Iron lady Pelosi has given tRump many things to ponder that explains his latest derangement episode.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
The Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier on MSNBC interview explained why she is tRump's equal when it comes to her oversight of bills being passed and Constitutional authority that if tRump ignores those bills, they become law in a set time. Additionally, reminding the dictator wannabe tyrant tRump that it is the House that holds the power of the purse and not his vicious threats and intimidation tactics. Furthermore, putting tRump on notice again that impeachment remains a serious issue at dealing with this sleazy crony of global thugs, murderers and uncivilized perverts.

Exclusive: Nancy Pelosi vows 'different world' for Trump, no more 'rubber stamp' in new Congress
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Crazy lady. I've seen the vids she can't even remenber who's POTUS.

Certainly some sort of mental issue going on and she's your "leader".....snicker
They get dumber every day.

It's almost not fun anymore. These parasites are severely retarded.
Trump was seriously unhinged in that press conference. Jesus was that fucked up

Make a right turn make a left turn..

Pelousy seems to have lost more than wrinkled skin with all her face lifts......she lost brain cells that she could ill-afford to lose. She is a doddering old hag that is showing all the classic signs of oncoming dementia.
Crazy lady. I've seen the vids she can't even remenber who's POTUS.

Certainly some sort of mental issue going on and she's your "leader".....snicker
Something slanderous against an older American.

Just so you know, just about the entire GOP leadership are "older" Americans.
The Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier on MSNBC interview explained why she is tRump's equal when it comes to her oversight of bills being passed and Constitutional authority that if tRump ignores those bills, they become law in a set time. Additionally, reminding the dictator wannabe tyrant tRump that it is the House that holds the power of the purse and not his vicious threats and intimidations tactics. Furthermore, putting tRump on notice again that impeachment remains a serious issue at dealing with this sleazy crony of global thugs, murderers and uncivilized perverts.

Exclusive: Nancy Pelosi vows 'different world' for Trump, no more 'rubber stamp' in new Congress
She was terrific tonight in her hour long interview. She was at her College Alma Mater. Many of her classmates were there.

I like when she referred to the GOP's tax thing as the GOP's Tax Scam. And talked about how much damage it caused and who got the money.
The Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier on MSNBC interview explained why she is tRump's equal when it comes to her oversight of bills being passed and Constitutional authority that if tRump ignores those bills, they become law in a set time.

Wow.. She actually has to ASSERT that she's equal? YET -- you fell for this --- "If Trump ignores those bills, they become law....." Shit???

How often does THAT HAPPEN?? When's the last time? The lady is OLD. She rambles and stumbles without a script. And WITH A SCRIPT in her face --- she has to ask at the end -- "Have I skipped a couple pages".. (happened a couple days live on TV)...

Lots of old farts been there DECADES too long on both sides of aisle. Completely untethered to any pride in their work or honesty in their speech...
Pelousy seems to have lost more than wrinkled skin with all her face lifts......she lost brain cells that she could ill-afford to lose. She is a doddering old hag that is showing all the classic signs of oncoming dementia.

She's part of a neo-bolshevik cabal that was once directed by the KGB, since then the only compass the international marxists have left is taking down their greatest enemy from within as Khrushchev promised, but without direction from moscow they have no real leadership other than UN psychopaths. We are on the brink of defeating these parasites electorally, culturally and intellectually. We can not alleviate the pressure.

It has been so long eating and drinking being merry How strange, How strange
Taking our Great Mongol ancestors names in vain How strange, how strange
Yet, would not honor our oath and destiny How strange, how strange
Why the valuable ethics of ancestors become worthless? How strange, how strange

Hey you traitor! Kneel down!
Hey, Prophecies be declared!

You've born in ancestor’s fate yet Sleeping deeply, can't be awakened How strange, how strange
Blindly declaring that Only Mongols are the best How strange, how strange
Born to live as nobles Yet, can't unite as one How strange, how strange
Why is it difficult to rise up our nation up? How strange, how strange

Hey you traitor! Kneel down
Hey, Prophecies be declared!

Why it’s so hard to cherish the Ancestors' inherited land? How strange, how strange
Why priceless edifications of elders turning to ashes? How strange, how strange
With the future of eternal prosperity, The Wolf totemed Mongols have the blessings of Heaven
Born with undeniable fate to gather nations, the Lord Chinggis declares his name on earth. Would come back, Will come back

Oh Black Banner be awakened, be awakened
Oh the Khanate (royal power) rise and rise forever

How strange, how strange

The Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier on MSNBC interview explained why she is tRump's equal when it comes to her oversight of bills being passed and Constitutional authority that if tRump ignores those bills, they become law in a set time. Additionally, reminding the dictator wannabe tyrant tRump that it is the House that holds the power of the purse and not his vicious threats and intimidations tactics. Furthermore, putting tRump on notice again that impeachment remains a serious issue at dealing with this sleazy crony of global thugs, murderers and uncivilized perverts.

Exclusive: Nancy Pelosi vows 'different world' for Trump, no more 'rubber stamp' in new Congress

Iron lady? Yes, she is. Go Nancy!

Liberal cocksuckers doing what they got to do.

Wow, it's nice not having to watch one's tongue!

Thank you liberals!

Swallow may be the only protein you get for days.
Unhinged? You libs keep redefining words.
Keep it up and we're going to have an entirely new language.


You and I read 1984 as the horror story it was supposed to be.

Bed wetters read it as a blue print.

Trump was seriously unhinged in that press conference. Jesus was that fucked up

Make a right turn make a left turn..

Unhinged? You libs keep redefining words.
Keep it up and we're going to have an entirely new language.
Did you watch that "performance".

If it didn't cost you brain have none to lose

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