Is British crime actually higher, and not lower as they claim....?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We have heard that British violent crime hasn't gone up after the confiscation of their guns....this could be reports that the British law enforcement community have been falsifying crime stat are becoming more common....and taking on more weight....

British Cops Hate Their Role In Falsifying Crime Numbers Extrano s Alley a gun blog

A Mark Townsed bylined report in the Telegraph tells us the typical British Copper hates‘fillding with crime statistics.

Briefly quoting Mr. Mark Townsend’s report, linked above:

Marian FitzGerald, a visiting professor of criminology at the University of Kent’s crime and justice centre, said many ethically minded senior officers were “scandalised” and detested their part in what they consider to be the manipulation of police statistics.

She said: “Many, many people within these organisations despise the way the game is being played and have no respect for the people who are cynically fiddling the figures in order to cover their backs and yet, for the sake of holding on to their jobs, they themselves end up passively or actively complicit in this.

“This has infected the heart of government itself. There are lots and lots and lots of good, ethical people who hate what is happening.

Ms. FitzGerals has made a damning case against the crime numbers given reported by the police. But there are even more damning comments at the links in Mr. Townsend’s report.

Claire Berlinski has even more daming comments at her website.

Again, quoting Ms. Berlinski’s report at more than usual length, on the sad state of British crime reporting, and with a key statement in bold:

The British press, particularly the tabloid press, carries stories like this nearly every day—lurid accounts of drunken vandals, teenage murderers, child abuse, knifings, and gang violence. “After bingeing on lager, vodka and cocaine, twisted Jobson launched a frenzied attack, stabbing Samantha TEN times with an eight-inch blade,” the Sun reported this past November 26.

DRUNKEN YOB WHO LEFT TEENAGER WITH PART OF HIS SKULL MISSING AFTER PARTY ATTACK GETS JUST ONE YEAR’S DETENTION, cried the Daily Mail on the same day—about a different incident. Collectively, these reports paint a portrait of a nation terrorized by vomit-spewing, tattooed thugs. And according to polls, British citizens also consider crime an exceedingly grave problem.

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