Zone1 An Example of White Racist Government Policy that Damaged Black Communities and Affect Blacks Right Now

No. Cocaine was known as the white mans drug. It cost too much for blacks. So again, quit trying tofind excuses. The Reagan administration allowed crack to be sold in black communities in order to fund the overthrow of a South American government. That's the topc.
How did the federal government override local governments to allow anything to be sold in cities? Did Reagan tell local anti-drug units to turn a blind eye to minorities selling crack? From what I've read, the CIA has run drugs and guns to finance black programs as long as it existed which was long before Reagan was in government.
No it isn't. Crack is crystallized cocaine and is much cheaper to produce. That's why it was always more popular in poor neighborhoods. the middle class and rich could afford powdered cocaine, the poor couldn't, so dealers came up with a cheaper drug.
How dare those poor people enjoy something white and middle class people do!
There is no deep state. This was done by dictate of the President of these United States. So yes, I am blaming him and other whites in his administration for this decision. Those brown countries could not have done it without CIA planes flying the stuff in. Just face this and man up. You guys want to talk about bad decisions, well here is a bad decision that screwed up black communities for more than 40 years.
so if the brown countries needed the CIA to fly drugs in how did they get drugs in before the CIA cocaine scandal? and how do they get the record amounts of deadly drugs like fentanyl into the US that is killing and destroying far more people ,families , and communities than coke today ?
so if the brown countries needed the CIA to fly drugs in how did they get drugs in before the CIA cocaine scandal? and how do they get the record amounts of deadly drugs like fentanyl into the US that is killing and destroying far more people ,families , and communities than coke today ?
Try not ignoring te role of white organized crime.
Siunce the main witness to that corruption has said he made it up, for you to cling to that shows yur idiocy. As for your first sentence, like I said, you would not like the experience.
the said witness is pleading not guilty to lying .
So now you try choosing to trust the government sode of the story.

BS. There is no record if this administration letting the Chinese or anyone else sell fentanyl in this country. You gave yourself away with the comment you said about Trump and RFK JR. And now yu want to try creating a false equivalence. You are a moderator, post about the topic. The topic is about Reagan financing a overthrow by allowing crack in the black community.
Briben opening the border wide open is allowing deadly drugs to flood into the country at a record rate .
Briben opening the border wide open is allowing deadly drugs to flood into the country at a record rate .
Biden didn't do squat. Fentanyl was coming here before Biden.
No it isn't. Crack is crystallized cocaine and is much cheaper to produce. That's why it was always more popular in poor neighborhoods. the middle class and rich could afford powdered cocaine, the poor couldn't, so dealers came up with a cheaper drug.
and plenty of rich people now smoke crack .
is that why the death rate from fentanyl has skyrocketed under his admin ?
Again, Biden has not opened the borders and Republicans are the ones to make the laws that can solve the problem but don't.
Just you.

Nobody black whines.

You're a whiny liar.
Read the sig line then shut up.

"Usually the black racist has been produced by the white racist. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to white racism, and if you analyze it closely, it's not really black racism... If we react to white racism with a violent reaction, to me that's not black racism. If you come to put a rope around my neck and I hang you for it, to me that's not racism. Yours is racism, but my reaction has nothing to do with racism..."
-- Malcolm X

Whites like you whine about black racism, when in fact it's not racism at all. All you do is whine.

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