

Violent clashes broke out at the end of July in rural Deir Ezzor after ISIL detained three tribesmen in a move the Shaitat viewed as violating an agreement which stipulated they would not be attacked.

The incident breached an agreement between ISIL and the Shaitat in which the tribesmen agreed to surrender their weapons and renounce fighting ISIL in exchange for the safety of the local population, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

In response, some members of the tribe launched a Twitter campaign titled "Shaitat rises up against ISIL", AFP reported.
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Hallalujah !!! No more problems in Iraq !!!! This will work for sure.

who said anything about no more problems in Iraq? One major point is no Americans will be killed and wounded in Iraq and ISIL will slowly be driven out. Just like AQI was in 2006 and 2007 was driven out when the Sunni Tribes rose up against them.

And don't forget Iraq had no Al Qaeda problems until after Lil Dubya kicked the inspectors out and bombed and invaded Iraq to topple the government there.
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Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals
If true you have to ask what took them so long
Hallalujah !!! No more problems in Iraq !!!! This will work for sure.

On 08-10-2014 at 06:48 PM Dilloduck *wrote, "LMAO----better call your boy in from the golf course.

*thread: “I blame Bushes for destabilizing Iraq…”

Obama can golf all he wants unless he sends US ground troops into Iraq to be killed and wounded when there are plenty of Iraqi males who should be able to fight the IS threat to their existence.

As is reported here:


Operations targeting ISIL elements are still under way, with "significant progress in the western region of Anbar, especially more recently because of tribal support to the army", said ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Mohammed al-Askari.

Forces from the army's 1st and 7th divisions and the federal police have carried out 12 military operations in Fallujah, Ramadi, al-Qaim, al-Rutbah and al-Karma since August 2nd, he told Mawtani.

"The Iraqi air force carried out six sorties targeting specific camps and strongholds of ISIL," he said. "Those air and ground operations killed 71 terrorists in total, including 16 fighters of Arab, Asian and African nationalities, five of whom were in leadership positions."

The army also arrested 12 gunmen, including a Syrian and a Tunisian national, al-Askari said.

The army is "making different levels of progress in the cities of the province", said army commander in Anbar Lt. Gen. Rashid Flaih.

Morale has improved, he told Mawtani, and the army is fighting fit and has been dealing the gunmen painful blows.

The army also has taken back dozens of military vehicles and weapons ISIL seized at the start of the conflict, he said.
Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals
If true you have to ask what took them so long

Haven't you been listening to President Obama?

This advances the limited military objectives we’ve outlined in Iraq: protecting American citizens, providing advice and assistance to Iraqi forces as they battle these terrorists, and joining with international partners to provide humanitarian aid. But as I said when I authorized these operations, there is no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq. The only lasting solution is for Iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government -- one that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis, and one that can unify the country’s fight against ISIL.

Today, Iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort. Last month, the Iraqi people named a new President. Today, President Masum named a new Prime Minister designate, Dr. Haider al-Abadi. Under the Iraqi constitution, this is an important step towards forming a new government that can unite Iraq’s different communities.

Earlier today, Vice President Biden and I called Dr. Abadi to congratulate him and to urge him to form a new cabinet as quickly as possible -- one that’s inclusive of all Iraqis, and one that represents all Iraqis. I pledged our support to him, as well as to President Masum and Speaker Jabouri, as they work together to form this government. Meanwhile, I urge all Iraqi political leaders to work peacefully through the political process in the days ahead.

This new Iraqi leadership has a difficult task. It has to regain the confidence of its citizens by governing inclusively and by taking steps to demonstrate its resolve. The United States stands ready to support a government that addresses the needs and grievances of all Iraqi people.

Statement by the President on Iraq | The White House

Sunni tribal leaders have seen an improvement in Baghdad.

I think the couple hundred US Special Forces that Obama sent into Baghdad a month ago have been 're-organizing the Iraqi Army .. and a lot of US Special Forces and officers worked with these same tribal leaders during the First Anbar Awakening against AQI in 2006. They drove AQI out of Iraq after Bush created the conditions to drive AQ in.
Soooooo, how much does the DNC pay you to post?

So you are confirming that you have no rightwing counter to my presentation of the emerging facts that the rightwing hysteria and Obama bashing about Iraq was all for naught?

Most just run away.
Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals
If true you have to ask what took them so long

As long as Shiite Maliki was in power and disfranchising the Sunni, the Sunni were not going to come to help out.
Tiny Dancer discounted the notion that Maliki's actions against the Sunni had anything to do with the Sunni joining ranks with the ISIS. But in fact it had everything to do with the Sunni/ISIS connection.
He's gone and now the Sunni are willing to battle the ISIS. Still there is Shiite resistance to this. I guess the some of Shiite would rather be slaughtered/ lose their country than to work cooperatively with the Sunni for the good of their country. They must of learned that from the US and the deep, deep polarization between the Democrats and Republicans which is seriously hurting the USA. :mad:
August 15, 2014 Headline out of Iran:

Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals Friday, August 15, 2014 10:18 PM

25 prominent Sunni tribes have taken up arms against radical militants and their allies in west of the Iraqi capital, a tribal leader and officers have said.

