Is America ready for the changes Trump and the GOP are bringing to this country?

Trump's a crazy idiot, as is France's Macron.

The difference is Trump at least gets something's right, Macron is a complete disaster.
What has he gotten right?

You said:

Prove the Fascists killed more than Communists, prove the Fascists killed more than the Capitalists. (Which can't be done, yet you act like your "Sh*t" don't stink politically.

And in this country, Republican right wing terrorists have killed more than everyone else put together.


Trump's right about Illegals, and Refugees.

Explain what Macron has gotten right?????

The insane maniac wants to punish Poland, Czech Rep, and Hungary with sanctions for merely having the sovereignty of rejecting EU Refugee qoutas.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


You make my point. Is this the end of the Great America Experiment? Are we turning into the new Russia? Is North Korea our future? Does ignorant white America believe they will lead this country into, into, what exactly?

Those aren't the Founding Fathers words.
It does however say in the constitution that people running from danger have a right to ask for asylum in the United States.

See this is the thing with Republicans, this is why theyā€™re just such a filthy and nasty people. Thereā€™s refugees running from danger and Republicans say fuk ā€˜em shoot ā€˜em.

If people try to escape a burning house Republicans would force them back into the house. Believe it. We are seeing it now.
They may have been ready, but we are going to put up a good fight.
If those Republican bombs are any indication, they are very inept. Unfortunately, we can't rely on that ineptness.

I think that during the next two years the GOP base is going to be confronted with what their leadership is trying to do to them.

With Democrats, you get plans for healthcare, education, a living wage, infrastructure jobs, clean air and clean water, and putting the middle class front and center.

With Republicans you get tax cuts for billionaires that need to be paid for by looting the country.

They don't have Obama to hate anymore. And many people are fleeing the GOP. Many are now embarrassed to even admit they once belonged to that racist party. And look at how close Georgia and Florida came. Voter suppression and gerrymandering are less effective as the GOP becomes less educated and more rural. The more the GOP base are screwed over by their leadership, the less likely they are to vote. I find it hard to believe they can be ginned up for the next two years. Eventually, they get tired of being scared.

What really scares them is how their healthcare might be taken away.
Kinda like what happened at the end of the Bush II Regime?

Also, I don't think conservatives EVER tire of being scared. It's part of their DNA.
Itā€™s people like you that play right into their hands.
When Republicans say smaller government, what they mean is no oversight. That way itā€™s much easier to loot the country.
If you keep the government smaller than it should be to work properly there just isnā€™t enough people to do proper oversight.
Have you noticed that for Republicans itā€™s all about looting America. They donā€™t wanna build anything, they donā€™t care about healthcare, itā€™s just squeeze as much as they can out of the country.
Republicans know exactly what buttons to push on the ignorant to get them to repeat the party line.
And you can tell from these comments that itā€™s working perfectly.
Small enough to drown in a bathtub, right?
Trump's a crazy idiot, as is France's Macron.

The difference is Trump at least gets something's right, Macron is a complete disaster.
What has he gotten right?

You said:

Prove the Fascists killed more than Communists, prove the Fascists killed more than the Capitalists. (Which can't be done, yet you act like your "Sh*t" don't stink politically.

And in this country, Republican right wing terrorists have killed more than everyone else put together.


Trump's right about Illegals, and Refugees.

Explain what Macron has gotten right?????

The insane maniac wants to punish Poland, Czech Rep, and Hungary with sanctions for merely having the sovereignty of rejecting EU Refugee qoutas.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


You make my point. Is this the end of the Great America Experiment? Are we turning into the new Russia? Is North Korea our future? Does ignorant white America believe they will lead this country into, into, what exactly?

Those aren't the Founding Fathers words.
It does however say in the constitution that people running from danger have a right to ask for asylum in the United States.

See this is the thing with Republicans, this is why theyā€™re just such a filthy and nasty people. Thereā€™s refugees running from danger and Republicans say fuk ā€˜em shoot ā€˜em.

If people try to escape a burning house Republicans would force them back into the house. Believe it. We are seeing it now.

Uh, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the 1790 Naturalization act was very specific, that only freed Whites of good character were to become U.S Citizens.

So, while it maybe true that we should accept refugees.

