Is G4S Poised To Quit Israel In Major Victory For BDS Campaign?


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

"By Gianluca Mezzofiore The world's biggest security company, G4S, has reiterated its pledge to end key contracts in Israel after pressure by pro-Palestinian groups in a move that some economists have suggested could signal it pulling out of the country altogether." G4S Israel may be next to be divested?" Kean Marden, analyst at Jefferies, told FT after G4S said it would reduce its involvement in settlements inside occupied Palestinian territories."The Israel-Palestine conflict has created reputational issues.The potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the June 25 capital markets day," said Jefferies.The British-Danish firm, which employs 6,000 people in Israel, confirmed it will not renew security contracts at Ofer prison in the West Bank, plus checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters, when they finish in 2015 ."

BDS is certainly making progress in encouraging companies to end unethical investments in the illegal Settlement enterprise. This is after many protests in front of their offices in the UK.
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"After 8 months of protesting outside their front door in London G4S is feeling the heat. Just last Sunday (21 April 2013) the Financial Times reporting that"G4S to quit key contracts in Israel.. with sporadic international protests continuing both outside the FTSE 100’s headquarters in London and internationally, the company said it would exit the contracts covering Ofer, the checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters when they terminate in 2015."and further, quoting Kean Marden, an analyst at Jefferies US investment bank:“G4S Israel may be next to be divested? The Israel/Palestine conflict has created reputational issues. In our view the potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the 25 June capital markets day.”At this critical time its imperative that we double our efforts to pressure G4S to totally divest from Israel.On Friday 3rd May we will again a protest outside their headquarters in London to raise the issue of G4S's complicity in the torture of Palestinian children."
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Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

"By Gianluca Mezzofiore The world's biggest security company, G4S, has reiterated its pledge to end key contracts in Israel after pressure by pro-Palestinian groups in a move that some economists have suggested could signal it pulling out of the country altogether." G4S Israel may be next to be divested?" Kean Marden, analyst at Jefferies, told FT after G4S said it would reduce its involvement in settlements inside occupied Palestinian territories."The Israel-Palestine conflict has created reputational issues.The potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the June 25 capital markets day," said Jefferies.The British-Danish firm, which employs 6,000 people in Israel, confirmed it will not renew security contracts at Ofer prison in the West Bank, plus checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters, when they finish in 2015 ." Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

BDS is certainly making progress in encouraging companies to end unethical investments in the illegal Settlement enterprise. This is after many protests in front of their offices in the UK.

.....and death threats to family members probably helped them decide as well. Your kind of company, Sherri. Not mine.
Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

"By Gianluca Mezzofiore The world's biggest security company, G4S, has reiterated its pledge to end key contracts in Israel after pressure by pro-Palestinian groups in a move that some economists have suggested could signal it pulling out of the country altogether." G4S Israel may be next to be divested?" Kean Marden, analyst at Jefferies, told FT after G4S said it would reduce its involvement in settlements inside occupied Palestinian territories."The Israel-Palestine conflict has created reputational issues.The potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the June 25 capital markets day," said Jefferies.The British-Danish firm, which employs 6,000 people in Israel, confirmed it will not renew security contracts at Ofer prison in the West Bank, plus checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters, when they finish in 2015 ." Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

BDS is certainly making progress in encouraging companies to end unethical investments in the illegal Settlement enterprise. This is after many protests in front of their offices in the UK.

.....and death threats to family members probably helped them decide as well. Your kind of company, Sherri. Not mine.

None of the articles said any of that. Why must you lie?
Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

"By Gianluca Mezzofiore The world's biggest security company, G4S, has reiterated its pledge to end key contracts in Israel after pressure by pro-Palestinian groups in a move that some economists have suggested could signal it pulling out of the country altogether." G4S Israel may be next to be divested?" Kean Marden, analyst at Jefferies, told FT after G4S said it would reduce its involvement in settlements inside occupied Palestinian territories."The Israel-Palestine conflict has created reputational issues.The potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the June 25 capital markets day," said Jefferies.The British-Danish firm, which employs 6,000 people in Israel, confirmed it will not renew security contracts at Ofer prison in the West Bank, plus checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters, when they finish in 2015 ." Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

BDS is certainly making progress in encouraging companies to end unethical investments in the illegal Settlement enterprise. This is after many protests in front of their offices in the UK.
It appears that Israel is picking up customers right and lefts for its products so in the long run, I think Israel will keep on going while your gang cries at how successful the Israelis are.

