Ironic that Dems Portray White Men as Rapists While they Endlessly Import Cultures That Have rapists

i only speak the truth. you're just gonna have to deal with it
What do you mean portray.....Most of the liberal white men and plenty of liberal blacks have abused women. Just a list of a few.

John F. Kennedy - Cheated on his wife with Marylyn.
Robert Kennedy - Cheated on his wife also with Marylyn.
Ted Kennedy - Cheated on his wife with Marylyn and Mary Jo, then killed Mary Jo,
Jessie Love Child Jackson - Yes cheated on wife, and used company money to fund love child.
Ray Rice - punched his girlfriend in a elevator saying she deserved it.
John Edwards - Cheated on wife, while she was dying of cancer.
William Jefferson Clinton - raped and abused women while wife was condoning such actions by covering up his abuses.
Anthony (Carlos Danger) Weiner - sent sexual explicit photos of him nude with son to 15 year old girls while married to Huma.
Harvey(the vampire) Weinstein - while married, forced female and possibly male movie stars to see his god awful body and he touch them, without their consent.

Yet, the left only listens to the accuser as being truthful, not those the liberals have accused. I hope to have a day in court where I will be on the jury of these fucking assholes, so they can rot in jail, or have the private parts severed and fed to pigs..
i only speak the truth. you're just gonna have to deal with it

See, the radical American Left is so bloody desperate to consolidate and keep its cultural power, its ideology allows for the flooding of its own shores and beaches and towns and cities with tides of acidic, flesh eating water, perfectly fine with slaughtering thousands of its own disciples socially and philosophically in the process, so long as when that corrosive tide eventually goes back out sea, enough of their staunchest ideologues remain alive to carry on their cultist faith. Since Lenin and even before him, the radical Left has willingly, pleasurably sacrificed and slaughtered even its own most loyal, fanatical believers to maintain power, and spread fear and cultural warfare.

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