IRS ADMITTED to Targeting Tea Party Groups...& now Releases Identities of targeted Groups

Nobody turned down. Numbers explained by huge numbers of TP groups as TP just started. IRS non-partisan since Nixon's bs...
They did worse than turning deserving groups down. They kept them in limbo for years with ridiculous request after request.
If months are years. How bout taxing the rich their fair share so the IRS can do its job, dupe?
The so called "rich" pay 90+% of this country's bills... The bottom 47% nothing...
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !
Hypocrisy is a progressives game…

No no no ! The cons are the experts . This thread is a prime example .

If the IRS targeted black lives matter groups, you'd be cheering them! You know it's true .
Jesus Timmy....

You know you can just Answer the question. I thought we were talking about the issues .

Yeah...and the issue is Barry's government used the IRS to target conservatives that were a threat to his reelection.

Let's take that silly statement as true . How do figure since no tea party groups were also targeted ? Why would he stifle tea party groups who end up splitting GOP votes ?

Why did the IRS apologize if they did nothing wrong?

According to a stupid headline in a controversy mad USA Today article? ANOTHER phony scandal just a reaction to a tidal wave of bs from the RW propaganda machine...

I see you ignored all the other sources....most of which are liberal.
And a simple Google search will show page after page stating the same.
Delusional ....:cuckoo:
Nobody turned down. Numbers explained by huge numbers of TP groups as TP just started. IRS non-partisan since Nixon's bs...
They did worse than turning deserving groups down. They kept them in limbo for years with ridiculous request after request.
If months are years. How bout taxing the rich their fair share so the IRS can do its job, dupe?
The so called "rich" pay 90+% of this country's bills... The bottom 47% nothing...

They have 99% of the wealth .

And find me one person who pays no taxes .
The IRS apparently used a computer program to pick out the words "Tea", "Patriot" and others like "Liberty" from tax exempt political applications and targeted them for a year or more of red tape hoping they would drop out and the Obama administration apparently sanctioned it and covered up the wrongdoing. Barry Hussein makes Tricky Dick Nixon look like a choir boy. Too bad all the investigative reporters are on vacation.
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !
Hypocrisy is a progressives game…

No no no ! The cons are the experts . This thread is a prime example .

If the IRS targeted black lives matter groups, you'd be cheering them! You know it's true .

Now why would the IRS screw with a bunch of penniless morons who have zero power?
The IRS apparently used a computer program to pick out the words "Tea", "Patriot" and others like "Liberty" from tax exempt political applications and targeted them for a year or more of red tape hoping they would drop out and the Obama administration apparently sanctioned it and covered up the wrongdoing. Barry Hussein makes Tricky Dick Nixon look like a choir boy. Too bad all the investigative reporters are on vacation.

Yes obama directed a branch office in a super red Ohio district to do this !! That's the dumbest theory ever . Those 509 c groups CANT be his enemy by definition !

Now you want political revenge ? How about the GOP congress gutting the IRS budget ?
You know you can just Answer the question. I thought we were talking about the issues .

Yeah...and the issue is Barry's government used the IRS to target conservatives that were a threat to his reelection.

Let's take that silly statement as true . How do figure since no tea party groups were also targeted ? Why would he stifle tea party groups who end up splitting GOP votes ?

Why did the IRS apologize if they did nothing wrong?
According to a stupid headline in a controversy mad USA Today article? ANOTHER phony scandal just a reaction to a tidal wave of bs from the RW propaganda machine...

I see you ignored all the other sources....most of which are liberal.
And a simple Google search will show page after page stating the same.
Delusional ....:cuckoo:
And the WHOLE THING is just a reaction to the usual hysterical bs tidal wave of Pubcrappe from the bought and sold GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed ignoramuses like you hater dupes. So what happened? Not a gd thing, because it was crap. Meanwhile, total, mindless obstruction while your greedy idiot bought off heroes continue to wreck the country and the nonrich, for 35 years now. Which you fools have no clue about.
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !
Hypocrisy is a progressives game…

No no no ! The cons are the experts . This thread is a prime example .

