President Trump's convention Speech gets a "C"!

i. President Trump's convention Speech gets a "C" 240720 {post•120}

NotfooledbyW Jul’24 Vptcsg: Don Trump is a fascist and there’s no whataboutism whereby Joe Biden attempted through word and deed to overturn an election.

Don Trump’s VP pick for 2024 says he would have done what Mike Pence refused to do on J6,2021. nfbw 240720 Vptcsg00120

"So, litigating which slate of electors were legitimate I think is fundamentally the political solution to the problems that existed in 2020," Vance said.​
Stephanopoulos again asked: "Would you have certified the election results had you been vice president?"​
Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there. That is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020. I think that's what we should have done."​
Trump is a racist because nine out of ten black Americans voted for Joe Biden in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

Trump paid white lawyers like Jenna Ellis to get white people in those states to lie in the claim on official state election documents that the Party of mostly white voters in the aforementioned states received the most votes in their state and that they were the duly chosen Republican electors in their states where they know goddamned well that they were not duly chosen electors for the actual certified winner.

Don Trump’s path to winning the 2020 election required white Mike Pence to not count these seven states thus throwing out nine out of ten black votes for Biden which means the Party of White People wins the 2020 contest by electoral college process by fraudulent counting only the states that white Christian Republicans “fraudulently feel” should be counted.

MAGA under Don Trump had to do something “wild” on J6,2021 because MAGA felt that day and still feels that Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Georgia, and Wisconsin.have too many black people living in big shithole cities to choose wisely and fairly what kind of white person they want to represent them in the White House.

But Mike Pence refused to put MAGA over Constitution but remains loyal to the mostly white political party that attempted to keep America Great mostly for white peoples and specifically for deeply Biblical people like Jenna Ellis. .

So MAGA wants to Hang Him,

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Democrats play the racist card against Republicans no matter who is running. That said, compared to every Republican since Nixon, the numbers are saying Trump is not as “racist” .

You people are going to have race hustle harder in this election than ever before.

Donald Trump's speech last night at the Republican Convention showcased Donald Trump's strength and weakness and why he had his successes and failures as President; to many Americans this nonideal candidate will be okay with them because they understandably believe that Donald Trump will make their lives better. This writer tries to follow wisdom which leads to the conclusion that you should not vote for a candidate who neither seems to have the awareness of what is good or the expected commitment to pursue the good. President Trump showed in his speech that he is no fool, he understands one major cause of inflation and he will be bold in correcting that cause, he understands the harm of illegal immigration and will correct it. Donald Trump displays common sense and strength to accomplish good things.

The problem and it is a mega and frequently seen problem with Trump is that he often isn't fully aware what is good in a situation and/or he doesn't care about what is fully good in a situation. Like on the illegal immigration problem he wants to do mass deportation; we have illegal immigrants that have been in the country twenty to thirty years working and thus helping the economy - the American people justly don't want such people deported. President Trump wants to in an expedited manner bring back manufacturing to our shores that is great that can only be done slowly for we do not have the skilled workforce and or the bodies to do such factory jobs. President Trump if he was fully wise he would be calling for legislation to empower and guide him legislation that first and foremost protects our current domestic industries; one example in the media recently is how imports of mattresses is causing the elimination of a lot of jobs in our domestic mattress manufacturing industry.

Trump he really is intermittent on staying with the good. He wants to stop the taxation of tips; America's tax system fairly taxes earned income to be fair to non-tipped workers there is no reason tipped workers should be able to exclude wage income from the taxman. Trump wants to lower taxes on everyone and he submits this will increase tax revenue so the national debt can be chipped away with this revenue because it happened with the 2017 tax cuts that was the case back then because the 2017 legislation allowed taxpayers to bring back revenue parked off shore and pay a low rate, but this revenue bump won't occur with a future tax cut legislation because the monies has already been brought back. President Trump wants to build an Iron Dome system across America how many hundreds of billions of dollars will that cost and why do we need it because Trump's policy is that he isn't getting us into any wars. President Trump says once he is reelected he will speedily drive down inflation and lower interest rates. What a bunch of gobbly goop Trump could implement policies that lower inflation but it would take time and in America the Federal Reserve Chairperson control's interest rates President Trump in a second term could lower expenses which drive inflation but the effect of such development would take time.
This thread translates to democrat goooood Trump evil.

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