IRS Official Lois Lerner Wants Immunity to Testify Before Congress


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
can you frikken believe this? wonder why she would need immunity since we are told there was NO SCANDAL?
links in article at site

by Michael Patrick Leahy 6 Jul 2013 493 post a comment

On Tuesday, William W. Taylor III, attorney for Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the center of the Tea Party targeting scandal who invoked her Fifth amendment rights before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on May 22, set forward his client's hard line conditions to return and testify openly before the committee.

"They can obtain her testimony tomorrow by doing it the easy way … immunity. That’s the way to resolve all of this," he told Politico.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was unimpressed. "We hope she comes in and gives us the truth and answers questions. If that doesn’t happen, then you cross the next bridge. … If she says, ‘No, I’m going to come in and assert my Fifth Amendment rights again and not going to speak,’ then you think about what the other options are."

Legal experts have debated whether Ms. Lerner waived her fifth amendment rights when she delivered an opening statement declaring her innocence prior to invoking those rights. On June 28 in a 22-17 party line vote, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ruled that she did waive her Fifth amendment rights with that opening statement.

all of it here
IRS Official Lois Lerner Wants Immunity to Testify Before Congress
Probably because she knows how this game is played. Someone is going to get found guilty for something, even if it isn't the person who did what people are actually mad about.

To review.

Ollie North and Admiral Poindexter got a pass for Iran-Contra, but Cap Weinberger, who was against the whole idea from the get-go, was charged with perjury and lying to Congress because he said he didn't keep a diary. In the world of Lawrence walsh, "Meeting notes" are a diary. Cap then deviously handed these meeting notes over to the National Archive, no doubt the work of a master criminal.

Okay, then you have Whitewater, which went from being an investigation about a land deal to an investigation about a blow job.

Or you have PlameGate- Where Richard Armitage outed Valerie Plame, secret agent behind a desk, but Scooter Libby is the one who ended up with a conviction and having his life turned upside down.

Lerner would be a fool if she DIDN'T get immunity before saying a damn thing.
I say give it too her and let the chips fall.

better one person get away with it than all of them

Actually, it was over when a 20 year Republican official admited he took it upon himself to consolidate all the Teabagger applications.

I don't care.

If the establishment is breaking the law to keep control, then they truly need to go.

Time for change, and if that means lawmakers are charged with breaking the law, then so be it.
I say give it too her and let the chips fall.

better one person get away with it than all of them

Actually, it was over when a 20 year Republican official admited he took it upon himself to consolidate all the Teabagger applications.

I don't care.

If the establishment is breaking the law to keep control, then they truly need to go.

Time for change, and if that means lawmakers are charged with breaking the law, then so be it.

I think you are losing the plot here, guy.

The supposed scandal is that Obama ordered the IRS to screw with the Teabaggers when they tried to get tax exemptions. Even though no Teabagger groups were actually denied tax exemptions. Most of them were granted or told they needed more documentation to validate the exemption. Others withdrew their application when they had the rules explained to them that they were really political groups and not actually entitled to the exemptions they sought.
Actually, it was over when a 20 year Republican official admited he took it upon himself to consolidate all the Teabagger applications.

I don't care.

If the establishment is breaking the law to keep control, then they truly need to go.

Time for change, and if that means lawmakers are charged with breaking the law, then so be it.

I think you are losing the plot here, guy.

The supposed scandal is that Obama ordered the IRS to screw with the Teabaggers when they tried to get tax exemptions. Even though no Teabagger groups were actually denied tax exemptions. Most of them were granted or told they needed more documentation to validate the exemption. Others withdrew their application when they had the rules explained to them that they were really political groups and not actually entitled to the exemptions they sought.

NO, that is you Obama apologist made up plot...
but with Learner wanting immunity maybe there is something to that..boy would that be a hoot
In order to get immunity her attorneys will have to pose a hypothetical, as to what she would say if given immunity. She just doesn't get immunity and can say anything she wants. They have to know what she is going to say first.
Fuck her. No immunity unless she gives up Obama
Obama isn't connected because the IRS is above the US Gov't, just like the Military gets it's orders from the UN and NATO not Obama or Congress.

Giving Immunity to her will just let Congress have show trials then after wards claim "We got to the bottom of that!" then do nothing.

