Ireland PM Leo Varadkar resigns


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2023

Confederate General Pickett said of the attack, “The brilliant assault on Marye’s Heights of their Irish Brigade was beyond description. … We forgot they were fighting us, and cheer after cheer at their fearlessness went up all along our lines.”


Good riddance, this man has done nothing for the Irish people. He's allowed migrants to stab kids, he's tried passing speech laws that criticize those migrants stabbing kids and he's been getting his ass handed to him on referendums. The Irish people have had enough! Ireland for the Irish!
He's not Irish. Naturally he has no feelings of solidarity to the Irish. His loyalty is to those like himself, immigrants.

Good riddance, this man has done nothing for the Irish people. He's allowed migrants to stab kids, he's tried passing speech laws that criticize those migrants stabbing kids and he's been getting his ass handed to him on referendums. The Irish people have had enough! Ireland for the Irish!
Why do you care what goes on in Ireland?
Probably because my great grandmother and grandfather were Irish

You're just butthurt now and following me around threads cause I dare not love your small hat friends
This is your thread

If you dont others to comment ask the mods to lock it up for you
Its the focal point of world history and the future of mankind
So you're ok being a slave in that future

I notice you didn't respond to my last post on this subject care to do so now?

14:51 skip ahead and learn something
Post it again and we’ll see
Ok if you're just gonna keep deflecting I'll accept that as your concession..see you on my next thread where I'm sure you'll still be whining cause I don't care about your chosen tribe
I'm anti Zionist, I've explained that and given my reasons. I won't be a slave to anyone you on the other hand can't wait to wear your chains
I believe the Jews are exactly where God wants them to be

There is no higher recommendation than that

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