Is anyone really buying it? $5 fuel not their fault, 19% inflation not their fault, wars around the world not their fault, 10 million illegals not….

their fault, 7.75% interest rates not their fault, explosion in violent crime not their fault, record covid deaths (with a plethora of clot-shots) not their fault.
I get it…all the feelings people and free shit folks will vote Democrat no matter what…BUT, is anyone sane actually buying what the Indian chick is selling?
Regular gas is 2.47 right around the corner. So no not really buying it. The Covid bubble has run it's course.
Shit. I paid $2.50 for gas last week in Tennessee
Just to say to you, the quality of gasoline varies. No matter if you what you say is true, a special deal or an outright lie. The additives in gasoline from different brands can screw with the engine in vehicles. In this day I thought this stuff was on the wane.
  • Most expensive weekly national average since 2018: The highest weekly gas price was $4.99 per gallon the week of Jun. 16th, 2022(2)

And remember, that was the national average, so in some places gas had to be much higher.
A trump deal.
trump got the Saudis to produce less oil for 2 years.

Do you think OPEC+ deal had anything to do with rising gas prices?
Gas has been a little over $3 in my town for weeks now.

Never been $4, let alone $5

You don’t get to just cite gas prices from the most extreme expensive states in the union and present them as the average
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$5 fuel?

I am paying less than 3 bucks a gallon.

sucks to be you little man
The average price under Biden’s term is $3.54. During Trump’s term, it was $2.57. The 20 percent inflation under Biden l-Harris hasn’t helped and neither have the regulations and restrictions they have aimed at the domestic energy companies.

So while you are celebrating the price per gas you are paying (clearly, you don’t live in a blue state), you might want to consider what other Americans are thinking when it comes to gas prices and they are at the ballot box.
She was the VP, meaning she had zero power and zero authority.

It is odd how many of you cult member do not know how the US Govt works
What is Harris going to do different from Biden? As VP she cast the tie breaking vote for Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act which has only exacerbated inflation.
As President, her policies will be lock step with Obama and Biden. When those Trump tax cuts expire in 2025, how is that going to help the middle class?
Did he fuck it worse than the Indian and the almost dead dude did? Weren’t they armed with a shit-ton of clot-shots, PPE, ventilators, beds…etc etc?

Yeah he did.

Check the death rate per month of the two and see how they compare.
Enlighten us…post it



First death due to COVID under Trump was March 1st.

He left office with 466,298. That is 326 days. That is a COVID death rate of 1430.3 per day.


Jan 24, 2021 466,298 dead.

Today...1219375 dead. That is a total of 753,077. That is 1338 days. That is a COVID death rate of 562.8 per day.

Hope that helps.

data came from here...

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