Irony Alert! Fox News’ Stossel Says “Dumb People” Shouldn’t Vote


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
On yesterday’s (1/12/12) Your World, Fox Business Channel’s John Stossel added another bogus argument to the Republican War on Voting when he told host Neil Cavuto that “we shouldn’t have these get-out-the-vote campaigns” because “our intuition sets us astray in a modern economy” and “dumb” or uninformed people shouldn’t vote. That’s pretty funny coming from the channel whose viewers have been shown to be less informed about major news stories than the average American.

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On yesterday’s (1/12/12) Your World, Fox Business Channel’s John Stossel added another bogus argument to the Republican War on Voting when he told host Neil Cavuto that “we shouldn’t have these get-out-the-vote campaigns” because “our intuition sets us astray in a modern economy” and “dumb” or uninformed people shouldn’t vote. That’s pretty funny coming from the channel whose viewers have been shown to be less informed about major news stories than the average American.

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Only FoxNews viewers should be allowed to vote
On yesterday’s (1/12/12) Your World, Fox Business Channel’s John Stossel added another bogus argument to the Republican War on Voting when he told host Neil Cavuto that “we shouldn’t have these get-out-the-vote campaigns” because “our intuition sets us astray in a modern economy” and “dumb” or uninformed people shouldn’t vote. That’s pretty funny coming from the channel whose viewers have been shown to be less informed about major news stories than the average American.

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Only FoxNews viewers should be allowed to vote

but then they couldn't blame poor people for keeping them down.
I don't want people who are ignorant of politics or haven't become educated about the issues and the candidates to vote. Not sure why that is such a bad sentiment to have. :dunno:
The Democrat Party might never win another election if the stupid and the dead weren't allowed to vote.

[ame=]Racists and anti-Muslims Fill GOP Rally in South Carolina - YouTube[/ame]
I don't want people who are ignorant of politics or haven't become educated about the issues and the candidates to vote. Not sure why that is such a bad sentiment to have. :dunno:

Only problem is... who would do the testing? :eek:

OMG... they might have to show an ID also :omg:
I don't want people who are ignorant of politics or haven't become educated about the issues and the candidates to vote. Not sure why that is such a bad sentiment to have. :dunno:

Only problem is... who would do the testing? :eek:
Me, of course. :D

OMG... they might have to show an ID also :omg:
Hell, I'll take an educated, informed person over one who can show an ID any day of the week!

If I pass ya a hundie, will ya let me go on through
[ame=]I'm smart - YouTube[/ame]
On yesterday’s (1/12/12) Your World, Fox Business Channel’s John Stossel added another bogus argument to the Republican War on Voting when he told host Neil Cavuto that “we shouldn’t have these get-out-the-vote campaigns” because “our intuition sets us astray in a modern economy” and “dumb” or uninformed people shouldn’t vote. That’s pretty funny coming from the channel whose viewers have been shown to be less informed about major news stories than the average American.

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The Dems would never win a state wide or national election again.
Will they ask them to take tests in order to vote? Oh wait, they tried that. How did that work out.

Whats next, only homeowners can vote?

What the hell is wrong with this damn country. Well, I should ask what the hell is wrong with republicans actually.
The people who participate [in voting] oughtta be the ones who pay attention” Stossel declared, ignoring that, according to a 2011 Farleigh Dickenson University poll, people who “pay attention” to Fox News proved to be less well informed than those who get their news elsewhere; in fact, according to an analyst for the polling group, "it can be argued that the results show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all." This comes on the heels of a 2010 study by the University of Maryland demonstrating that Fox News viewers, regardless of political information, were "significantly more likely" to believe false information about American politics.

Now that’s entertainment.
Whats next, only homeowners can vote?

Too late, Nitwit Nation beat you to it:

Tea Party Nation President Says It ‘Makes A Lot Of Sense’ To Restrict Voting Only To Property Owners

Every week, the Tea Party Nation hosts a weekly radio program, calling itself a “home for conservatives.” Two weeks ago, Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips hosted the program and discussed changes that he felt should be made to voting rights in the United States. He explained that the founders of the country originally put “certain restrictions on who gets the right to vote.” He continued, “One of those was you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. If you’re not a property owner, you know, I’m sorry but property owners have a little bit more of a vested interest in the community than non-property owners”:

TEA Party says only property owners should have right to vote - Three Sonorans
If only Harvard graduates were allowed to vote, they would only vote for other Harvard graduates.

If only idiots were allowed to vote....
I would be happy if people with an I Q lower than 100 would just stop breeding.
His statements make him look like a dick, but hey, the dick has a point. Instead of just telling young people to vote, we should teach and encourage them to participate and pay attention to current events and become informed citizens. Merely having the right to vote, as Tocqueville so naively assumed, does not inspire a proud, patriotic or informed population.

But the way he phrased it was beyond idiotic, especially since he singled out young people, ignoring that old people have just as much capacity for not being informed.
It would be nice if everyone was well-informed before he voted – but that’s not going to happen, and it never will – hence a Republic, not a democracy.

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