IRS ADMITTED to Targeting Tea Party Groups...& now Releases Identities of targeted Groups

Lois Lerner should have been prosecuted to the highest extent of the law as an example to any other scum sucking public servant that gets out of line.

Lois Lerner admitted that not only did the IRS target specific Americans / Groups but that it was HER department that had done so.


"The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for subjecting Tea Party groups to additional scrutiny during the 2012 election, but denied any political motive.

Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS unit that oversees tax-exempt groups, said organizations that included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews. Her remarks, which came at an American Bar Association gathering, were first reported by the Associated Press.
I'll only be satisfied when actual justice is done. Until i see IRS thugs arrested and prosecuted, i'll continue believing we are no longer a nation of laws.
"Lerner said the practice, initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati, was wrong.

"It was an error in judgment, and it was not appropriate, but that's what they did," Lerner told reporters. She declined to talk about how many employees were involved and whether there would disciplinary action."

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

We NOW also know that Lerner lied her ass off because it was proved that the targeting did NOT begin by 'Rogue Agents' in the Cincinnati office.

Tea Party Rejects IRS Apology, Republicans Vow Investigation


WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service apologized to Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations on Friday for what it now says were overzealous audits of their applications for tax-exempt status.

Lois Lerner, the director of the I.R.S. division that oversees tax-exempt groups, acknowledged that the agency had singled out nonprofit applicants with the terms “Tea Party” or “patriots” in their titles in an effort to respond to a surge in applications for tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012.

She insisted that the move was not driven by politics, but she added, “We made some mistakes; some people didn’t use good judgment.”

“For that we’re apologetic,” she told reporters on a conference call.

So Lerner admitted to wrong-doing and apologized..... Well, hell - that completely excuses her from legal / disciplinary action....because hers is ANOTHER in a LONG list of examples of no accountability within the Obama administration.
The democrats have trashed our laws and doused our respect around the world with gas and lit it on fire. This POTUS and the democrat party are the most destructive force in the nation. It will be awesome to see them leave.
Make the IRS accountable again.....
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

This was not profiling.

This was not because the IRS thought that these groups were more likely to be criminals.

This was because the IRS did not like these groups.

Sure it's profiling. They are the tax guys targeting groups called "taxed enough already ". Aka anti tax groups .
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

This was not profiling.

This was not because the IRS thought that these groups were more likely to be criminals.

This was because the IRS did not like these groups.

Sure it's profiling. They are the tax guys targeting groups called "taxed enough already ". Aka anti tax groups .

But not because they thought they were more likely to be committing crimes.

Because because the groups in question were causing trouble for their political masters.

That's not profiling.

That's abuse of power, and targeting.
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

This was not profiling.

This was not because the IRS thought that these groups were more likely to be criminals.

This was because the IRS did not like these groups.

Sure it's profiling. They are the tax guys targeting groups called "taxed enough already ". Aka anti tax groups .

You really want to use this argument?
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

Nice to know you're okay with the whining when the favor is returned right?

I'm not ok with it . But I'd like to point out how full of shit righties are . This is just the kind of behavior that cons actively request from our gov. !

Can you be more specific?
Vague accusations are hardly evidence.

For example , targeting Muslims in airport security .

Stop n frisk laws .

"Show us your papers " laws .

Let's not forget how righties react to black lives matters groups !

Oh, the story mentions how left leaning groups were also caught up in the drag net .
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

This was not profiling.

This was not because the IRS thought that these groups were more likely to be criminals.

This was because the IRS did not like these groups.

Sure it's profiling. They are the tax guys targeting groups called "taxed enough already ". Aka anti tax groups .

You really want to use this argument?

Yes . It's Classic profiling . They took superficial facts like "using liberty in the group name " and targeted them , thinking they were up to no good .
These IRS thugs had their orders. And we know who gave them those orders. If we were still a nation of laws, Impeachment would have to be considered.
IRS reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny

"More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of the organizations it snagged in a political dragnet.

The tax agency filed the list last month as part of a court case after a series of federal judges, fed up with what they said was the agency’s stonewalling, ordered it to get a move on. The case is a class-action lawsuit, so the list of names is critical to knowing the scope of those who would have a claim against the IRS.

The government released names of 426 organizations. Another 40 were not released as part of the list because they had already opted out of being part of the class-action suit.

That total is much higher than the 298 groups the IRS‘ inspector general identified back in May 2013, when investigators first revealed the agency had been subjecting applications to long — potentially illegal — delays, and forcing them to answer intrusive questions about their activities."

"A series of investigations found the IRS did ask intrusive questions and did delay applications for years, in violation of policy."

"The IRS declined to comment, saying its filing spoke for itself."

And THIS SOB should have been fired long ago...

Means nothing. Just ask a Democrat.

However...if an R POTUS did this to left wing groups, Ds and their media would be demanding impeachment and removal.

The POTUS had no connection, that's the only reason he's not being nailed for it.

Repubs had one dog and pony show after another investigating....researched from here to high heaven and could not find even a trace of evidence that what the irs chose to use as their parameters came from the Whitehouse or was directed by the president.
We may never know for sure that the president has no connection to it. The message from the president could have been sent to the appropriate person(s) with a wink and a nod. In otherwords, no trail. That being said, we can hold the president accountable for all the stonewalling going on with the investigation. The constant stonewalling of the investignition by the administration is one thing that makes me think that at minimum the president was happy with the IRS targeting conservitave groups but disappointed that they got caught.
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

Nice to know you're okay with the whining when the favor is returned right?

I'm not ok with it . But I'd like to point out how full of shit righties are . This is just the kind of behavior that cons actively request from our gov. !

Can you be more specific?
Vague accusations are hardly evidence.

For example , targeting Muslims in airport security .

Stop n frisk laws .

"Show us your papers " laws .

Let's not forget how righties react to black lives matters groups !

Oh, the story mentions how left leaning groups were also caught up in the drag net .

So you want to equate stopping terrorist to criminal targeting of innocent American citizens by the government for political gain?
You're a retard Timmy.........
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

This was not profiling.

This was not because the IRS thought that these groups were more likely to be criminals.

This was because the IRS did not like these groups.

Sure it's profiling. They are the tax guys targeting groups called "taxed enough already ". Aka anti tax groups .

You really want to use this argument?

Yes . It's Classic profiling . They took superficial facts like "using liberty in the group name " and targeted them , thinking they were up to no good .

What a load of horse shit Timmy.
If they did nothing wrong why did the IRS apologize?
We may never know for sure that the president has no connection to it. .
What we DO know is that once again an Obama administration official was caught doing something illegal / inappropriate, betrayed the trust of the American people, and instead of holding them accountable he did nothing / protected them. In MANY people's minds, THAT is almost if not AS bad as being involved.
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

This was not profiling.

This was not because the IRS thought that these groups were more likely to be criminals.

This was because the IRS did not like these groups.

Sure it's profiling. They are the tax guys targeting groups called "taxed enough already ". Aka anti tax groups .

You really want to use this argument?

Yes . It's Classic profiling . They took superficial facts like "using liberty in the group name " and targeted them , thinking they were up to no good .

That it one of the most ridicules arguments I've ever heard in my life, and I'm not exaggerating.
Nobody turned down. Numbers explained by huge numbers of TP groups as TP just started. IRS non-partisan since Nixon's bs...
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