Irony is a Cruel Mistress: The Koch Bros & WI State Retirement Fund


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
The vitriol from protesting Wisconsin workers towards the Kochs emerged quickly and intensely. Signs ranging between lame and vulgar (often both) dot the public-union marches.

But what the protesters don’t realize is that they actually have a reason to root for the Koch brothers.

According to the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB), the Wisconsin Retirement System owns $5.5 million in Georgia Pacific corporate bonds. (Georgia Pacific is owned by Koch Industries.) This is the retirement system in which the overwhelming majority of state and local employees participate. These are the pension benefits that public employees are trying so hard to protect.

So here’s the challenge: Explain to a Wisconsin state worker that they are the ones helping fund the Koch brothers. Then sit back and watch the fun.

Wisconsin State Employees Should Have Some Koch and Smile - By Christian Schneider - The Corner - National Review Online
Oh, that's beautiful!


"Death to those evil corporate basta.....wait........say what?!?!?!"

The vitriol from protesting Wisconsin workers towards the Kochs emerged quickly and intensely. Signs ranging between lame and vulgar (often both) dot the public-union marches.

But what the protesters don’t realize is that they actually have a reason to root for the Koch brothers.

According to the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB), the Wisconsin Retirement System owns $5.5 million in Georgia Pacific corporate bonds. (Georgia Pacific is owned by Koch Industries.) This is the retirement system in which the overwhelming majority of state and local employees participate. These are the pension benefits that public employees are trying so hard to protect.

So here’s the challenge: Explain to a Wisconsin state worker that they are the ones helping fund the Koch brothers. Then sit back and watch the fun.

Wisconsin State Employees Should Have Some Koch and Smile - By Christian Schneider - The Corner - National Review Online

The irony is even greater.... most folks that have any investment whether it be a 401k or some pension, their fortunes are tied to the well being and health of corporations. Yet many sit here day in and day out calling for the utter rape of the "evil empires".

Hopefully it is just abject ignorance and not outright stupidity. Or, perhaps, they have nothing invested in our economy so the just don't give a shit. Who knows.
The vitriol from protesting Wisconsin workers towards the Kochs emerged quickly and intensely. Signs ranging between lame and vulgar (often both) dot the public-union marches.

But what the protesters don’t realize is that they actually have a reason to root for the Koch brothers.

According to the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB), the Wisconsin Retirement System owns $5.5 million in Georgia Pacific corporate bonds. (Georgia Pacific is owned by Koch Industries.) This is the retirement system in which the overwhelming majority of state and local employees participate. These are the pension benefits that public employees are trying so hard to protect.

So here’s the challenge: Explain to a Wisconsin state worker that they are the ones helping fund the Koch brothers. Then sit back and watch the fun.

Wisconsin State Employees Should Have Some Koch and Smile - By Christian Schneider - The Corner - National Review Online

The irony is even greater.... most folks that have any investment whether it be a 401k or some pension, their fortunes are tied to the well being and health of corporations. Yet many sit here day in and day out calling for the utter rape of the "evil empires".

Hopefully it is just abject ignorance and not outright stupidity. Or, perhaps, they have nothing invested in our economy so the just don't give a shit. Who knows.

It's outright stupidity. Some people do not want to know the truth, even when confronted with it. They are just fine with their own mythology and will fight to the death to defend it.
Wait wait wait just minute.

So you're telling me that all the benefits these folks are getting are coming from the union investing in the Koch brother's industries?

So these union members need to be thanking and rooting for the success of Koch Industries?

That is the richest, sweetest of irony!
Oh, that's beautiful!


"Death to those evil corporate basta.....wait........say what?!?!?!"


The obvious, rationale answer is this:

The evil corporations should liquidate all assets and just hand them over to the workers. Easy enough, why can't us right wingers realize it???
Definitely irony.