There is nothing that says it has to be unlimited, and according to the Founding Fathers principles it would be "White refugees"

Keep in mind Liberals haven't publicized the Ukrainian refugee ordeal, but I guess their lives don't matter, White lives don't matter.
They may have been ready, but we are going to put up a good fight.
If those Republican bombs are any indication, they are very inept. Unfortunately, we can't rely on that ineptness.

I think that during the next two years the GOP base is going to be confronted with what their leadership is trying to do to them.

With Democrats, you get plans for healthcare, education, a living wage, infrastructure jobs, clean air and clean water, and putting the middle class front and center.

With Republicans you get tax cuts for billionaires that need to be paid for by looting the country.

They don't have Obama to hate anymore. And many people are fleeing the GOP. Many are now embarrassed to even admit they once belonged to that racist party. And look at how close Georgia and Florida came. Voter suppression and gerrymandering are less effective as the GOP becomes less educated and more rural. The more the GOP base are screwed over by their leadership, the less likely they are to vote. I find it hard to believe they can be ginned up for the next two years. Eventually, they get tired of being scared.

What really scares them is how their healthcare might be taken away.

Also, I don't think conservatives EVER tire of being scared. It's part of their DNA.

Well, It is pretty true, Conservatives do have a larger more developed Amygdala, the fear center of the brain.

But, get this some fear is necessary for survival.

Keep in mind a smaller, less developed Amygdala is prevalent in Psychopaths, and Schizoprenia.

Oh, and the Amygdala makes people more sociable, people with a larger more developed Amygdala not just have more friends, they're more generous, and more likely to donate a kidney.

With that said, sometimes the "Fear" of Conservatives is a bit much, and is thus a bit illogical, of course a lack of "Fear" can also be a bit illogical.

It's about balance.
What has he gotten right?

You said:

Prove the Fascists killed more than Communists, prove the Fascists killed more than the Capitalists. (Which can't be done, yet you act like your "Sh*t" don't stink politically.

And in this country, Republican right wing terrorists have killed more than everyone else put together.


Trump's right about Illegals, and Refugees.

Explain what Macron has gotten right?????

The insane maniac wants to punish Poland, Czech Rep, and Hungary with sanctions for merely having the sovereignty of rejecting EU Refugee qoutas.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


You make my point. Is this the end of the Great America Experiment? Are we turning into the new Russia? Is North Korea our future? Does ignorant white America believe they will lead this country into, into, what exactly?

Those aren't the Founding Fathers words.
It does however say in the constitution that people running from danger have a right to ask for asylum in the United States.

See this is the thing with Republicans, this is why theyā€™re just such a filthy and nasty people. Thereā€™s refugees running from danger and Republicans say fuk ā€˜em shoot ā€˜em.

If people try to escape a burning house Republicans would force them back into the house. Believe it. We are seeing it now.

Uh, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the 1790 Naturalization act was very specific, that only freed Whites of good character were to become U.S Citizens.

So, while it maybe true that we should accept refugees.

There is nothing that says it has to be unlimited, and according to the Founding Fathers principles it would be "White refugees"

Keep in mind Liberals haven't publicized the Ukrainian refugee ordeal, but I guess their lives don't matter, White lives don't matter.
In today's world, you can't be a racist or a slave holder and have good character.

That leaves out 90% of the Republican Party.

Oddly enough, the GOP is 90% white.
They may have been ready, but we are going to put up a good fight.
If those Republican bombs are any indication, they are very inept. Unfortunately, we can't rely on that ineptness.

I think that during the next two years the GOP base is going to be confronted with what their leadership is trying to do to them.

With Democrats, you get plans for healthcare, education, a living wage, infrastructure jobs, clean air and clean water, and putting the middle class front and center.

With Republicans you get tax cuts for billionaires that need to be paid for by looting the country.

They don't have Obama to hate anymore. And many people are fleeing the GOP. Many are now embarrassed to even admit they once belonged to that racist party. And look at how close Georgia and Florida came. Voter suppression and gerrymandering are less effective as the GOP becomes less educated and more rural. The more the GOP base are screwed over by their leadership, the less likely they are to vote. I find it hard to believe they can be ginned up for the next two years. Eventually, they get tired of being scared.

What really scares them is how their healthcare might be taken away.

Also, I don't think conservatives EVER tire of being scared. It's part of their DNA.

