Vince Everett Ellison 75% of white Americans are Christians. 85% of black Americans are Christian


Hello Election year Sleeper shill. How are you?

Not following I will post: NO REPONCE !

The Pali people are still supporting the terrorist and hate all Jews.

Duke...this isn't the MB I asked to banned it ?

I mean why are you calling me a shill or thats right they called me a troll at that place.

BTW: The only thing I like about OMB is he pushes LIB buttons. I wish him and Shillary would move to a island I never have to hear their names again.

From Tucker Carlson tonight yesterday at the 33 min mark . This proud black Christian explains how Christianity played a very important role in shaping the lives of so many African-Americans in helping them to fight poverty. And look at how degraded our country is today with the rise of greed , the rise of materialism the rise of pornography, the rise of drugs all over the country, crack cocaine flooding the inner cities.

But you know what has always been a counter to the crack cocaine dealers and these criminals, it’s been the church it’s been black church leaders.

This is something that serves as a counter to the far left anti-freedom of speech people in this country who are against Christianity. The far left iow The types of pro- BLM people who will just brush aside African-Americans who are proud Christians and who are saying hey wait we need church in the lives of young Black people to make this country better.

So much for Christianity being the “white man’s religion” which is one of the points that far left pro BLM people engage in.

I am someone who respects atheists and non-Christians many of them donate money to the poor and do the right thing. But there is a clear-cut problem in this country with anti-freedom of speech far left atheists who continue to make things up, they don’t like free-speech, they are certainly anti-American. Far left wing atheists attempt to suppress freedom of speech they are scared of freedom and in the end they can never win ….they will never win freedom will prevail in America this is a country with free speech this is not a totalitarian country.

Far left atheists are openly against Christianity. And many of them are pro BLM but now wait …uh oh there are 700 million Christians in Africa. So what are these far left-wing atheist anti-Americans going to say now? They want mutual respect we could have it but many far left-wing atheist do not want mutual respect they openly despise Christianity that is bigotry.

The big question to the far left wing pro BLM atheists…. is what are you gonna say now …85% of Black people are Christian they’re carrying the cross more so than white people in this country.

How about far left atheists respect other people’s choice of belief… just like so many Christians in America respect the beliefs of other people. So again the problem is not with atheists the problem is far left pro BLM atheists they need to change their ways.

How about Christians respecting the beliefs of non-Christians.
Tucker Carlson is the number one rated news program in this country. That’s for a reason. CNN is falling down look at the ratings. But more so look at the material CNN puts out. And the anchors on CNN put out anti-American material, Tucker Carlson gives a voice to Pro Americans.

Again you have said nothing about the subject matter of this thread which means you are trolling, say something about Ellison…. say something about Christianity being strong in the African-American community or I will put you on ignore man.

You see CNN has an anchor Van Jones who said “all white people have a virus”. CNN did not reprimand him.….
Do I want all threads with a CNN article to be moved to the conspiracy section? ….no.

But you are a far left wing agitator apparently… you’re clearly against freedom of speech. Maybe you’re not prove me wrong.

Whenever somebody makes a post with a CNN article I will look at the article I might criticize CNN…. but I don’t troll like you do. I will respond to the subject matter of that thread unlike you in this thread. Hey man I don’t have anything against you please change your ways because you’re not going to prevent peoples freedom of speech.

Tucker doesn't have a news cast any more. He's not on TV because he's been caught lying too many times.

Tucker Carlson lied on FOX News for money. Anything to keep the stock prices up.
85% of blacks are Christians? Well 85% of them may claim to be Christians but that doesn't mean they are. Saying you're a Christian and acting like a Christian are 2 very different things.

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