Irish anti trans bigot teacher jailed for contempt of court

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Despite his dismissal, Burke would travel daily to the school, driven by his father Sean, from Castlebar in Co Mayo – a four-hour round trip.

That is a bit creepy. Creepy as fuck in fact. He looks like a weirdo as does his weirdo family.No wonder his school is alarmed. His conrempt of court came when he tresspassed and the Gardai found him sitting alone in a classroom. Tick tick.

Jail is probably the best place for him. It keeps the kids and staff safe. Anybody who drivves 4 hours a day to stand in the rain has serious mental issues. Hell, I wouldnt tdrive for 4 hours a day for a fuck.

All of this time he is on full pay. The school could be spending that money on education and not compensating a nutter. The system iss rigged in favour of crazies. Throw away the key.

Despite his dismissal, Burke would travel daily to the school, driven by his father Sean, from Castlebar in Co Mayo – a four-hour round trip.

That is a bit creepy. Creepy as fuck in fact. He looks like a weirdo as does his weirdo family.No wonder his school is alarmed. His conrempt of court came when he tresspassed and the Gardai found him sitting alone in a classroom. Tick tick.

Jail is probably the best place for him. It keeps the kids and staff safe. Anybody who drivves 4 hours a day to stand in the rain has serious mental issues. Hell, I wouldnt tdrive for 4 hours a day for a fuck.

All of this time he is on full pay. The school could be spending that money on education and not compensating a nutter. The system iss rigged in favour of crazies. Throw away the key.

Enoch looking soulful outside the school he is banned from. Wanker.
Can someone explain to me how the Sovereign got the power to compel a teacher, with the force of law, to utter falsehoods?

If a student is, for example, a boy whose legal name is George, how can a teacher be sanctioned for addressing him as "George" and using appropriate male pronouns when referring to him?

This is a serious question. How is it that he is punished for addressing reality as it exists, and not according to an individual's delusions? If the student believed he were Napoleon Bonaparte, would the teacher be required to call him, "Nappie"? Could the teacher be sanctioned for not doing so?
The world has lost its mind. It is under satan's delusion that God's word tells us.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

He has blinded them so that they see Good as evil and evil as good.
Tommy, do you realize it's obvious to all that the word "tolerance" has no real meaning for you? It's just another verbal cudgel to give ya wiggle room when somebody points out the error of your ways.
His employer has a right to enforce standards of bahaviour. The big eared weirdo fuck should have done his job. Now he is in jail.
Can someone explain to me how the Sovereign got the power to compel a teacher, with the force of law, to utter falsehoods?

If a student is, for example, a boy whose legal name is George, how can a teacher be sanctioned for addressing him as "George" and using appropriate male pronouns when referring to him?

This is a serious question. How is it that he is punished for addressing reality as it exists, and not according to an individual's delusions? If the student believed he were Napoleon Bonaparte, would the teacher be required to call him, "Nappie"? Could the teacher be sanctioned for not doing so?
You know that Ireland doesnt have a king ? You are aware of that. ?
The world has lost its mind. It is under satan's delusion that God's word tells us.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

He has blinded them so that they see Good as evil and evil as good.
What did Jesus say about trannies ?

1 Corinthians 6:9​

Or do you not know that the unrighteous[a] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,[b]​

Doesnt mantion trannys.
Elsewhere it mentions adulterers and yet you vote for one. So please fucking save me your fake christianity.

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