Omar violates her oath of citizenship

Well now you have to go all silly. We knew he had WMD because we gave it to him, or rather we, the western allied, sold it to him back in the 80's. He was considered the second worst possible ally between Iraq and Iran.....When pappa Bush launch his war we discovered that Saddam had secretly been refining Uranium. He was able to acquire that technology because of the support we gave him including export licensing of duel use technology by US firms and our European allies. He was an attack dog who got rabies and tried to bite his master. He got put down like rabid dogs do.

Sorry. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They had no WMDs. This was all about clean Break Strategy. Operation Mass Appeal was launched in the UK in a massive propaganda effort lead by sir Derek Plumbly after his total fuck up with the November 2000 booze wars in Arabia.

They were setting the Palestinians up to take the blame, but when they started blowing up other Brits they got caught.
Just think there is a whole group of voters who actually think like this lunatic and voted her in.
No she did not. She took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic, just like you did. In supporting and voting for Donald Trump, you are a far greater traitor to that oath than she will ever be.

That Constitution contains a right to "freedom of speech", which you fought to defend. She has the right to disagree with US foreign policy, just as you do.

The USA is wrong to continue to support Netanyahu's genocide of the Palestinian people, and to provide weapons to the Israeli's to continue to murder innocent civilians.

Now they're shooting doctors and attacking hospitals because "Hamas is hiding as doctors". Nobody is buying it any more. Too many children are being butchered.

Perhaps gaza would still be there had not hamas chopped off babies heads, raped, murdered and burned women. But now, they are paying.
Sorry. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They had no WMDs. This was all about clean Break Strategy. Operation Mass Appeal was launched in the UK in a massive propaganda effort lead by sir Derek Plumbly after his total fuck up with the November 2000 booze wars in Arabia.

They were setting the Palestinians up to take the blame, but when they started blowing up other Brits they got caught.
"The US provided less conventional military equipment than British or German companies but it did allow the export of biological agents, including anthrax; vital ingredients for chemical weapons; and cluster bombs sold by a CIA front organisation in Chile, the report says.

Intelligence on Iranian troop movements was provided, despite detailed knowledge of Iraq's use of nerve gas.

Rick Francona, an ex-army intelligence lieutenant-colonel who served in the US embassy in Baghdad in 1987 and 1988, told the Guardian: "We believed the Iraqis were using mustard gas all through the war, but that was not as sinister as nerve gas.

"They started using tabun [a nerve gas] as early as '83 or '84, but in a very limited way. They were probably figuring out how to use it. And in '88, they developed sarin."

On November 1 1983, the secretary of state, George Shultz, was passed intelligence reports of "almost daily use of CW [chemical weapons]" by Iraq.

However, 25 days later, Ronald Reagan signed a secret order instructing the administration to do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq losing the war.

In December Mr Rumsfeld, hired by President Reagan to serve as a Middle East troubleshooter, met Saddam Hussein in Baghdad and passed on the US willingness to help his regime and restore full diplomatic relations."

By the time Bush the Younger invaded most all those WMD we helped with, were either used, destroyed or were lost and were rapidly deteriorating and were no threat to the worlds remaining super power.
Israel was founded in 1948.

You’re as dumb as a box of hammers; the only difference is that the hammers are useful.
Holy scriptures are hard for you, aren't they. If you could understand their worth, you wouldn't criticize those who hold the scriptures in the Torah, the Old Testament, and the New Testament as the best teachers to mankind's safety and security, starting with the Ten Commandments and continuing into eternity, basics as they are to the Kingdom of God. You can criticize scriptures all day long, but you will see their importance in the next life.
What a bitch....deport her

Holy scriptures are hard for you, aren't they. If you could understand their worth, you wouldn't criticize those who hold the scriptures in the Torah, the Old Testament, and the New Testament as the best teachers to mankind's safety and security, starting with the Ten Commandments and continuing into eternity, basics as they are to the Kingdom of God. You can criticize scriptures all day long, but you will see their importance in the next life.
Again, Israel was founded in 1948.
The Palestinians are victims ..




The Daily Times-News, Burlington NC, Thursday, August 28, 1958:


Edmonton Journal, Alberta, Canada, 22 Feb 1960:





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Citizenship Oath

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen"
That was a publicity stunt.
There were hundreds of countries taking Jewish immigrants in the 1930s.
All of South America and Cuba, Spain, Africa, etc.
Argentina, Spain, and Madagascar had large thriving Jewish immigrant populations.

It was wrong to take Palestine from the native majority.
Israel is the only country in the world that is in its land from 3000 years ago.
Strange how Israel wasn’t around during WWII.

Christ you’re stupid.

Had their been a State of Israel in the traditional land of Israel, World War II would have been very different, for millions of Jews.
The Palestinians are victims of the Nazis and the Zionists.
"Syrians Hell Hitler." Mar 15, 1957.

ROME, (AJP) -- The leading Syrian daily "Al Manar", has hailed Nasser as the true counterpart of Hitler.

Writing in a recent issue, editor Bashir al-Auf stated:

"One should not forget that, in contrast to Europe, Hitler occupied an honoured place in the Arab world. His name awakened in Arab hearts feelings of love and enthusiasm. The Arab world should be congratulated on producing its midst this Hitler who has shaken the world from end to end . . . English and French journalists are mistaken if they think that by calling Nasser Hitler they are hurting us.

"On the contrary, his name makes us proud.
Long live the Hitler of the Arab world who has opened the gates of victory and eternity his people."


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