Israel-Canada relations warming through energy cooperation

Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver issued a statement Tuesday urging joint ventures between Canadian and Israeli energy firms. Together with Israeli energy and water minister Uzi Landau, Oliver has promoted the Canada-Israel Energy Science and Technology Fund to facilitate such joint projects. "I think as government initiatives go this has been moving at a pretty fast rate," Oliver told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "We have a real value added now because of the offshore gas and the expertise we have there. These things don't change immediately. I think that Canada is very well regarded in Israel and I think its diplomatic stance is well appreciated, but that does not automatically translate into business. Israel has a lot of thinking to do (but) it's kind of exciting times for the country."

Tel Aviv brand highly popular in the US

BAV Consulting, an international public relations firm, published a report this week which shows that the city of Tel Aviv is viewed as more attractive to Americans than 90% of other familiar names including the Wall Street Journal newspaper, the Siemens engineering corporation and the Prada brand of luxury clothing. "Our model is built on financial factors," explained BAV Consulting CEO Scott Siff. "If Tel Aviv were a company listed on the stock exchange, it would be a hot stock."
Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

"By Gianluca Mezzofiore The world's biggest security company, G4S, has reiterated its pledge to end key contracts in Israel after pressure by pro-Palestinian groups in a move that some economists have suggested could signal it pulling out of the country altogether." G4S Israel may be next to be divested?" Kean Marden, analyst at Jefferies, told FT after G4S said it would reduce its involvement in settlements inside occupied Palestinian territories."The Israel-Palestine conflict has created reputational issues.The potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the June 25 capital markets day," said Jefferies.The British-Danish firm, which employs 6,000 people in Israel, confirmed it will not renew security contracts at Ofer prison in the West Bank, plus checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters, when they finish in 2015 ." Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

BDS is certainly making progress in encouraging companies to end unethical investments in the illegal Settlement enterprise. This is after many protests in front of their offices in the UK.

.....and death threats to family members probably helped them decide as well. Your kind of company, Sherri. Not mine.

None of the articles said any of that. Why must you lie?

Ha! If it were true would you expect them to tell the world? Be serious, Sherri.
.....and death threats to family members probably helped them decide as well. Your kind of company, Sherri. Not mine.

None of the articles said any of that. Why must you lie?

Ha! If it were true would you expect them to tell the world? Be serious, Sherri.

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the Zionist Jeremiah. What does making up these lies accomplish for you?
None of the articles said any of that. Why must you lie?

Ha! If it were true would you expect them to tell the world? Be serious, Sherri.

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the Zionist Jeremiah. What does making up these lies accomplish for you?

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the insane sherrithing. What does making up those lies about 'Zionists' do for her - except make that oh-so-self-righteous "pacifist humanitarian" pose so obviously fake?
None of the articles said any of that. Why must you lie?

Ha! If it were true would you expect them to tell the world? Be serious, Sherri.

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the Zionist Jeremiah. What does making up these lies accomplish for you?

Honestly Sherri, your posts NEVER have anything to do with the comments that you quote. EVER !
I think you just look at the username of the poster you are quoting, and if they are pro - Israeli, you just write the same jibberish ! "You desire death and destruction ! You are an evil Satan worshiping Zionist "
Are you ever capable of coming up with a constructive response when talking woith pro - Israelis, or is your mind so filled with hate ??????
Ha! If it were true would you expect them to tell the world? Be serious, Sherri.

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the Zionist Jeremiah. What does making up these lies accomplish for you?

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the insane sherrithing. What does making up those lies about 'Zionists' do for her - except make that oh-so-self-righteous "pacifist humanitarian" pose so obviously fake?

The woman is so filled with rage and hate, yet she accuses others of just that ! IT makes no sense ...
Ha! If it were true would you expect them to tell the world? Be serious, Sherri.

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the Zionist Jeremiah. What does making up these lies accomplish for you?

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the insane sherrithing. What does making up those lies about 'Zionists' do for her - except make that oh-so-self-righteous "pacifist humanitarian" pose so obviously fake?

I was not the one making things up, like Jeremiah did. I posted what is reported in the news. Making up lies and reporting news are two very different things, try to learn the difference between the two.
None of the articles said any of that. Why must you lie?