So why would anyone ever believe that all Sunnis are ISIL?

On 08-10-2014 at 11:13 AM tinydancer *wrote, "What a fucking pantload. This has nothing at all to do with Sunni disenchantment with a Shia government. ISIS couldn't give a rats ass about who is in power in Baghdad. I know Obama is aiming for a two for one to try to rid Syria of Assad and Iraq of Maliki but this bullshit you are trotting out in good Obamabot fashion is beyond the pale.

See *thread: “I blame Bushes for destabilizing Iraq..."

Here's the report that must stun tinydancer's mind:

!!!!! 25 prominent Sunni tribes have taken up arms against radical militants and their allies in west of the Iraqi capital, a tribal leader and officers have said.!!!!!!
Isn't it amazing how Obama get's the people of Iraq fight against their enemies without getting US troops killed on the ground to do it?

The uprising against extremists in Anbar province, where radicals from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group and insurgent allies hold major areas, came a day after Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi premier, abandoned his bid for a third term.
The current effort could potentially be a major turning point in Iraq's two-month conflict against an ISIL-led offensive.

"This popular revolution was agreed on with all the tribes that want to fight ISIL, which spilled our blood," Sheikh Abdel-Jabbar Abu Risha, one of the leaders of the uprising, told AFP.


Anbar police chief Maj. Gen. Ahmed Saddak said security forces were backing the uprising, which began at 6:00 am Friday.

"The battles are continuing until this moment," he said, putting the toll at 12 militants killed and adding: "We will not stop until the liberation of Anbar."

The push by tribesmen and security forces began with attacks on multiple areas northwest of Anbar provincial capital Ramadi, Abu Risha and Saddak said.

Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals

The case that Sunnis in Iraq were disenfranchised by Maliki is well established.

So now Iraq will become a ISIL terrorist 'bug zapper' for ISIL cockroaches. Kkurds, Shiites, an Sunni tribes can kill them all. with minimal US air support and stirkes.

Cockroaches can't fly can they?

I've never said all Sunnis were ISIL. I am very careful with words.

I never said that Sunnis were not disenfranchised by Maliki.

I said ISIS and their invasion had nothing to do with Sunni disenfranchisement.

Don't lie and put words up that are not mine. I don't take kindly to it.
Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals
If true you have to ask what took them so long

As long as Shiite Maliki was in power and disfranchising the Sunni, the Sunni were not going to come to help out.
Tiny Dancer discounted the notion that Maliki's actions against the Sunni had anything to do with the Sunni joining ranks with the ISIS. But in fact it had everything to do with the Sunni/ISIS connection.
He's gone and now the Sunni are willing to battle the ISIS. Still there is Shiite resistance to this. I guess the some of Shiite would rather be slaughtered/ lose their country than to work cooperatively with the Sunni for the good of their country. They must of learned that from the US and the deep, deep polarization between the Democrats and Republicans which is seriously hurting the USA. :mad:

Liar. I never discounted that the Sunni's in Iraq who did nothing to assist the Iraqi troops or joined ISIS once they invaded didn't have a hard on for Maliki or his ruling party.

I have maintained a consistent position that ISIS and Levant now IS have only one motivation. To form a Caliphate and to seize as much territory as possible.

Their motivations have absolutely nothing to do with the internal conflicts within the Iraqi government.

You are blatantly lying about my position.
Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals
If true you have to ask what took them so long

They were probably waiting for Mailaki to get the boot.

Actually, I think the Iraqi Sunnis are coordinating with the Sunni Shaitat tribe in Syria who have just launched a major offensive against IS in Syria.

That's the largest Sunni tribe in Syria.
Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals
If true you have to ask what took them so long

As long as Shiite Maliki was in power and disfranchising the Sunni, the Sunni were not going to come to help out.
Tiny Dancer discounted the notion that Maliki's actions against the Sunni had anything to do with the Sunni joining ranks with the ISIS. But in fact it had everything to do with the Sunni/ISIS connection.
He's gone and now the Sunni are willing to battle the ISIS. Still there is Shiite resistance to this. I guess the some of Shiite would rather be slaughtered/ lose their country than to work cooperatively with the Sunni for the good of their country. They must of learned that from the US and the deep, deep polarization between the Democrats and Republicans which is seriously hurting the USA. :mad:

Liar. I never discounted that the Sunni's in Iraq who did nothing to assist the Iraqi troops or joined ISIS once they invaded didn't have a hard on for Maliki or his ruling party.

