IRS targeted conservative groups

I think the orders came down from the POTUS. It's a tactic he would definitely use, and I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a scandal a day with this administration.
I know I saw this mentioned somewhere but see no thread on it now.

Does anyone believe that a few local low level IRS employees engaged in systematic harassment of conservative groups? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. This is bigger than Benghazi.
AP News: AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011
This is the same government agency that is going to be unleashing its dogs on American citizens when Obama's fiasco of a healthcare bill fully kicks in next year.....Hold on to your hats, people, it's going to get ugly, no doubt about it.

And no, I don't believe for a second that it's just a few local level IRS employees....After all the corruptness and deceit we've been seeing from the clown in the Whitehouse and his administration, It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it leads straight to the Oval Office.
I remember how Jay Carney spoke of the IRS being an independently operated institution. I will let that speak for itself.

There is too much complicity going about.
I remember how Jay Carney spoke of the IRS being an independently operated institution. I will let that speak for itself.

There is too much complicity going about.

The same Jay Carney who said September is "a long time ago"? He is becoming the Baghdad Bob of the administration.
I know I saw this mentioned somewhere but see no thread on it now.

Does anyone believe that a few local low level IRS employees engaged in systematic harassment of conservative groups? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. This is bigger than Benghazi.
AP News: AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

Didn't they already admit they did? It wasn't low level or local if I heard correctly it was across the nation! Why did the IRS apologize for something they didn't do? They wouldn't. The IRS did target these people but apparently they know now they cannot get away with it and I'm hearing serious talk about impeaching Obama now. Could it happen? Is should. I don't know if it will or not. We'll see.
I remember how Jay Carney spoke of the IRS being an independently operated institution. I will let that speak for itself.

There is too much complicity going about.

The same Jay Carney who said September is "a long time ago"? He is becoming the Baghdad Bob of the administration.

Jay Carney was just outed for his lies twice on the news last night. You can see him telling the press that there was only one word altered in report yet they then show they removed or altered 146 words from the report. When confronted he continued to lie.

Now the American people are actually seeing these reports for first time - they can see for themselves that Carney lied. ( for Obama again )

The story has become so serious now that there is now talk ( serious talk ) of impeaching the president. They should. He and Hillary should both be facing murder charges right now. If we had a legitimate DOJ it would have already been done. - Jeri
I know I saw this mentioned somewhere but see no thread on it now.

Does anyone believe that a few local low level IRS employees engaged in systematic harassment of conservative groups? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. This is bigger than Benghazi.
AP News: AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

Did you or do you support profiling Muslims in airports?

Whn did you stop beating your dog?

Muslims hate dogs. Were you talking about his wife, Rabbi? Now I am fully in support of radical profiling at airports. Why profile everyone else when it is the Muslims hijacking these planes? Granny in her wheel chair is not a threat. Leave Granny alone. Thanks * NOTE* Israel uses radical profiling and has had 0 terrorist hijackings / violence on a plane. Not one incident. Why? They use radical profiling of course!

- Jeri
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I know I saw this mentioned somewhere but see no thread on it now.

Does anyone believe that a few local low level IRS employees engaged in systematic harassment of conservative groups? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. This is bigger than Benghazi.
AP News: AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

Did you or do you support profiling Muslims in airports?

Whn did you stop beating your dog?

I'm sorry was that a yes or a no?

Since you won't answer, that would be a yes.

Therefore if it's okay to profile people you think might be more likely than others to break the law,

what's YOUR problem with profiling rightwing extremist groups trying to avoid paying taxes?

They are notorious for breaking the law.
I dont see impeaching Obama for this. Bad judgement doesnt rise to high crimes and misdemeanors. On the IRS matter it is entirely possible that he is culpable of just that. But we have to see what washes out.
I know I saw this mentioned somewhere but see no thread on it now.

Does anyone believe that a few local low level IRS employees engaged in systematic harassment of conservative groups? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. This is bigger than Benghazi.
AP News: AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

Did you or do you support profiling Muslims in airports?

That is a cop out, Carbine. This has nothing to do with profiling at the airport. It is an obvious example of how the IRS targeted political opponents with audits just because of their names and ideals. Pretty lame dude. But go ahead, just ignore it. Act like it never happened, just like Benghazi never happened.
I dont see impeaching Obama for this. Bad judgement doesnt rise to high crimes and misdemeanors. On the IRS matter it is entirely possible that he is culpable of just that. But we have to see what washes out.

Complicity that arises and results in the death of another person should be murder. For it to be bad judgement, that would imply that he made an honest mistake. Issuing stand down orders does not amount to "bad judgement." They all knew what they were doing that night.
Did you or do you support profiling Muslims in airports?

Whn did you stop beating your dog?

I'm sorry was that a yes or a no?

Since you won't answer, that would be a yes.

Therefore if it's okay to profile people you think might be more likely than others to break the law,

what's YOUR problem with profiling rightwing extremist groups trying to avoid paying taxes?

They are notorious for breaking the law.

For starters the answer is yes.
Second, it is irrelevant as conservative groups do not break the law any more than liberal groups do. Less, as a matter of fact. Who audited ACORN?
There was no finding of anyone avoiding paying taxes and that is not what these fishing expeditions were about.
So other than being wrong, irrelevant and stupid your post was also misinformed. Thanks for playing. There's a t-shirt in the back for you.
TK, I disagree. The Israelis use radical profiling at El Al Airlines it works beautifully. They haven't had a single incident. Why aren't we using radical profiling on Muslims at airports and drop the PC nonsense?
I dont see impeaching Obama for this. Bad judgement doesnt rise to high crimes and misdemeanors. On the IRS matter it is entirely possible that he is culpable of just that. But we have to see what washes out.

Complicity that arises and results in the death of another person should be murder. For it to be bad judgement, that would imply that he made an honest mistake. Issuing stand down orders does not amount to "bad judgement." They all knew what they were doing that night.

I'm not there on it. You would have to show Obama deliberately sacrificed embassy personnel lives for political gain. That's a high barrier and I dont think the evidence is there. That said, we'll see what comes out of these scandals. There is more, much more, that we dont know about. Obama is a Chicago machine politician and as such by definition dirty.
I dont see impeaching Obama for this. Bad judgement doesnt rise to high crimes and misdemeanors. On the IRS matter it is entirely possible that he is culpable of just that. But we have to see what washes out.

Using the IRS to target conservatives and the tea party could get him impeached. The obstacle is the DOJ is thoroughly corrupt and covering for Obama. Don't know how they would proceed considering that.
I dont see impeaching Obama for this. Bad judgement doesnt rise to high crimes and misdemeanors. On the IRS matter it is entirely possible that he is culpable of just that. But we have to see what washes out.

Using the IRS to target conservatives and the tea party could get him impeached. The obstacle is the DOJ is thoroughly corrupt and covering for Obama. Don't know how they would proceed considering that.

The DOJ does not impeach Obama. The House does. It would be a conflict of interest.

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