IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler – Confirms that Biden Family Received Approximately $17 Million in Payments from China, Romania and Other Countries

And so? They paid for consulting services. This is how business works.

Works on the assumption the consulting services he provided were the same as mowing lawns.
Me, I've never gotten the idea of "consultants". If you own people can't solve problems, hire better people.

Then why didn't they register under FARA, they were acting as lobbyist for foreign countries. And why the need for all the shell companies and different banks? Wouldn't all those companies have needed to register as foreign agents? Oh right, they only charge their enemies for violations of FARA.

Well this pretty much solidifies that Biden is compromised by foreign governments. That is something we can't have. It's a national security threat to us.

BIDEN CRIME FAMILY CAUGHT! – IRS Whistleblower – Gay, Democrat, Joseph Ziegler – Confirms that Biden Family Received Approximately $17 Million in Payments from China, Romania and Other Countries (VIDEO)​

No proof whatsoever. thegatewaypundit = fake news.
No proof whatsoever. thegatewaypundit = fake news.
In a way Biden is "compromised" by China, but so was every president before him ever since we made China our banker. We can't just tell em to fuck off when they buy our T-bills


Marjorie Taylor Greene Shows Photos Of Naked Hunter Biden At IRS Whistleblower Hearing

Its still disgusting for him to have millions of unpaid taxes as he goes after the little guy in every speech... typical of a power money hungry corrupt democrat...
Joe Biden has unpaid taxes?

Or are you saying Hunter was involved in proposing the IRS hiring?

What ARE you saying?

Do you know?
Joe Biden has unpaid taxes?

Or are you saying Hunter was involved in proposing the IRS hiring?

What ARE you saying?

Do you know?
The Biden's haven't paid their fair share... deal with the truth for a change..... Hunter writes off hookers and drugs as a business expense and he gives Joe money and Joe doesn't report that gift... yes its called tax evasion....
The Biden's haven't paid their fair share... deal with the truth for a change..... Hunter writes off hookers and drugs as a business expense and he gives Joe money and Joe doesn't report that gift... yes its called tax evasion....
You have proof of Himunter giving Joe gifts? No?

According to who?

According to their records, the IRS and whistleblowers. Do you seriously think foreigners and foreign governments pay all that money for no results over a long period of time?


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