Is Ilhan Omar Abusing her Congressional Seat?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Sifting through the last few months of anti-Semitic speeches of Ilhan Omar has caused a lot of angst among Congressmen receiving criticism for their being Jewish, and numerous Congressmen have complained to the Speaker of the House, who will only go as far as letting them talk about it, when a Censure of this Congressman is in order. Here are the Congressional concerns in their own words, and I was particularly stricken by McConnell's words that many have spoken angrily about not only this poster,l but those ethnic person she represents, which he says is equally bad. In theory he's right on the money, but in practice, I think the jury is out because just bringing the word Muslim up lights up a memory in Americans of 9/11, and some of the nations in countries that were complicit in hiding terrorists from justice worry those of us who followed the 9/11 story by seeing relatives and friends weeping at their funerals, and hearing that 167 first responders were eliminated as they were doing the grisly job of getting injured people down those stairs and safely on the ground before the buildings collapsed, and they did collapse sooner than anyone ever dreamed.

I think it's a mistake, but the majority party is likely not going to dismiss Ms. Omar for her egregious abuses of her legislative chair, which has blithely demoralized Americans:​
Sifting through the last few months of anti-Semitic speeches of Ilhan Omar has caused a lot of angst among Congressmen receiving criticism for their being Jewish, and numerous Congressmen have complained to the Speaker of the House, who will only go as far as letting them talk about it, when a Censure of this Congressman is in order. Here are the Congressional concerns in their own words, and I was particularly stricken by McConnell's words that many have spoken angrily about not only this poster,l but those ethnic person she represents, which he says is equally bad. In theory he's right on the money, but in practice, I think the jury is out because just bringing the word Muslim up lights up a memory in Americans of 9/11, and some of the nations in countries that were complicit in hiding terrorists from justice worry those of us who followed the 9/11 story by seeing relatives and friends weeping at their funerals, and hearing that 167 first responders were eliminated as they were doing the grisly job of getting injured people down those stairs and safely on the ground before the buildings collapsed, and they did collapse sooner than anyone ever dreamed.

I think it's a mistake, but the majority party is likely not going to dismiss Ms. Omar for her egregious abuses of her legislative chair, which has blithely demoralized Americans:​

I would have to guess that her congressional seat was more abused by all those billy goats she had sex with.

But I won't say that.
Sifting through the last few months of anti-Semitic speeches of Ilhan Omar has caused a lot of angst among Congressmen receiving criticism for their being Jewish, and numerous Congressmen have complained to the Speaker of the House, who will only go as far as letting them talk about it, when a Censure of this Congressman is in order. Here are the Congressional concerns in their own words, and I was particularly stricken by McConnell's words that many have spoken angrily about not only this poster,l but those ethnic person she represents, which he says is equally bad. In theory he's right on the money, but in practice, I think the jury is out because just bringing the word Muslim up lights up a memory in Americans of 9/11, and some of the nations in countries that were complicit in hiding terrorists from justice worry those of us who followed the 9/11 story by seeing relatives and friends weeping at their funerals, and hearing that 167 first responders were eliminated as they were doing the grisly job of getting injured people down those stairs and safely on the ground before the buildings collapsed, and they did collapse sooner than anyone ever dreamed.

I think it's a mistake, but the majority party is likely not going to dismiss Ms. Omar for her egregious abuses of her legislative chair, which has blithely demoralized Americans:​

I would have to guess that her congressional seat was more abused by all those billy goats she had sex with.

But I won't say that.

Then I won't say her brother, too. Are we nice and polite or what? :D
Sifting through the last few months of anti-Semitic speeches of Ilhan Omar has caused a lot of angst among Congressmen receiving criticism for their being Jewish, and numerous Congressmen have complained to the Speaker of the House, who will only go as far as letting them talk about it, when a Censure of this Congressman is in order. Here are the Congressional concerns in their own words, and I was particularly stricken by McConnell's words that many have spoken angrily about not only this poster,l but those ethnic person she represents, which he says is equally bad. In theory he's right on the money, but in practice, I think the jury is out because just bringing the word Muslim up lights up a memory in Americans of 9/11, and some of the nations in countries that were complicit in hiding terrorists from justice worry those of us who followed the 9/11 story by seeing relatives and friends weeping at their funerals, and hearing that 167 first responders were eliminated as they were doing the grisly job of getting injured people down those stairs and safely on the ground before the buildings collapsed, and they did collapse sooner than anyone ever dreamed.

I think it's a mistake, but the majority party is likely not going to dismiss Ms. Omar for her egregious abuses of her legislative chair, which has blithely demoralized Americans:​

Ummm,. If you think that then what do you think about tRump's abuses of the presidency?
Abuse of power??? The republican scumbag Moscow Mitch wins the prize
This thread is about Ilhan Omar. It is not about beating up your least favorite Republican. Did you bother to see him speak with the other Congresspeople who were hurt by Rep. Omar's hate-filled rhetoric, including Deborah Wasserman-Schultz who gave as good as any resultant analysis of Rep. Omar's anti-semitism as her basis for why this speech should not be tolerated.

These Congressmen were from both sides of the aisle. And this is her second admonishment without using her name as the House Speaker prefers it.
Why are you people so afraid of this woman?
Hitleresque liars worry me.
And yet you support tRump at every turn..........
The man was pilloried for two years by liars elected or appointed to high office, and the lies were taken up by you and other leftist locksteppers with no respite from the horrendous assertions that President Trump did things that Hillary and Obama know for a fact he didn't do since they promoted and arranged leaks to the press of the lying, cheating, and caluminous Steel dossier about Russian collusion and its accompanying salacious set-up that said important sources had proof nekkid Trump did salacious things with nekkid women. It was 100% a false narrative to eliminate Trump as a competitor. The American people saw through the bullshit and elected him anyways.

You so have nothing truthful to say, and you say it so often.

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