Irish six months later

Kiki Cannoli

Have you met my shadow?
May 27, 2011
Well we still don't know what she is except gorgeous!

Irish is just about 11 months and is quite the handful. She loves to run and has such long elegant strides. She is a little barky and can frighten people. I am working on correcting this behaviour rigorously.

The most popular breed identities are english bull terrier and white shepard. Sometimes we hear whippit and akita.

Now Uncensored has been nice enough to take the bull terrier to the next level, a staffordshire.

The photo doesn't reflect her almost always curled tail.

Anyway thanks all! We love her.
It is always so pleasant to see a dog who is loved and appreciated by her people. Because that's all a dog really wants...people.

Thank you for that. : ) So many dogs are not so lucky. : (
It is always so pleasant to see a dog who is loved and appreciated by her people. Because that's all a dog really wants...people.

Thank you for that. : ) So many dogs are not so lucky. : (

You are so right. She was so broken when she came to us I was hesitant in taking her on. She had been beat and starved. Now she is adapted and lovely, a real gem.

Thank you Kooshdakhaa.
Yes, there is a special reward in rescuing them. Sometimes when I'm feeling down about myself I look around at my rescued animals and think...I saved this life...and that one...and that one...

And I feel better. : )
Pretty dog, and lovely that you've taken her in as a rescue.

Rescues are tricky. I've got a bassett hound that I rescued. She was nearly starved, heartworm positive, has a bullet in her leg and was very withdrawn.

She's a happy girl now, and headstrong.
People tend to think bassetts are these shy sweet retiring dogs...they really aren't. They're hounds and hounds are, essentially, killers.

But they're so darned CUTE.

People expect saints to be a lot more lethargic than they actually are, too. While they are fairly sedentary, they definitely have a playful and athletic nature, and can be quite territorial!
People tend to think bassetts are these shy sweet retiring dogs...they really aren't. They're hounds and hounds are, essentially, killers.

But they're so darned CUTE.

People expect saints to be a lot more lethargic than they actually are, too. While they are fairly sedentary, they definitely have a playful and athletic nature, and can be quite territorial!

Bassets are not really aggressive, but can hold their own. I had one as a kid. He was attacked by a German Shepard probably 50 pounds heavier in our front yard. Dad went and grabbed a rifle and I headed towards them with a baseball bat. By the time I got close enough, the basset had the Shepard by the throat and was hanging on as the larger dog tried to shake him loose. He was torn up pretty bad and ran off, tail between his legs.
Irish. What a beauty of a dog.

Kudo's to you for taking her in and giving her a real shot at a great life.

I rescue and theres nothing more rewarding.

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