You guys don't recall Iran Contra? Ollie North got immunity and look at him now. Notice he's not in jail.
can you frikken believe this? wonder why she would need immunity since we are told there was NO SCANDAL?
links in article at site

by Michael Patrick Leahy 6 Jul 2013 493 post a comment

On Tuesday, William W. Taylor III, attorney for Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the center of the Tea Party targeting scandal who invoked her Fifth amendment rights before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on May 22, set forward his client's hard line conditions to return and testify openly before the committee.

"They can obtain her testimony tomorrow by doing it the easy way … immunity. That’s the way to resolve all of this," he told Politico.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was unimpressed. "We hope she comes in and gives us the truth and answers questions. If that doesn’t happen, then you cross the next bridge. … If she says, ‘No, I’m going to come in and assert my Fifth Amendment rights again and not going to speak,’ then you think about what the other options are."

Legal experts have debated whether Ms. Lerner waived her fifth amendment rights when she delivered an opening statement declaring her innocence prior to invoking those rights. On June 28 in a 22-17 party line vote, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ruled that she did waive her Fifth amendment rights with that opening statement.

all of it here
IRS Official Lois Lerner Wants Immunity to Testify Before Congress

Well Lois, honey, if you didn't do nutting wrong why in the world would you need immunity?
give her immunity and demand she testify to everything then resign and never seek another government position again..we the People need to start holding these people WE EMPLOY TO ACCOUNT

stipping them of their retirements when they have done us wrong is a good first step
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Actually, it was over when a 20 year Republican official admited he took it upon himself to consolidate all the Teabagger applications.

I don't care.

If the establishment is breaking the law to keep control, then they truly need to go.

Time for change, and if that means lawmakers are charged with breaking the law, then so be it.

I think you are losing the plot here, guy.

The supposed scandal is that Obama ordered the IRS to screw with the Teabaggers when they tried to get tax exemptions. Even though no Teabagger groups were actually denied tax exemptions. Most of them were granted or told they needed more documentation to validate the exemption. Others withdrew their application when they had the rules explained to them that they were really political groups and not actually entitled to the exemptions they sought.

70% of the groups held up used the names TP or Patriot, the other 30% was divided evenly.

Someone used the irs as a weapon against citizens during an election.

So please stop blathering on, you don't need to protect obama, he has the media to do that for him.

70% of the groups held up used the names TP or Patriot, the other 30% was divided evenly.

Someone used the irs as a weapon against citizens during an election.

So please stop blathering on, you don't need to protect obama, he has the media to do that for him.

Point is, they were held up.

Frankly, still not seeing the crime. Maybe they should have investigated these groups for tax fraud if they were trying to claim tax exempt status as a "social welfare" group when they were in fact trying to do electioneering.

So this is your claim. "YOu dared to investigate our tax fraud!!! We're being oppressed!!!"

70% of the groups held up used the names TP or Patriot, the other 30% was divided evenly.

Someone used the irs as a weapon against citizens during an election.

So please stop blathering on, you don't need to protect obama, he has the media to do that for him.

Point is, they were held up.

Frankly, still not seeing the crime. Maybe they should have investigated these groups for tax fraud if they were trying to claim tax exempt status as a "social welfare" group when they were in fact trying to do electioneering.

So this is your claim. "YOu dared to investigate our tax fraud!!! We're being oppressed!!!"

It's been a while since I conversed with you, now I remember why I stopped.

Your ability to play the blind idiot is unparallelled in usmb

70% of the groups held up used the names TP or Patriot, the other 30% was divided evenly.

Someone used the irs as a weapon against citizens during an election.

So please stop blathering on, you don't need to protect obama, he has the media to do that for him.

Point is, they were held up.

Frankly, still not seeing the crime. Maybe they should have investigated these groups for tax fraud if they were trying to claim tax exempt status as a "social welfare" group when they were in fact trying to do electioneering.

So this is your claim. "YOu dared to investigate our tax fraud!!! We're being oppressed!!!"

It's been a while since I conversed with you, now I remember why I stopped.

Your ability to play the blind idiot is unparallelled in usmb

You mean, my ability to ask perfectly logical questions you can't answer.

Yeah. That was it.

They were applying for status as "Social Welfare Groups". If they argument was, they couldn't get out there and harrass the colored because they didn't have their papers in order, I'm just not seeing what the offense was.

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