Is Ireland really a hub for jihadists?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Reports emerged yesterday that a small group of Irish-based Muslim extremists have been playing a key role in supplying finances and logistical support to jihadist groups including the Islamic State.

It is suspected that around 12 individuals have been harbouring fighters from Britain and mainland Europe in Ireland, and supplying them with fake documents, including passports.

The Sunday Independent reported that an individual who frequently features in international terrorism bulletins, and is believed to be heavily involved in the finances of the Islamic State, has been living in south Dublin for over 15 years.

AUDIO: Minister for Foreign Affairs confirms that a key Muslim extremist is known to be living in Dublin

Is Ireland really a hub for jihadists Shows
How does that make Ireland a 'hub.' We have terrorists that lived here for years. Is America a terrorist 'hub?'

That's right, let's split hairs. that will solve everything!
Split hairs?

I didn't split anything. Just called out bullshit. I know that pushing bullshit makes things worse, not better. You certainly are not going to solve anything like that.
Security Alert

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flannagan said that Ireland remains on alert following the killing of 17 people in those three terror attacks in Paris last week. He also said that legislation is being prepared which will demonstrate a zero tolerance for acts of terrrorism.

Michael O'Toole, Crime Correspondent with The Star spoke to Sean.


Today With Sean O Rourke Tuesday 13 January 2015 - Today with Sean O Rourke - RT Radio 1
Don't push the British Island craziness on the Colonies. Why is the number #1 name for a male child in London none other than Mohammed? While the Brits and the Irish have been fighting and blowing each other up for the better part of the 20th century the Muslem jihad as been infiltrating because the idiot electorate has been electing idiot liberal politicians.

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