Well, It is pretty true, Conservatives do have a larger more developed Amygdala, the fear center of the brain.

But, get this some fear is necessary for survival.

Keep in mind a smaller, less developed Amygdala is prevalent in Psychopaths, and Schizoprenia.

Oh, and the Amygdala makes people more sociable, people with a larger more developed Amygdala not just have more friends, they're more generous, and more likely to donate a kidney.

With that said, sometimes the "Fear" of Conservatives is a bit much, and is thus a bit illogical, of course a lack of "Fear" can also be a bit illogical.

It's about balance.
If Republicans are so generous.

Why are they looting the country.

Why are they against healthcare for children?

Why do they hate the poor?

Why is the GOP base in Appalachia dying younger with a rising infant mortality rate?

Wow, seems they aren't so generous after all. They don't even seem Christian.
Trump's right about Illegals, and Refugees.

Explain what Macron has gotten right?????

The insane maniac wants to punish Poland, Czech Rep, and Hungary with sanctions for merely having the sovereignty of rejecting EU Refugee qoutas.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


You make my point. Is this the end of the Great America Experiment? Are we turning into the new Russia? Is North Korea our future? Does ignorant white America believe they will lead this country into, into, what exactly?

Those aren't the Founding Fathers words.
It does however say in the constitution that people running from danger have a right to ask for asylum in the United States.

See this is the thing with Republicans, this is why theyā€™re just such a filthy and nasty people. Thereā€™s refugees running from danger and Republicans say fuk ā€˜em shoot ā€˜em.

If people try to escape a burning house Republicans would force them back into the house. Believe it. We are seeing it now.

Uh, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the 1790 Naturalization act was very specific, that only freed Whites of good character were to become U.S Citizens.

So, while it maybe true that we should accept refugees.

There is nothing that says it has to be unlimited, and according to the Founding Fathers principles it would be "White refugees"

Keep in mind Liberals haven't publicized the Ukrainian refugee ordeal, but I guess their lives don't matter, White lives don't matter.
In today's world, you can't be a racist or a slave holder and have good character.

That leaves out 90% of the Republican Party.

Oddly enough, the GOP is 90% white.

Saying races are different & inferior has little to do with character & a lot to do with reality.

Republicans are about as racist as Democrats BTW.

Western society has lost their gourds.
They may have been ready, but we are going to put up a good fight.
If those Republican bombs are any indication, they are very inept. Unfortunately, we can't rely on that ineptness.

I think that during the next two years the GOP base is going to be confronted with what their leadership is trying to do to them.

With Democrats, you get plans for healthcare, education, a living wage, infrastructure jobs, clean air and clean water, and putting the middle class front and center.

With Republicans you get tax cuts for billionaires that need to be paid for by looting the country.

They don't have Obama to hate anymore. And many people are fleeing the GOP. Many are now embarrassed to even admit they once belonged to that racist party. And look at how close Georgia and Florida came. Voter suppression and gerrymandering are less effective as the GOP becomes less educated and more rural. The more the GOP base are screwed over by their leadership, the less likely they are to vote. I find it hard to believe they can be ginned up for the next two years. Eventually, they get tired of being scared.

What really scares them is how their healthcare might be taken away.

Also, I don't think conservatives EVER tire of being scared. It's part of their DNA.

Well, It is pretty true, Conservatives do have a larger more developed Amygdala, the fear center of the brain.

But, get this some fear is necessary for survival.

Keep in mind a smaller, less developed Amygdala is prevalent in Psychopaths, and Schizoprenia.

Oh, and the Amygdala makes people more sociable, people with a larger more developed Amygdala not just have more friends, they're more generous, and more likely to donate a kidney.

With that said, sometimes the "Fear" of Conservatives is a bit much, and is thus a bit illogical, of course a lack of "Fear" can also be a bit illogical.

It's about balance.
If Republicans are so generous.

Why are they looting the country.

Why are they against healthcare for children?

Why do they hate the poor?

Why is the GOP base in Appalachia dying younger with a rising infant mortality rate?

Wow, seems they aren't so generous after all. They don't even seem Christian.

I believe in helping the poor & therefor will never be a true Republican.
Oops. I thought this might be a serious posting...then i saw its author.

