Is GOP Finally Going To Screw The Disabled, & The Elderly On Medicare?

Is GOP Finally Going To Screw The Disabled, & The Elderly On Medicare?

This has actually been a GOP dream for many years. Only, they also hope to take down the "middle class", the ultimate goal.

Then they should be real happy with the obama because he's achieving their goal for them.
To answer the question, yes. The GOP, and the government in general, only cares about corporations. Hence the bailouts for banks and automotive. In the meantime, grandma can't buy her medicine nor anything to good to eat.


The GOP and the Government? I find it strange and odd that you just Identify only the GOP but for some reason forget who has been in controll for the last 4 years. Or was that your attempt when you said the government? I forget wasn't it a democratic controled congress in 2008 with obama as Senator obama that voted to give the corporations and Banks a bailout of tax payers money? Why is it that you identified just the GOP and not the democrats?
it's EASY my friend...the poster MEANT TO SAY...BOOOOOOSH!

I kind of was getting that feeling.:lol:
Both parties seem intent on destroying the dollar and Americas future.
Being blind to that, seems just a little to blind to see.
Yes, I think so. "Every year since 2003 ( all Bush/Cheney years, except 2), Congress has deferred" cuts "with backing from Democrats and Republicans" Cuts which were supposed to happen "because of a decade-old formula set up by Congress to slow the growth of Medicare."

Passing the buck all these years to save Bush/Cheney's asses, and now screwing the elderly and disabled when they need help the most. I think this is what the GOP will do.


How is it that the GOP can do this? They don't have the power to stop anything. Are you the type that blames the victim for being a victim or do you blame the bad guy?
BS, Cons protest or put holds on anything the Democratic Party proposes.

It's a shame they haven't been more successful.
What are you arguing about now? The GOP has historically been opposed to Medicare.

Until liberals fought to enact Medicare, we had elderly and the disabled living in the richest country in the world, going without even the most basic medical care.

That is the GOP's America,

No, the GOP America is a grand old place where people actually work to provide themselves for a living. We encourage people to be self sufficient. And to provide charity through private actions rather than outsourcing our charity to the government. You see, we believe that individuals need to have the freedom to control their money, property, and make their own choices on how to help people. It's a crazy concept. We don't pretend we are somehow compassionate for taking money from other people to give it to others through the use of force. We don't pretend that the Elderly or disabled persons are somehow incompetant. Nor do we think that they have no value they can share with the community. In fact, we believe they are some of the most capable people among us.

But oddly enough you do. You think that if someone is old, they are too incompetant to take care of themselves. Instead, youd rather lie to them and tell them that it's alright if they never think about what their life is going to be in the future or plan ahead because you, through the gracious use of government force, will provide everything you can for them by using other peoples money.

Considering the Democratic party has historically been the party of unions and blue collar workers, you'd have to say Democrats are hard working. Or do you say the GOP has been the party of working people and blue collar workers? You do know people in unions are hard working?

stop thinking winning arguments with yourself is comparable to debating others.

Are you implying that people who are not in unions are not hardworking?
When I belonged to the Democratic party, the number of blue collar workers always far outweighed any elites. You need to get out more. The Democrats that opposed the CRA jumped ship into the welcoming arms of the GOP who then went on to institute a Southern strategy based on racism. A Head of the GOP later apologized for this historical fact.

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman apologized to one of the nation's largest black civil rights groups Thursday, saying Republicans had not done enough to court blacks in the past and had exploited racial strife to court white voters, particularly in the South.

How many of those blue collar workers get elected to Congress?

Locally? The majority of elected officials come from blue collar stock. Nationally and state wide? If the conservatives would stop making money equal to speech, maybe a few blue collar Americans could compete for votes.

The Democrat Party has controlled both houses of Congrss for 4 years now. Please cite the legislation that they have passed to remedy the ills you blame on the GOP.
Conservatives have stacked the courts with Judges whose ideology supports the money = speech. The incumbents weren't all around as the GOP's long term goals were pursued.

Have they? Look again.

Who has appointed the judges to the federal benches since the 1970s?

now get with it or go away. I am sure somewhere in that skull of yours is the ability to form an argument relevant to the discussion, an argument that deals with an opinion of your own or a fact.

You seem consumed by the idea of the Republicans Blocking the altruistic will of the Democrat Party to care for the elderly. What legislation is it that your complaining of? What legislation has come up for a vote and been denied due to the Republican Majority? What altruistic Democrat initiative was made moot by a legal ruling?
Only Statists Divide people into CLASS.

what fucking world do you live in?

I bet you don't get out much. seriously. there is no way in hell an American today can say what you say and be taken seriously.

marketing and research, real estate, everything in America is targeted to the divides of class.

people like you should not be allowed to breath the same air as normal people. maybe you don't. maybe you really do not get out much.

People are supposed to be Treated equally before the law. People are not, however, equal. Some are smart, some are stupid, some kind while others are cruel, some are honest while others swindle, some tall, some short, some driven and some lax, some energetic and some lazy, some well and some sick.

Marketing strives to address the demographic that might purchase the product being marketed. Marketing is aimed at individuals. As a group, these inividuals might comprise a class. This is not Class Division that is practiced by the Liberals.

