Is anyone else just underwhelmed with Obama?

The sheeple sea

Active Member
Jul 4, 2015
Too often I feel like Obama's presidency has been a completely underwhelming presidency, his two biggest achievements are the Iran deal and the Affordable Care Act, and that took him years to put together. I found the Affordable Care Act to be a band-aid on our health care system at best. The Iran deal I actually like, pretty tired of war over here.

But he has had to make concession after concession and while I understand that that's politics, he didn't. He really thought he could reach across the aisle and negotiate, and unfortunately in American politics today no one wants to be caught negotiating with "the enemy".

His first few years involved failing and failing to move things through a gridlocked congress, and one of course one could blame a childish congress for that, and they definitely take some fault. But his naivety, likely caused by the fact that he was only in the government at a federal level for two years beforehand cost him quite a bit. As his presidency wraps up people on both sides of the aisle seem to either demonize or deify him.

Republicans like to talk loudly about how Obama is ruining this country and killing the economy, but he has proved to be much friendlier with big business than he seemed. In fact, it seems like he conceded as much as he could implementing a Republican health care system on a national level, but people on the right hate that plan and want repeal. They like to talk about how he is destroying the country, I can't even see how it did that much to even make a big impact actually.

And on the other side Democrats like to act as though Obama spent his presidency pulling us out of goerge bushes hole and we're nearly saved. But, the economy is recovering, it had nothing to do with any politician and more to do with our markets. Things are still bad for many, not terribly worse than they've been for years, but still.

Does anyone else look at Obama's presidency and instead of shouting about its evils or defending him as the savior of the economy just think, "meh"?
I was underwhelmed with him until a month or two ago when the GOP was repeatedly curbstomped on gay marriage, voter ID, Iran deal, Obamacare subsidies, religious discrimination acts...

And now I'm generally pretty happy with him. :thup:
I've decided not to vote for him in the upcoming election.
I was underwhelmed with him until a month or two ago when the GOP was repeatedly curbstomped on gay marriage, voter ID, Iran deal, Obamacare subsidies, religious discrimination acts...

And now I'm generally pretty happy with him. :thup:
He does seem to being starting to show a little backbone in his later years as president, but it took such a learning curve.
I was underwhelmed with him until a month or two ago when the GOP was repeatedly curbstomped on gay marriage, voter ID, Iran deal, Obamacare subsidies, religious discrimination acts...

And now I'm generally pretty happy with him. :thup:
He does seem to being starting to show a little backbone in his later years as president, but it took such a learning curve.
Yeah I'm glad he's taken the gloves off a bit but he should have done that years ago.
I was underwhelmed with him until a month or two ago when the GOP was repeatedly curbstomped on gay marriage, voter ID, Iran deal, Obamacare subsidies, religious discrimination acts...

And now I'm generally pretty happy with him. :thup:

Yes and he was ranked 18th on the all time best president list. Those accomplishments will raise him much higher and will easily surpass Reagan next time their is a ranking. That has to hurt the right to no end.
I was underwhelmed with him until a month or two ago when the GOP was repeatedly curbstomped on gay marriage, voter ID, Iran deal, Obamacare subsidies, religious discrimination acts...

And now I'm generally pretty happy with him. :thup:

Yes and he was ranked 18th on the all time best president list. Those accomplishments will raise him much higher and will easily surpass Reagan next time their is a ranking. That has to hurt the right to no end.
His legacy will certainly be impressive to people reading about his Presidency decades from now.
At least under Obama we have at least some infrastructure(Even so we're at the lowest levels of investment since 1990), science, r&d, education and safetynet...He's a lot better then ted crook or rand youcan'tliveinafirstwworldcountry.
i was underwhelmed with Obama before he even got elected the first time i'm overwhelmed by how much damage this guy has done to the USA....
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I was underwhelmed with him until a month or two ago when the GOP was repeatedly curbstomped on gay marriage, voter ID, Iran deal, Obamacare subsidies, religious discrimination acts...

And now I'm generally pretty happy with him. :thup:

Yes and he was ranked 18th on the all time best president list. Those accomplishments will raise him much higher and will easily surpass Reagan next time their is a ranking. That has to hurt the right to no end.

His cutting the shit out of infrastructure and moon to mars hurt him...He was also a divider that made the opposition against him far worse then it would of otherwise would of been.

He should of taken a more centrist tone and pushed for more economic investments.
At least under Obama we have at least some infrastructure(Even so we're at the lowest levels of investment since 1990), science, r&d, education and safetynet...He's a lot better then ted crook or rand youcan'tliveinafirstwworldcountry.
He invested in science and r&d sure, but those parentheses in your comment are not wrong either. I'm not comparing him to any candidate in particular, it just seems like he could have gotten more done.
i was underwhelmed with Obama before he even got elected the first time i'm overwhelmed by how much damage this guy has done to the USA....
Now this is the response I find interesting, I don't see how he has done an "overwhelmingly" amount of damage, even if you don't like his policies I simply don't see the damage, if you have specifics please, inform me. I am genuinely interested to hear.
His legacy will certainly be impressive to people reading about his Presidency decades from now.

After about two generations students WILL be very much interested in how The Great American Race War was touched off....
Sure, blacks and whites will soon be killing each other in the street, just be sure to take your followers underground an emerge years later to take control back from the black man Charles Manson, helter skelter.
i was underwhelmed with Obama before he even got elected the first time i'm overwhelmed by how much damage this guy has done to the USA....
Now this is the response I find interesting, I don't see how he has done an "overwhelmingly" amount of damage, even if you don't like his policies I simply don't see the damage, if you have specifics please, inform me. I am genuinely interested to hear.

here's a good list of specifics....

50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong - John Hawkins - Page full
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i was underwhelmed with Obama before he even got elected the first time i'm overwhelmed by how much damage this guy has done to the USA....
Now this is the response I find interesting, I don't see how he has done an "overwhelmingly" amount of damage, even if you don't like his policies I simply don't see the damage, if you have specifics please, inform me. I am genuinely interested to hear.
Worst recovery on record post war.
Highest level of gov't dependence post war
Stagnated levels of income
Stagnated levels of household wealth
Stagnated levels of business start ups
And thats just the domestic agenda. When we get to foreign policy its worse.
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Jobs, strongest economy on the planet, huge progress in human rights and equality, healthy stock market, health care, increase in housing starts and income from the previous administration. And his tireless fight for the middle class against the Republicans as well as his truly great Iran deal -

He's actually accomplished some amazing things to bring the country back from the Bush fiasco and he's done it in less than 8 years and with the Repubs obstructing him every step of the way. j

Sadly, I won't be voting for him next time either.
Underwhelmed totally misses the mark.
This president has done major damage to foreign affairs, race relations, crime and the economy. Outside of that I suppose he's been underwhelming.
Jobs, strongest economy on the planet, huge progress in human rights and equality, healthy stock market, health care, increase in housing starts and income from the previous administration. And his tireless fight for the middle class against the Republicans as well as his truly great Iran deal -

He's actually accomplished some amazing things to bring the country back from the Bush fiasco and he's done it in less than 8 years and with the Repubs obstructing him every step of the way. j

Sadly, I won't be voting for him next time either.

another mind-numbed Obamabot with nothing to say but mindnumbed....


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