Is AZ dem party an arm of the cartels

what the F are you talking about? It's literally testimony at a AZ Senate Committee...testimony is freaking evidence you dumbfuck

"This discovery was announced during a recent hearing in front of the Senate Elections and Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Committee. The presentation was conducted by principle investigator Jacqueline Breger from Harris/Thaler, who went into detail as to how what started as an investigation into allegations of money-laundering turned into this potential major scandal."
And they are running the fuck away from and embarrassed that they brought it into the chamber.
It was linked by someone else above. Oh and in case you didn't notice, this thread has been moved to the conspiracy theories portion of the board. Why do you think that is?
you links

It's not a conspiracy theory, the testimony happened.
"Where there is smoke there is fire"....the conspiracy mantra. Make shit up, then insist that people be imprisoned based on your imagination.

An allegation isn't evidence. You're so damaged that you can't tell the difference.

A rational person could. A judge certainly can. There's a reason why these allegations have gone nowhere.

And no, its not another conspiracy.
After all the years spent trying to get Trump you complain about unproven accusations? What have you done with Trump? I see no difference and you never call out the liars you believe. Why is that hypocrite?
you have no evidence to support your claim...your claim is BS

some monitor on this website moving a thread isn't proof of anything

The whole thing like you is total bullshit. You know it, the right leaning mods know it and I know it. Enjoy your bullshit!
And it was bullshit. Exactly why this is now in the conspiracy theories category!
It is in conspiracy theories because the Left cannot answer the charges any other way. It is their go to answer along with racism and assorted phobias.

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