Is AZ dem party an arm of the cartels

Yup been posted uptrend. The thread has been moved to conspiracy theories because this is all bullshit.
MAGA peeps love and believe in bullshit!
you still can't provide a link?

for all I know you moved it, because you don't like the evidence that was presented.
you still can't provide a link?

for all I know you moved it, because you don't like the evidence that was presented.

It's upthread provided by another poster. And this thread is in the conspiracy theories group. Even your mostly right leaning mods know it is bullshit.
oh she wasn’t the only one bribe. resd the link
Did they bribe (or at least try to bribe) Kari Kake too? She lost by something like 10,000 votes. I mean...they didn't know the turnout before Election Day did they would have had to bribe them both.

Let me'll now come up with some bizarre story that involves the cartel rigging the election.

One conspiracy theory has to be invented to cover the other...wash, rinse, repeat.

Go ahead...the floor is yours.
me? i wasn’t the one that conducted the investigation and testified at the hearing
Who gives a shit about that? Testifying about something based on bullshit is only evidence of bullshit. So, you automatically assume this bullshit is the god's honest truth, yes?
I'm sure Reichminister Garland will be all over the Sinaloa Cartel's infiltration of the AZ democrat Party
Where there is smoke there is "FIRE". If only we paid more taxes they would get control of this sort of crap....

In June 2022, John Thaler alleged that Brittany Thaler “has engaged in an array of criminal enterprises across multiple states, including money laundering and tax evasion, allegedly accomplished via real estate transactions and non-profit organizations; insurance fraud, allegedly accomplished via phony personal injury claims made on behalf of non-existent persons; skimming money from state-run aid programs; narcotics trafficking; hacking into state databases and fabricating public records; bribing public officials, including judges, police officers, judicial assistants, inspectors, assessors, and accountants; bribing private professionals, such as real estate agents and brokers; bankruptcy fraud; election fraud, allegedly accomplished by creating fake ballots and manipulating others in order to influence, among other races, the 2020 election for Maricopa County Recorder; extortion via “crypto-viruses”; the creation of fake employees on payroll systems in order to collect paychecks and benefits; and murder.” Dawna Rae Chavez is also named as a defendant.

And by 'crap' you mean John Thaler's claims against his ex-wife and ex-mother-in-law in the midst of a nasty divorce battle, backed by nothing.

Just garden variety vindictive divorce shit. Delusional vindictive divorce shit. But dont' take my word for it.

“Mr. Thaler’s complaint weaves a delusional and fantastical narrative that does not comport with federal pleading standards,” the court said in one of its rulings. Lawsuits he’s filed in state courts have also been rejected for similar reasons.


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