If the IRS targeted black lives matter groups, you'd be cheering them! You know it's true .

Now why would the IRS screw with a bunch of penniless morons who have zero power?

That's a harsh description of tea party groups!
It was appropriate to target Tea Party groups because the Tea Party was a huge political movement at the time,

but these groups were claiming non-political status.
IRS reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny

"More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of the organizations it snagged in a political dragnet.

The tax agency filed the list last month as part of a court case after a series of federal judges, fed up with what they said was the agency’s stonewalling, ordered it to get a move on. The case is a class-action lawsuit, so the list of names is critical to knowing the scope of those who would have a claim against the IRS.

The government released names of 426 organizations. Another 40 were not released as part of the list because they had already opted out of being part of the class-action suit.

That total is much higher than the 298 groups the IRS‘ inspector general identified back in May 2013, when investigators first revealed the agency had been subjecting applications to long — potentially illegal — delays, and forcing them to answer intrusive questions about their activities."

"A series of investigations found the IRS did ask intrusive questions and did delay applications for years, in violation of policy."

"The IRS declined to comment, saying its filing spoke for itself."

And THIS SOB should have been fired long ago...

NIXON resigned over even suggesting the IRS do this.

Obama has them do this to 426 organization and not a peep.

Oh that's right, the law doesn't apply to democrats.
Means nothing. Just ask a Democrat.

However...if an R POTUS did this to left wing groups, Ds and their media would be demanding impeachment and removal.


Just ask Nixon,

And he didn't actually do it - Obama did.
Yeah...and the issue is Barry's government used the IRS to target conservatives that were a threat to his reelection.

Let's take that silly statement as true . How do figure since no tea party groups were also targeted ? Why would he stifle tea party groups who end up splitting GOP votes ?

Why did the IRS apologize if they did nothing wrong?
According to a stupid headline in a controversy mad USA Today article? ANOTHER phony scandal just a reaction to a tidal wave of bs from the RW propaganda machine...

I see you ignored all the other sources....most of which are liberal.
And a simple Google search will show page after page stating the same.
Delusional ....:cuckoo:
And the WHOLE THING is just a reaction to the usual hysterical bs tidal wave of Pubcrappe from the bought and sold GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed ignoramuses like you hater dupes. So what happened? Not a gd thing, because it was crap. Meanwhile, total, mindless obstruction while your greedy idiot bought off heroes continue to wreck the country and the nonrich, for 35 years now. Which you fools have no clue about.

Yeah....we all know the IRS has a penchant for going around apologizing for random shit they didnt do.
Happens all the time...and we wont even go into how many IRS top dogs claim the fifth.
That happens so frequently no need to even talk about it right?

Partisan hack of epic proportions...
Nobody turned down. Numbers explained by huge numbers of TP groups as TP just started. IRS non-partisan since Nixon's bs...
They did worse than turning deserving groups down. They kept them in limbo for years with ridiculous request after request.
If months are years. How bout taxing the rich their fair share so the IRS can do its job, dupe?
The so called "rich" pay 90+% of this country's bills... The bottom 47% nothing...
Actually,, dupe, that's only fed income taxes, which the GOP has cut for 35 years while all other taxes (which kill the non-rich) rise to make up for the shortfall. Now if you count all all taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 20-30% (basically a flat tax) and all the new wealth goes to the richest. BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL MORON. HELLOOOOOOO?!?!?
Wait a minute . Suddenly conservatives are AGAINST law enforcement profiling groups???

Lol, oh the irony !

Using the IRS on the POTUS enemies; impeachable for Nixon to suggest. But perfectly Okay for Obama to do - 426 times.

I'm sure you see no hypocrisy, since democrats are above the law.
Yo, many Prosecutions on the way, when Trump becomes President! This is why Obama and his Puppets are scared about a Republican winning the White House!!!

View attachment 77225

He will be privy to all the dirt and that is scaring the crap out of them. Fast & Furious was taking place at the same time Hillary was holding a press conference with the VP of Mexico demonizing gun store owners.

What was the total count and style of weapons Obama shipped to drug lords in mexico?

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