I still have no idea why they find the Koch brothers so evil to begin with.
Im pro corporation and everything but the wealth gap has to brought down quite a bit. The disparity is much too great.
I just can't comprehend the irony.

That the unions get more money as the Koch brothers company profits more. Less Koch profits means less money for union members. Yet, union members rip them.

Kinda like how employees of a private company will harshly hate the boss and CEO......although they make more if the company does well.
I just can't comprehend the irony.

That the unions get more money as the Koch brothers company profits more. Less Koch profits means less money for union members. Yet, union members rip them.

Kinda like how employees of a private company will harshly hate the boss and CEO......although they make more if the company does well.

They are the reason the company makes any money at all. All company profits are made with their sweat and blood.
Im pro corporation and everything but the wealth gap has to brought down quite a bit. The disparity is much too great.

Yeah - The wealth gap between tax payer funded union employees & the private sector taxpayer has become way to large.
I just can't comprehend the irony.

That the unions get more money as the Koch brothers company profits more. Less Koch profits means less money for union members. Yet, union members rip them.

Kinda like how employees of a private company will harshly hate the boss and CEO......although they make more if the company does well.

They are the reason the company makes any money at all. All company profits are made with their sweat and blood.


Another IBEW genius.

Just shut up and wire the parking lot, Rocko.
I just can't comprehend the irony.

That the unions get more money as the Koch brothers company profits more. Less Koch profits means less money for union members. Yet, union members rip them.

Kinda like how employees of a private company will harshly hate the boss and CEO......although they make more if the company does well.

They are the reason the company makes any money at all. All company profits are made with their sweat and blood.

No. Actually, without a founder and owner, the company wouldn't exist. So the workers are only there because the company was founded. Sorry.
I just can't comprehend the irony.

That the unions get more money as the Koch brothers company profits more. Less Koch profits means less money for union members. Yet, union members rip them.

Kinda like how employees of a private company will harshly hate the boss and CEO......although they make more if the company does well.

They are the reason the company makes any money at all. All company profits are made with their sweat and blood.


Another IBEW genius.

Just shut up and wire the parking lot, Rocko.

The fun part is that unlike left wing tyrannical governments, all those union members in the US are FREE to start their own company, GROW their own company, all the way to the size of WalMart if they are good enough, and COMPETE with their evil boss in the same market and who knows, maybe run him out of his evil ways.

But they don't. They keep clocking in and taking the easy, steady low-risk paycheck.
I just can't comprehend the irony.

That the unions get more money as the Koch brothers company profits more. Less Koch profits means less money for union members. Yet, union members rip them.

Kinda like how employees of a private company will harshly hate the boss and CEO......although they make more if the company does well.

They are the reason the company makes any money at all. All company profits are made with their sweat and blood.

Are you lying or just to dumb to know that the company wouldn't be there w/o the owners?
They are the reason the company makes any money at all. All company profits are made with their sweat and blood.


Another IBEW genius.

Just shut up and wire the parking lot, Rocko.

The fun part is that unlike left wing tyrannical governments, all those union members in the US are FREE to start their own company, GROW their own company, all the way to the size of WalMart if they are good enough, and COMPETE with their evil boss in the same market and who knows, maybe run him out of his evil ways.

But they don't. They keep clocking in and taking the easy, steady low-risk paycheck.

It's not that.

Being union themselves, they don't want to run a business themselves b/c they don't want to hire union slugs like themselves.

It's different when you actually know how bad it is.
I just can't comprehend the irony.

That the unions get more money as the Koch brothers company profits more. Less Koch profits means less money for union members. Yet, union members rip them.

Kinda like how employees of a private company will harshly hate the boss and CEO......although they make more if the company does well.

They are the reason the company makes any money at all. All company profits are made with their sweat and blood.
Tell ya what...

You write up the bids, you carry the insurance, you pay off the workman's comp racketeers, you pull the permits, you deal with nitpicking dipshit building officials...Then you can come around and tell us all how easy the generals have it.

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