Never mind.
Most of my posts are serious. I have a sense of humor so occasionally, I post something comic.

The radical white wing doesn't have a sense of humor. Or even sense.

Never are my posts attacked. It's me personally attacked by white wingers on the USMB. They hate reality. They can't prove me wrong. I think they don't even like what they have become. So it's me they attack.
It's pitiful. Just pitiful.

Never are my posts attacked. It's me personally attacked by white wingers on the USMB
and you have been told time after time here,why you get mocked....but you are one of those dipshits who have a hard time accepting peoples opinions of you..... ....

They can't prove me wrong
another flaw you have....thinking your opinions are always have been proved wrong and when you are, you suddenly disappear from the thread or you play your dumbass...."huh? game..and you have labeled people with names you just cant seem to back are good at doing that....and no you dont have a sense of humor....
Like I said, with Democrats, you get plans for healthcare, education, a living wage, infrastructure jobs, clean air and clean water, and putting the middle class front and center.

What do you get with Republicans? Besides lies and being called names?
i lived in california for 50 years was good in the wealthy areas and so-so in not so wealthy went from top 5 to bottom ten.....many people are having a hard time making ends meet,so much for that living wage....cals infrastructure has been falling apart in many areas.....clean air?....been to LA lately?....
Start with Foreign Policy.

Trump's new friends and new American allies:

Murderer and Thug Vladimir Putin, the Russian Dictator

Despot Kim Jung Un, leader of North Korea

Turkey's new Dictator who wants the US to extradite a green card carrying resident who has been peacefully living here for 20 years.

Saudi Arabia's Murderous Prince who had an American resident, a journalist who worked for an American publication, tortured and dismembered.

The Philippine Dictator

And then there are long time allies who may not even be friends of America any longer. The leaders of:

Great Britain
and the other members of NATO, an organization that has kept peace in Europe since WWII.

Trump, the leader of the Republican Party that no longer believes in democracy. The party of voter suppression and election cheating. The party of looting America. The party of lies and racism. The Party of the American Nazi's, the Aryan Nation, White Supremacy and the Alt White. A leader who jokes about sexual assault, indulges in adultery and unprotected sex with porn stars, a leader who models himself on Vladimir Putin. A man who is clearly looting America.

Are we seeing the end of democracy? A new America that aligns it's self with dictators and murderers?
Is this the America we are leaving to the next generation? Is this our example? Our legacy?

Are we ready for you to STFU ?

Yes we are.
Trump's a crazy idiot, as is France's Macron.

The difference is Trump at least gets something's right, Macron is a complete disaster.
What has he gotten right?

You said:

Prove the Fascists killed more than Communists, prove the Fascists killed more than the Capitalists. (Which can't be done, yet you act like your "Sh*t" don't stink politically.

And in this country, Republican right wing terrorists have killed more than everyone else put together.


Anti-defamation league???? Why not use the SPLC while you are at it.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


You make my point. Is this the end of the Great America Experiment? Are we turning into the new Russia? Is North Korea our future? Does ignorant white America believe they will lead this country into, into, what exactly?

Those aren't the Founding Fathers words.
It does however say in the constitution that people running from danger have a right to ask for asylum in the United States.

See this is the thing with Republicans, this is why theyā€™re just such a filthy and nasty people. Thereā€™s refugees running from danger and Republicans say fuk ā€˜em shoot ā€˜em.

If people try to escape a burning house Republicans would force them back into the house. Believe it. We are seeing it now.

Uh, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the 1790 Naturalization act was very specific, that only freed Whites of good character were to become U.S Citizens.

So, while it maybe true that we should accept refugees.

There is nothing that says it has to be unlimited, and according to the Founding Fathers principles it would be "White refugees"

Keep in mind Liberals haven't publicized the Ukrainian refugee ordeal, but I guess their lives don't matter, White lives don't matter.
In today's world, you can't be a racist or a slave holder and have good character.

That leaves out 90% of the Republican Party.

Oddly enough, the GOP is 90% white.

Saying races are different & inferior has little to do with character & a lot to do with reality.

Republicans are about as racist as Democrats BTW.

Western society has lost their gourds.
If Democrats are racist, they arenā€™t doing a very good job of it. Because they look like a coalition party. Publicans look like the white party. Clearly more susceptible to being racist.

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