Irony is a Cruel Mistress: The Koch Bros & WI State Retirement Fund

"Ingratitude, the marble-hearted beast!".

"Shakespeare must have known a few bankers in his day, too.

"And, here's the corker; the banks are still broke. Aside from the fact that housing prices are falling sharply (increasing the banks loan losses) and that there will another 2 million foreclosures in 2011, the real condition of the banks books are still hidden from public view.

"Here's a glimpse from the WSJ's Michael Rapoport,:

'During the financial crisis, investors fretted over "toxic," hard-to-value assets that banks were carrying. Those fears have faded as bank profits have rebounded, loan delinquencies have declined, and bank stocks have soared 25% in the past five months...

'In part due to those bad assets, the top 10 U.S.-owned banks had $13.8 billion in "unrealized losses" that have lasted at least a year in their investment portfolios as of Sept. 30, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis. Such losses are baked into banks' book value, but don't get counted against earnings as long as the banks believe the investments will later rebound.

'If those losses were assessed against earnings, it would have reduced the banks' pretax income for the first nine months of 2010 by 21%, according to the Journal analysis.

'Unrealized losses are just one way in which the troubled assets obscure banks' true financial condition, accounting experts say....Another problem: Even when banks do take real charges because of their securities losses, accounting rules allow them to keep some of those charges from hurting their bottom line.

'Making the picture even murkier, the value of many risky assets are based solely on the banks' own estimates—leaving valuations uncertain and, some critics say, overstated....'"

Koch it up, fool.
IOW, you're in total denial that the Koch brothers are one of the moonbat left's latest stalking horse boogermen.

'Nuf said.

Geez, you never answer a direct question....I think it's unfair to say an entire political faction thinks *blank* based on one sign held by....someone. Was that even a democrat? or just someone with a bone to pick with Koch?

Wow, I was neg repped because I disagree with generalizations

Cecilie1200 Riiiiight. Because the left NEVER attributes an attitude or behavior to the right based on the actions of one person. NEVER!


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