It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better

They're stressing "maggot". It's all they got. Just brace yourself for 4 years of this nonsense
Oh, I know, but he tried to deny it, which is why I specifically asked him. Surprise, surprise he will not answer that, because he's a coward in that respect...
Because it's funny, and I don't respect them.
You don't even know anyone on this board...And you think it's funny to use slurs...Ok, but I'm pretty confident that you don't like it when that sort of childish tactic is deployed against you....This tells us alot about your upbringing...
Is this where you deny that you argue from the perspective of a democrat?
Yes. It is. Because I haven't been a democrat in three decades. I am an unapologetic NeverTrumper, tho. Not a member of Cult45. So I suppose to you, that equals democrat. :rolleyes: I argue from the perspective of critical thought, not that you would understand.
Yes. It is. Because I haven't been a democrat in three decades. I am an unapologetic NeverTrumper, tho. Not a member of Cult45. So I suppose to you, that equals democrat. :rolleyes: I argue from the perspective of critical thought, not that you would understand.
There's nothing critical in your thinking if your criticism is directed in only one direction.
There's nothing critical in your thinking if your criticism is directed in only one direction.
I criticize Brandon and regressives when it merits it. But I understand this is a mostly right winger message board. Criticism of the left happens here 24/7. I don't have the urge to needlessly pile on. The non-issues coming from the CULT are much more interesting.
I criticize Brandon and regressives when it merits it.
Bull shit....In my time here, I've never seen you criticize "Brandon"....
But I understand this is a mostly right winger message board.
Why should that matter? If the predominant views on this message board don't align to your liking, with your views, then why are you here? Certainly there are boards out there that more align with your views...?
Criticism of the left happens here 24/7.
So? You said this was a "right winger message board". Do you need a safe space?
I don't have the urge to needlessly pile on.
lol, :laughing0301: :laughing0301: The hell you say?
The non-issues coming from the CULT are much more interesting.
Ooooooh, "the cult" eh? That'll sure tell me huh? some childish name calling always wins right?
I criticize Brandon and regressives when it merits it. But I understand this is a mostly right winger message board. Criticism of the left happens here 24/7. I don't have the urge to needlessly pile on. The non-issues coming from the CULT are much more interesting.
They're definitely making their Big Move Against Satan. All or nothing, they win or they bring it down. Theocracy or Bust.

Did you see what the President of the Heritage Foundation said? Talk about thinly-veiled threats. America's Taliban.

...said on Tuesday that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Bull shit....In my time here, I've never seen you criticize "Brandon"....
You've never seen me praise him either. But, who are you? Nobody.
Why should that matter? If the predominant views on this message board don't align to your liking, with your views, then why are you here? Certainly there are boards out there that more align with your views...?
I'm aware of my surroundings, and don't need approval. Why do you care why I'm here? :dunno:
So? You said this was a "right winger message board". Do you need a safe space?
'Safe space'. Why do you talk like a fucking regressive?
Ooooooh, "the cult" eh? That'll sure tell me huh?
Dunno. Are you self identifying? :dunno:
some childish name calling always wins right?
You tell me.
They're definitely making their Big Move Against Satan. All or nothing, they win or they bring it down. Theocracy or Bust.

Did you see what the President of the Heritage Foundation said? Talk about thinly-veiled threats. America's Taliban.

...said on Tuesday that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

This reads like battered spouse syndrome.
They're definitely making their Big Move Against Satan. All or nothing, they win or they bring it down. Theocracy or Bust.

Did you see what the President of the Heritage Foundation said? Talk about thinly-veiled threats. America's Taliban.

...said on Tuesday that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Ooooh, scary....This is all the morons have people, no offer of plans, no agenda or policy discussion, just fear...pathetic.

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