Is Hillary sick?

New details are emerging that Hillary has suffered recently from a number of minor strokes. She may also have MS. She is also suffering intense headaches.
A while back I predicted on this forum that Hillary would drop out of the race do to 'health reasons'.
I give her one more month.
Hillary's 'health issues' are in fact being 'leaked' by her own campaign staff to soften the blow to her loyal supporters.
Her 'health issues' will forever put her email scandal on the back burner.
No one will want to be seen to be 'piling on' after her 'health issues' are made public.
Biden will have to 'pick up the mantel' and become the 'reluctant crusader'.
If somehow it turns out your nonsense is true, that's okay I'm confident Biden will have his way with whichever of the clowns you nutters end up nominating :thup:

Dems are afraid of a debate because no one, and I mean no one, wants to see Biden stick his tongue in Hillary's ear
New details are emerging that Hillary has suffered recently from a number of minor strokes. She may also have MS. She is also suffering intense headaches.
A while back I predicted on this forum that Hillary would drop out of the race do to 'health reasons'.
I give her one more month.
Hillary's 'health issues' are in fact being 'leaked' by her own campaign staff to soften the blow to her loyal supporters.
Her 'health issues' will forever put her email scandal on the back burner.
No one will want to be seen to be 'piling on' after her 'health issues' are made public.
Biden will have to 'pick up the mantel' and become the 'reluctant crusader'.

Yes. Oh, you don't mean mentally ill…never mind.
New details are emerging that Hillary has suffered recently from a number of minor strokes. She may also have MS. She is also suffering intense headaches.
A while back I predicted on this forum that Hillary would drop out of the race do to 'health reasons'.
I give her one more month.
Hillary's 'health issues' are in fact being 'leaked' by her own campaign staff to soften the blow to her loyal supporters.
Her 'health issues' will forever put her email scandal on the back burner.
No one will want to be seen to be 'piling on' after her 'health issues' are made public.
Biden will have to 'pick up the mantel' and become the 'reluctant crusader'.
If somehow it turns out your nonsense is true, that's okay I'm confident Biden will have his way with whichever of the clowns you nutters end up nominating :thup:

Dems are afraid of a debate because no one, and I mean no one, wants to see Biden stick his tongue in Hillary's ear
Okay ebola Frank
Apparently she called in sick as secretary/state. Maybe she was faking and maybe she was off her medication and really suffered a fainting spell (stroke?) . Hell, democrats once ran FDR for his 4th term when he was clearly dying so it's nothing unusual for the DNC to lie and withhold the truth.
Trump has sex with porn stars and has been divorced multiple times. He'd be wise not to bring up women.

And Biden beats him in every poll so far. Though not as badly as Hillary.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
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Trump has sex with porn stars and has been divorced multiple times. He'd be wise not to bring up women.

And Biden beats him in every poll so far. Though not as badly as Hillary.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Trump has sex with porn stars and has been divorced multiple times. He'd be wise not to bring up women.

And Biden beats him in every poll so far. Though not as badly as Hillary.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump has sex with porn stars and has been divorced multiple times. He'd be wise not to bring up women.

And Biden beats him in every poll so far. Though not as badly as Hillary.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump has sex with porn stars and has been divorced multiple times. He'd be wise not to bring up women.

And Biden beats him in every poll so far. Though not as badly as Hillary.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump vs Clinton in polling? The Republicans are still divided on a candidate. You didn't know?
This is Someone Physically Fit to Be President?

Sources close to Hillary Clinton are whispering that she is very ill. It is being alleged that she has had multiple strokes and has covered it up. She is suffering from vicious headaches and insomnia, as well as depression. Her symptoms bear a strong resemblance to those of Multiple Sclerosis. She is frequently light headed and swooning on the campaign trail. Frankly, she looks like hell and like she’s on her last leg. I have suspected for a long time that she was not well and that it might eventually knock her out of the race. All you have to do is look at honest pictures of the woman that have not been retouched. They don’t speak to health, vibrancy or high energy – at all.

More @ Too Sick for the Presidency? Book Claims Clinton Battling Multiple Medical Ailments | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Trump has sex with porn stars and has been divorced multiple times. He'd be wise not to bring up women.

And Biden beats him in every poll so far. Though not as badly as Hillary.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump has sex with porn stars and has been divorced multiple times. He'd be wise not to bring up women.

And Biden beats him in every poll so far. Though not as badly as Hillary.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump vs Clinton in polling? The Republicans are still divided on a candidate. You didn't know?
There were lots of polls. Do I really need to hold your hand over this? Click the link and scroll down maybe 2 inches.
I can see the fucking LIBs on this forum sitting it front of their 286's with drool running off their pussy-boy chins.
"I've got to talk to mommy!!!!!!!!!!"
I predicted she would drop out.
Now good OLD! Biden can charge in to 'save the day' right?
Biden is so fucking 'loaded' by 9:AM he needs oxygen to straighten up.
The ENTIRE DNC KNOWS he's a fucking drunk. All of Washington knows he's a fucking drunk and the very best part is he knows that they know that he knows.
Looks like Pocahontas and our resident communist Sanders are going up against Trump and Fiorino. Life truly is good.
Note to Bernie and Warren: I have a couple of tickets to Greece available. Make sure to take notes. The fucking Socialist country is the poster child for what's wrong with Socialism. And you two want to bring the Socialist economic plaque to the US.
How proud you must be.
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump vs Clinton in polling? The Republicans are still divided on a candidate. You didn't know?
There were lots of polls. Do I really need to hold your hand over this? Click the link and scroll down maybe 2 inches.