Ha! If it were true would you expect them to tell the world? Be serious, Sherri.

ALL of us do not make up lies about others and desire death and destruction for others like the Zionist Jeremiah. What does making up these lies accomplish for you?
Why, Frau Sherri, you have been caught in lies. And if you weren't so obsessed with Israel and the Jews and were honest, you would admit that it is your friends who are busy killing others. How conveniently you close your eyes to what your friends are doing in many locations.
Ever since the Palestinian BDS movement began to boycott Israel, Israel's economy has been booming like never before mostly from foreign investors. Keep them boycotts comin'.

Foreign direct investment in Israel doubles - Globes

Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

"By Gianluca Mezzofiore The world's biggest security company, G4S, has reiterated its pledge to end key contracts in Israel after pressure by pro-Palestinian groups in a move that some economists have suggested could signal it pulling out of the country altogether." G4S Israel may be next to be divested?" Kean Marden, analyst at Jefferies, told FT after G4S said it would reduce its involvement in settlements inside occupied Palestinian territories."The Israel-Palestine conflict has created reputational issues.The potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the June 25 capital markets day," said Jefferies.The British-Danish firm, which employs 6,000 people in Israel, confirmed it will not renew security contracts at Ofer prison in the West Bank, plus checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters, when they finish in 2015 ." Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

BDS is certainly making progress in encouraging companies to end unethical investments in the illegal Settlement enterprise. This is after many protests in front of their offices in the UK.
It appears that Israel is picking up customers right and lefts for its products so in the long run, I think Israel will keep on going while your gang cries at how successful the Israelis are.

Israel-Canada relations warming through energy cooperation

Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver issued a statement Tuesday urging joint ventures between Canadian and Israeli energy firms. Together with Israeli energy and water minister Uzi Landau, Oliver has promoted the Canada-Israel Energy Science and Technology Fund to facilitate such joint projects. "I think as government initiatives go this has been moving at a pretty fast rate," Oliver told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "We have a real value added now because of the offshore gas and the expertise we have there. These things don't change immediately. I think that Canada is very well regarded in Israel and I think its diplomatic stance is well appreciated, but that does not automatically translate into business. Israel has a lot of thinking to do (but) it's kind of exciting times for the country."

Tel Aviv brand highly popular in the US

BAV Consulting, an international public relations firm, published a report this week which shows that the city of Tel Aviv is viewed as more attractive to Americans than 90% of other familiar names including the Wall Street Journal newspaper, the Siemens engineering corporation and the Prada brand of luxury clothing. "Our model is built on financial factors," explained BAV Consulting CEO Scott Siff. "If Tel Aviv were a company listed on the stock exchange, it would be a hot stock."
Ever since the Palestinian BDS movement began to boycott Israel, Israel's economy has been booming like never before mostly from foreign investors. Keep them boycotts comin'.

Foreign direct investment in Israel doubles - Globes

Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

"By Gianluca Mezzofiore The world's biggest security company, G4S, has reiterated its pledge to end key contracts in Israel after pressure by pro-Palestinian groups in a move that some economists have suggested could signal it pulling out of the country altogether." G4S Israel may be next to be divested?" Kean Marden, analyst at Jefferies, told FT after G4S said it would reduce its involvement in settlements inside occupied Palestinian territories."The Israel-Palestine conflict has created reputational issues.The potential disposal of G4S Israel could be announced as soon as the June 25 capital markets day," said Jefferies.The British-Danish firm, which employs 6,000 people in Israel, confirmed it will not renew security contracts at Ofer prison in the West Bank, plus checkpoints and the West Bank police headquarters, when they finish in 2015 ." Is G4S Poised to Quit Israel in Major Victory for BDS Campaign?

BDS is certainly making progress in encouraging companies to end unethical investments in the illegal Settlement enterprise. This is after many protests in front of their offices in the UK.
It appears that Israel is picking up customers right and lefts for its products so in the long run, I think Israel will keep on going while your gang cries at how successful the Israelis are.

Israel-Canada relations warming through energy cooperation

Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver issued a statement Tuesday urging joint ventures between Canadian and Israeli energy firms. Together with Israeli energy and water minister Uzi Landau, Oliver has promoted the Canada-Israel Energy Science and Technology Fund to facilitate such joint projects. "I think as government initiatives go this has been moving at a pretty fast rate," Oliver told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "We have a real value added now because of the offshore gas and the expertise we have there. These things don't change immediately. I think that Canada is very well regarded in Israel and I think its diplomatic stance is well appreciated, but that does not automatically translate into business. Israel has a lot of thinking to do (but) it's kind of exciting times for the country."