The inate make up of a person may relegate that person to a given class. Those who are stupid, lazy, infirm and/or addicted are prone to find a path to a class of lesser means than those who are smart, energetic, robust and/or disciplined. The means commanded by a person is the only thing that marketing seeks to target.

Class Division as practiced by the Liberal identifies the class, not the individual. It addresses the individual only to incite him to claim injustice at his self earned station and to exhort him to claim what he has not earned because he has a right to things that are not his and to which he has not earned the right.

Marketing, and the father of marketing, Capitalism, are fiersely individualistic. Classism, and the father of Classism, Socialism, are patently anti-individualist.

Assuming that the strongest of any discipline will rise and that the weakest will fall, and allowing for that to be the basis of reward, is Capitalism. Regulated Capitalism as was practiced in the USA for years produced substantial wealth. Socialism has never equalled that track record. The reason is clear. Limiting the potential reward limits the actual effort.

When the wealth makers are assured that their reward will be pilferred by the masses, that reward is left undeveloped and the wealth makers rest while the masses starve.

That's just the way the world works.

Classes exist because people are not equal. Class divisions are exploited because politicians see political advantage in the exploitation. The existance of classes and the exploitation of class division are two very different and entirely separate things.
Democrats really are losing it at this point. Still whining about the GOP even though they've controlled the White House and Congress for the past four years. They even had a Super Majority for God's sake. They have completely sunk many future generations. That's all they have to show for their long disastrous reign. When or if the GOP takes control of the White House and Congress,i will then be more willing to stomach all this whining about the GOP. Till then it's all on the corrupt & incompetent Democrats. Nuff said.
The GOP fought the creation of Medicare and has consistently looked to cut it.

yea but Dante....WHY did they oppose it? reading what you are posting,i get the impression that you are saying they oppose it because they can give a rats ass about seniors....and that aint the to dipshits like Rdean,that is the truth....but i dont believe you are saying that.....set me straight fella....
BS, Cons protest or put holds on anything the Democratic Party proposes.

and of course its NEVER the other way around right?......when the Republicans were in charge Junky the same dam shit your fucking eyes and quit looking at guys like Rdean to be your guide through politics....
Some Democrats might vote with the GOP, but that will not negate the fact that the GOP has always wanted to cut Medicare and will vote as a block to do so now -- after putting this off for years under Bush.

The GOP will vote to allow the elderly and disabled to die in oder to beat Obama.
Rationing, which is what youy are talking about has already been approved by and signed by obama and the democrats. Don't believe me read the law it's there.

Maybe, but you should consider as a possibility, that you're just a partisan idiot.
The Democrats have completely screwed many future generations so i seriously doubt the GOP can do any worse. The GOP can only improve things at this point. Thanks alot Dems. :(
If the elderly were corporations, Republicans would do everything they could to help them.

gee its to bad they are not corporations then....sonofabitch....let me ask you a question Dean.....i dont know about your State but convicts are treated better than the elderly here.....why is that Dean?....

this was printed in a paper out here....

Let's put the seniors in jail, and the criminals in a nursing home.

This way the seniors would have access to
showers, hobbies,and walks, they'd receive unlimited free
prescriptions, dental and medical treatment , wheel chairs etc.
and they'd receive money instead of paying it out.

They would have constant video monitoring,
so they could be helped instantly ,if they fell, or needed

Bedding would be washed twice a week, and
all clothing would beironed and returned to them.

A guard would check on them every 20 minutes,
and bring their mealsand snacks to their cell. They would have
family visits in a suite built for that purpose.

They would have access to a library, weight
room,spiritual counselling, pool, and education.

Simple clothing , shoes, slippers, P.J.'s
and legal aid would be free, on request.

Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise
outdoor yard ,with gardens.

Each senior could have a P.C. a T.V. radio,
and daily phone calls.

There would be a board of directors , to
hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct, that would
be strictly adhered to.

The "criminals" would get cold
food, be left all alone, and unsupervised.

lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week.

Live in a tiny room , and pay $5000.00 per
month and have no hopeof ever getting out.

Justice for all.

so Dean are those rascally Republicans responsible for this?.....
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Is GOP Finally Going To Screw The Disabled, & The Elderly On Medicare?

This has actually been a GOP dream for many years. Only, they also hope to take down the "middle class", the ultimate goal.

is your new "boy" Mr. Shaman coming over tonight to rub your feet?.....or is it still Chris?....
Yes, I think so. "Every year since 2003 ( all Bush/Cheney years, except 2), Congress has deferred" cuts "with backing from Democrats and Republicans" Cuts which were supposed to happen "because of a decade-old formula set up by Congress to slow the growth of Medicare."

Passing the buck all these years to save Bush/Cheney's asses, and now screwing the elderly and disabled when they need help the most. I think this is what the GOP will do.

Obama Urges Congress to Avert Medicare Pay Cuts

back on topic...

Wasn't this in the health care reform bill and crucial to keeping the cost down on it so it could be sold to the American people as a savings measure?
Didnt we all say that was unrealistic and Congress would come back and gut this fiscal restraint like they always do?
Doesn't this represent the worst sort of cynical double dealing by the Democrats?

Yes, to all.

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