Joe Biden Spending 50 Million To Intensify "Convicted Felon" Smear Of Trump

Democrats are still in plan B- weaponize the criminal justice system against Trump with trumped-up charges - run a smear campaign of convicted felon.

Joe Biden is spending $50 million to remind you Donald Trump is a convicted felon​

  • Joe Biden doesn't want swing voters to forget that Donald Trump is now a felon.
  • The Biden campaign is spending $50 million on a media blitz that includes a biting attack ad on Trump.
  • The ad highlights Trump's conviction while painting Biden as "fighting for your family.

And by smear, you mean acknowledging the fact that Trump is a convicted felon?
This place is no longer a discussion and point counterpoint opportunity
It IS an opportunity for libs with 3 different screen names to hide behind to present their feelings as facts and stick their tongues out.
This place is no longer a discussion and point counterpoint opportunity
It IS an opportunity for libs with 3 different screen names to hide behind to present their feelings as facts and stick their tongues out.

Uh-huh. The fact is that Trump is a convicted felon.

Where is the smear in mentioning it?
Uh-huh. The fact is that Trump is a convicted felon.

Where is the smear in mentioning it?
Man you must be dialed into auto response. That dog whistled you in with in 10 seconds . Hanging on my every word would be instructive to you IF you had a mind to be open.
Man you must be dialed into auto response. That dog whistled you in with in 10 seconds . Hanging on my every word would be instructive to you IF you had a mind to be open.

Yeah, none of that word salad answers my question.

What is the smear? Remember, Trump is a convicted felon. He was convicted of 34 felonies.

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