Tel Aviv brand highly popular in the US

BAV Consulting, an international public relations firm, published a report this week which shows that the city of Tel Aviv is viewed as more attractive to Americans than 90% of other familiar names including the Wall Street Journal newspaper, the Siemens engineering corporation and the Prada brand of luxury clothing. "Our model is built on financial factors," explained BAV Consulting CEO Scott Siff. "If Tel Aviv were a company listed on the stock exchange, it would be a hot stock."

"A recent study showed that a million Israelis left the country over the past two decades. Whereas in the past, emigrants tended to move away quietly, there is now little shame in abandoning the Zionist project. Indeed, they even have seminars and conferences to discuss emigration. The results of a survey of emigrants suggests that the main question for them is not, "Why have we left Israel?" but "Why did we wait so long before leaving?"
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I think you need to check the wait list for season ticket holders in Israel.

Ever since the Palestinian BDS movement began to boycott Israel, Israel's economy has been booming like never before mostly from foreign investors. Keep them boycotts comin'.

Foreign direct investment in Israel doubles - Globes

It appears that Israel is picking up customers right and lefts for its products so in the long run, I think Israel will keep on going while your gang cries at how successful the Israelis are.

Israel-Canada relations warming through energy cooperation

Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver issued a statement Tuesday urging joint ventures between Canadian and Israeli energy firms. Together with Israeli energy and water minister Uzi Landau, Oliver has promoted the Canada-Israel Energy Science and Technology Fund to facilitate such joint projects. "I think as government initiatives go this has been moving at a pretty fast rate," Oliver told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "We have a real value added now because of the offshore gas and the expertise we have there. These things don't change immediately. I think that Canada is very well regarded in Israel and I think its diplomatic stance is well appreciated, but that does not automatically translate into business. Israel has a lot of thinking to do (but) it's kind of exciting times for the country."

Tel Aviv brand highly popular in the US

BAV Consulting, an international public relations firm, published a report this week which shows that the city of Tel Aviv is viewed as more attractive to Americans than 90% of other familiar names including the Wall Street Journal newspaper, the Siemens engineering corporation and the Prada brand of luxury clothing. "Our model is built on financial factors," explained BAV Consulting CEO Scott Siff. "If Tel Aviv were a company listed on the stock exchange, it would be a hot stock."

"A recent study showed that a million Israelis left the country over the past two decades. Whereas in the past, emigrants tended to move away quietly, there is now little shame in abandoning the Zionist project. Indeed, they even have seminars and conferences to discuss emigration. The results of a survey of emigrants suggests that the main question for them is not, "Why have we left Israel?" but "Why did we wait so long before leaving?" Why are so many Israelis rushing to leave the "promised land"?
Ever since the Palestinian BDS movement began to boycott Israel, Israel's economy has been booming like never before mostly from foreign investors. Keep them boycotts comin'.

Foreign direct investment in Israel doubles - Globes

It appears that Israel is picking up customers right and lefts for its products so in the long run, I think Israel will keep on going while your gang cries at how successful the Israelis are.

Israel-Canada relations warming through energy cooperation

Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver issued a statement Tuesday urging joint ventures between Canadian and Israeli energy firms. Together with Israeli energy and water minister Uzi Landau, Oliver has promoted the Canada-Israel Energy Science and Technology Fund to facilitate such joint projects. "I think as government initiatives go this has been moving at a pretty fast rate," Oliver told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "We have a real value added now because of the offshore gas and the expertise we have there. These things don't change immediately. I think that Canada is very well regarded in Israel and I think its diplomatic stance is well appreciated, but that does not automatically translate into business. Israel has a lot of thinking to do (but) it's kind of exciting times for the country."

Tel Aviv brand highly popular in the US

BAV Consulting, an international public relations firm, published a report this week which shows that the city of Tel Aviv is viewed as more attractive to Americans than 90% of other familiar names including the Wall Street Journal newspaper, the Siemens engineering corporation and the Prada brand of luxury clothing. "Our model is built on financial factors," explained BAV Consulting CEO Scott Siff. "If Tel Aviv were a company listed on the stock exchange, it would be a hot stock."