Remember these posts when Hillary backs out
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
CNN poll? JFK sowed some wild oats too, and Hillary's husband. Doesn't bother the left one bit.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump vs Clinton in polling? The Republicans are still divided on a candidate. You didn't know?
There were lots of polls. Do I really need to hold your hand over this? Click the link and scroll down maybe 2 inches.
I did, retard. You can't understand that Trump is in a field of many, the party isn't united behind him like Democrats are with Hillary.
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Here's a link to a bunch of polls.

As for sowing oats, it doesn't seem to bother the right in the least either.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump vs Clinton in polling? The Republicans are still divided on a candidate. You didn't know?
There were lots of polls. Do I really need to hold your hand over this? Click the link and scroll down maybe 2 inches.
I did, retard. You can't understand that Trump is in a field of many, the party isn't united behind him like Democrats are with Hillary.
Biden beat him in several polls too. You'd know that if you learned how to scroll down.
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
I don't see a link but I don't do other people's homework. I'll just ignore the assertion. So the sex isn't a problem after all, thought not.
Lol whoops

2016 Presidential Race | RealClearPolitics
Trump vs Clinton in polling? The Republicans are still divided on a candidate. You didn't know?
There were lots of polls. Do I really need to hold your hand over this? Click the link and scroll down maybe 2 inches.
I did, retard. You can't understand that Trump is in a field of many, the party isn't united behind him like Democrats are with Hillary.
Biden beat him in several polls too. You'd know that if you learned how to scroll down.
That's assuming Hillary was out. They aren't putting Biden in if she's still viable.
Trump vs Clinton in polling? The Republicans are still divided on a candidate. You didn't know?
There were lots of polls. Do I really need to hold your hand over this? Click the link and scroll down maybe 2 inches.
I did, retard. You can't understand that Trump is in a field of many, the party isn't united behind him like Democrats are with Hillary.
Biden beat him in several polls too. You'd know that if you learned how to scroll down.
That's assuming Hillary was out. They aren't putting Biden in if she's still viable.
The entire point of the OP is that Hillary will quit and Biden will run. When the clown that posted the OP said that Trump would then crush Biden I pointed out that Biden beats him in the polls too.
It's a rumor you morons. You people illustrate perfectly how easily the weak minded are led by propaganda.

"Desperate Rush Limbaugh Spreads a Rumor That Hillary Clinton is Too Sick to Run In 2016"

"Rush Limbaugh got the story from The Daily Caller, who got the story from a 2013 National Enquirer article. The Globe also ran a story about Clinton having cancer, but I would like to think that the Daily Caller’s journalistic standards would compel them to go with the much more highbrow Enquirer.

Republicans are so desperate to stop Hillary Clinton that they are dredging up old National Enquirer stories about her health in order to spread false rumors about her. The brain cancer rumor was debunked in 2012, but this hasn’t stopped Tucker Carlson’s right wing tabloid and Rush Limbaugh from trying to plant seeds of doubt about Mrs. Clinton’s health.

Limbaugh’s idea that a Democrat started this rumor is ridiculous when it is conservative websites and talk show hosts who are frantically trying to get this story off the ground.

Hillary Clinton is probably healthier than Rush Limbaugh. Heck, she’s probably going to outlive Limbaugh. It’s shocking to see that Republicans are getting so desperate so soon to stop Hillary Clinton."
Desperate Rush Limbaugh Spreads a Rumor That Hillary Clinton is Too Sick to Run In 2016

This BS is from a "tell all" book, the worst kind of BS literature in existence, by a rightwinger and discussed on rightwing sites:

"Could Hillary Clinton be too sick to win the presidency? A bombshell new tell-all claims she’s battling a host of serious medical ailments behind the scenes — and has the disturbing details.

Radar exclusively obtained an advance copy of Unlikeable — The Problem with Hillary by Edward Klein before its official publication date of September 28. And the allegations inside are sure to rock Clinton’s presidential campaign!"

It's unverified gossip and rumor. That's all it is. It has no basis in reality whatsoever, but you all are willing to believe anything if it fits with your agenda. It's pure propaganda. You are so easily led by propaganda.

If she were truly ill, don't you think the mainstream media would be reporting on it? No, you believe any rightwing blog or pundit because it is what you want to be true: you do not care at all about reality or facts.
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She is 68 and in no so great heath. She is 2 months older than Reagan was in a comparable campaign that is already more physically taxing. In 1980 we didn't begin 16 months early. And Reagan was in terrific shape and he had a tough exercise regime. Hillary is physically a mess and doesn't exercise at all. The campaign will kill her if she sticks with it
She is 68 and in no so great heath. She is 2 months older than Reagan was in a comparable campaign that is already more physically taxing. In 1980 we didn't begin 16 months early. And Reagan was in terrific shape and he had a tough exercise regime. Hillary is physically a mess and doesn't exercise at all. The campaign will kill her if she sticks with it
She is in normal health and she is younger than Trump or Biden, and younger than John McCain was when he ran for president. She is not in ill health. That is a RUMOR started by rightwingers. Get a grip.

Boy, propaganda is something you conservatives really fall for. Amazing.

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