I have maintained a consistent position that ISIS and Levant now IS have only one motivation. To form a Caliphate and to seize as much territory as possible.

Their motivations have absolutely nothing to do with the internal conflicts within the Iraqi government.

You are blatantly lying about my position.

oh----gee-----tiny, you expressed yourself well. In fact I do agree with you for the first time
in my life. So many people do not understand the PULL OF ****THE CALIPHATE****
upon the hearts of muslims of all stripe. Good of you to set them straight------however---
not all will ADMIT it-------There are CALIPHATE DENIERS in the world -----just as there are

"caliphate----wats dat???" "who me"???

For those who do not know "caliphate" is not an issue of dispute between shia and sunni-----
Iraqi Sunnis take up arms against ISIL radicals
If true you have to ask what took them so long

As long as Shiite Maliki was in power and disfranchising the Sunni, the Sunni were not going to come to help out.
Tiny Dancer discounted the notion that Maliki's actions against the Sunni had anything to do with the Sunni joining ranks with the ISIS. But in fact it had everything to do with the Sunni/ISIS connection.
He's gone and now the Sunni are willing to battle the ISIS. Still there is Shiite resistance to this. I guess the some of Shiite would rather be slaughtered/ lose their country than to work cooperatively with the Sunni for the good of their country. They must of learned that from the US and the deep, deep polarization between the Democrats and Republicans which is seriously hurting the USA. :mad:

Liar. I never discounted that the Sunni's in Iraq who did nothing to assist the Iraqi troops or joined ISIS once they invaded didn't have a hard on for Maliki or his ruling party.

I have maintained a consistent position that ISIS and Levant now IS have only one motivation. To form a Caliphate and to seize as much territory as possible.

Their motivations have absolutely nothing to do with the internal conflicts within the Iraqi government.

You are blatantly lying about my position.

So, you never posted this?
From: Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD! Post# 68.
"Oh cut the bloody crap that this is about Sunni disenfranchisement. That's a pantload"
Now for all you wanker Obamabots who live and die to praise your Messiah. Get your facts straight.

Maliki stepped aside because the grand Ayatollah of Iran came out and endorsed publicly the newly appointed Prime Minister.

The Iraqi Sunni tribes are turning on ISIL because of blood not politcs just as the largest Syrian Sunni tribe has mounted an offensive. Blood is the reason.

Just because you fools live and die by your politcs does not mean the rest of the world does.

Here you go you assholes.

Sunni tribe rises up against ISIL in Syria
2014-08-15 By Waleed Abu al-Khair in Cairo


Members of the Sunni Shaitat tribe, one of Syria's largest, gather in al-Kashkiyeh in Deir Ezzor province after announcing an uprising against ISIL. [Photo courtesy of Mohieddine al-Aqidi]

Sunni tribe rises up against ISIL in Syria | Mawtani

And in Iraq Obamabot wankers the reason is blood as well. Not fucking politics.

"This popular revolution was agreed on with all the tribes" that want to fight ISIL, "which spilled our blood", said Sheikh Abdul Jabbar Abu Reesha, one of the leaders of the uprising.

Iraq Sunni tribes take up arms against ISIL | Al-Shorfa
Now for all you wanker Obamabots who live and die to praise your Messiah. Get your facts straight.

Maliki stepped aside because the grand Ayatollah of Iran came out and endorsed publicly the newly appointed Prime Minister.

The Iraqi Sunni tribes are turning on ISIL because of blood not politcs just as the largest Syrian Sunni tribe has mounted an offensive. Blood is the reason.

Just because you fools live and die by your politcs does not mean the rest of the world does.

Here you go you assholes.

Sunni tribe rises up against ISIL in Syria
2014-08-15 By Waleed Abu al-Khair in Cairo


Members of the Sunni Shaitat tribe, one of Syria's largest, gather in al-Kashkiyeh in Deir Ezzor province after announcing an uprising against ISIL. [Photo courtesy of Mohieddine al-Aqidi]

Sunni tribe rises up against ISIL in Syria | Mawtani

And in Iraq Obamabot wankers the reason is blood as well. Not fucking politics.

"This popular revolution was agreed on with all the tribes" that want to fight ISIL, "which spilled our blood", said Sheikh Abdul Jabbar Abu Reesha, one of the leaders of the uprising.

Iraq Sunni tribes take up arms against ISIL | Al-Shorfa

Iran had also been public with their dissatisfaction with Maliki because he disfranchised the Sunnis which they contended contributed to Sunni support of ISIS.
Secondly, any regular reader of my post knows that I certainly am not a Obama apologist.

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