"A recent study showed that a million Israelis left the country over the past two decades. Whereas in the past, emigrants tended to move away quietly, there is now little shame in abandoning the Zionist project. Indeed, they even have seminars and conferences to discuss emigration. The results of a survey of emigrants suggests that the main question for them is not, "Why have we left Israel?" but "Why did we wait so long before leaving?" Why are so many Israelis rushing to leave the "promised land"?

umm, you're joking, right? Do you really believe that ???????? :cuckoo:
The guy who posted the top comment on the bottom of that page has it right :

The reality is that Israel's population is growing. The other truth is that the majority of Jews in Israel are not Europeans, but come from Middle Eastern countries: Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
And unlike what #1 tried to say (poorly) Israel's economy is self-sufficient and takes no welfare from anybody.
The American military aid, if you bother to learn about it, is mostly spent in America on American military aid and to make jobs in America - just like the billions in military aid the US gives Egypt and other Arab countries.
Ever since the Palestinian BDS movement began to boycott Israel, Israel's economy has been booming like never before mostly from foreign investors. Keep them boycotts comin'.

Foreign direct investment in Israel doubles - Globes

It appears that Israel is picking up customers right and lefts for its products so in the long run, I think Israel will keep on going while your gang cries at how successful the Israelis are.

Israel-Canada relations warming through energy cooperation

Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver issued a statement Tuesday urging joint ventures between Canadian and Israeli energy firms. Together with Israeli energy and water minister Uzi Landau, Oliver has promoted the Canada-Israel Energy Science and Technology Fund to facilitate such joint projects. "I think as government initiatives go this has been moving at a pretty fast rate," Oliver told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "We have a real value added now because of the offshore gas and the expertise we have there. These things don't change immediately. I think that Canada is very well regarded in Israel and I think its diplomatic stance is well appreciated, but that does not automatically translate into business. Israel has a lot of thinking to do (but) it's kind of exciting times for the country."

Tel Aviv brand highly popular in the US

BAV Consulting, an international public relations firm, published a report this week which shows that the city of Tel Aviv is viewed as more attractive to Americans than 90% of other familiar names including the Wall Street Journal newspaper, the Siemens engineering corporation and the Prada brand of luxury clothing. "Our model is built on financial factors," explained BAV Consulting CEO Scott Siff. "If Tel Aviv were a company listed on the stock exchange, it would be a hot stock."

"A recent study showed that a million Israelis left the country over the past two decades. Whereas in the past, emigrants tended to move away quietly, there is now little shame in abandoning the Zionist project. Indeed, they even have seminars and conferences to discuss emigration. The results of a survey of emigrants suggests that the main question for them is not, "Why have we left Israel?" but "Why did we wait so long before leaving?" Why are so many Israelis rushing to leave the "promised land"?
Have you ever considered, Frau Sherri, that many of them left because your friends are always trying to do them in. Now perhaps you can tell us why so many of your friends are leaving their Muslim countries and moving to Europe, the U.S., Canada and even South America. How can they stand to breathe the same air as the Infidels?
The guy who posted the top comment on the bottom of that page has it right :

The reality is that Israel's population is growing. The other truth is that the majority of Jews in Israel are not Europeans, but come from Middle Eastern countries: Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
And unlike what #1 tried to say (poorly) Israel's economy is self-sufficient and takes no welfare from anybody.
The American military aid, if you bother to learn about it, is mostly spent in America on American military aid and to make jobs in America - just like the billions in military aid the US gives Egypt and other Arab countries.

PEOPLE are leaving Israel, bailing out of a sinking ship, sorry Zionists who live outside Israel cant face such truths.
The guy who posted the top comment on the bottom of that page has it right :

The reality is that Israel's population is growing. The other truth is that the majority of Jews in Israel are not Europeans, but come from Middle Eastern countries: Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
And unlike what #1 tried to say (poorly) Israel's economy is self-sufficient and takes no welfare from anybody.
The American military aid, if you bother to learn about it, is mostly spent in America on American military aid and to make jobs in America - just like the billions in military aid the US gives Egypt and other Arab countries.

PEOPLE are leaving Israel, bailing out of a sinking ship, sorry Zionists who live outside Israel cant face such truths.

Well that;s nice and all, but you have to provide some sort of proof for that. A chart of some sort maybe ??

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