Phrase ‘Irish Lives Matter’ Is a Hate Crime in Ireland


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Many good reasons we dissolved our rule away from Europe. And many good reasons we have 600 million guns in the hands of our citizens.

Another example of fascism:

The message "Irish Lives Matter" scrawled in Belfast, Northern Ireland, as well as a sign posted saying one neighborhood would "no longer accept the rehousing of illegal immigrants" are reportedly being investigated by local police as hate-related incidents. The BBC, which also shared photos of the messaging, first reported about the investigation Wednesday.
People Before Profit's Gerry Carroll, whose social media profile contains various images showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, condemned the incident in a statement.

"Vile, intimidatory signs were erected in the Suffolk area calling for immigrants not to be housed there. Meanwhile, 'Irish Lives Matter,' was scrawled on a wall at the Kennedy Centre on Falls Road overnight," Carroll wrote. "Nefarious and far-right elements are seeking to blame migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees for the problems caused by the rich and governments who protect and bolster corporate profits at all costs."

"We are under no illusions that 'Irish Lives Matter' is a racist slogan which is directly counterpoised to movements against the oppression faced by black people and other ethnic minorities," he said. "In recent days we have seen the chilling effect that the growth and intervention of far-right forces in the South can have on communities who are marginalized," Carroll added, referring to the riots that unfolded across Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland, in response to the stabbing of several people, including a woman and three children, outside a primary school in the city center. Local reports identified the suspect as an Algerian man who had become an Irish citizen after living on welfare in the country for decades.
Hate crime:

Accepted speech:

This is the problem all reasonable people recognized at the very beginning of the "debate" about "hate speech", etc. Anything can be identified as "hate" when the definition is incoherent and totally relativistic.
So rewarding to see our near neighbours attack the system for being so criminally short sighted .

They clearly have looked at the US and seen how it is tottering toward widespread civil disobedience , or worse .

It seemed as though the US might be a guiding force after WW2 , even though it was the US which financed and armed Germany in the 30s .
But since Never Ending War philosophy took over , with Chinese and Moslem infiltration , a US Empire death spiral looks imminent .
How can the Irish put up with that shit?

I don't understand.....what happened to the Irish????:(

Foreign-Born Councilor Wants Irish Protesters “Shot in the Head”​

A German judge has released migrants who raped a girl for three hours. An expert witness testifying in the Hamburg District Court suggested that the rape was a means of expressing the migrants' "frustration" and an attempt to fit into a new society. The clerk of justice considered "team-building" a worthy excuse for the gang rapists, and gave only one of them a real sentence. Given the 15-year-old age of the victim, the punishment is purely formal - two years and nine months in prison.

The gang rape of a 15-year-old German girl took place at a festival in Hamburg. First, four men dragged the girl, who was under the influence of alcohol, into the bushes and raped her. One of the rapists also beat the victim before stealing her cell phone and wallet. When the girl tried to leave afterwards, she was attacked by other migrants and continued to be raped. In total, the brutal gang rape lasted three hours.
As it turned out, four of the rapists had German citizenship. Another four were of Afghan, Kuwaiti, Armenian and Montenegrin nationality. Also, one of the accomplices was born in Iran, another in Libya and the third in Egypt.

The trial was held in closed session: the media were prohibited from covering it. Of the eleven men initially charged with the gang rape of a minor, two were completely acquitted. Nine were found guilty based on DNA testing. Of those, eight received probation not to exceed two years. And only one will go to prison.

Among the so-called expert witnesses who spoke at the trial was psychiatrist Nahla Saime. She said the gang rape was a means of venting "frustration" that stems from "the experience of migration and sociocultural homelessness." Sime said rapists, "live on the margins of society, uprooted from their familiar cultural, linguistic and social environment." So they may face "a mixture of emotions of anger, sadness, powerlessness, depression, and fantasies of grandeur as compensation for trying to cope with their own suffering."
And sex, Sime stated, can serve as "a means of releasing frustration and anger. "Nahla Sime also explained to the court that gang rape "promotes identity development and reinforces the group feelings" of the migrants: guys, she said, are disoriented and lost. Sex, on the other hand, is one of the ways available to them to let off steam and tension. And group sex unites loners, gives them a sense of a shoulder and a collective. You can understand guys.

And the court understood the migrants. The presiding judge Anna Meyer-Gering did not live up to her big name. Although she recognized that "none of the defendants uttered a single word of regret during the trial," she nevertheless sentenced the eight rapists to suspended sentences of no more than two years. Only one went to prison. And even then, one could say, symbolically, considering the gravity of the crime: two years and nine months.
Not to say that the Germans liked the court's decision. Anna Mayer-Gering received a lot of threatening messages. But the Hamburg Judges' Association said their colleague had simply "performed the task assigned to her with dignity".
By comparison, a cab driver was arrested in Tokyo, accused of killing a pigeon! The bird, according to veterinarians, died of traumatic shock after the driver drove his car into a flock of pigeons sitting on the roadway!

Photo by Judge Anna Meyer-Gering, the whore , who is convinced that gang rape for migrants is just a team-building and stress-relieving opportunity. I am always surprised in such cases, the judge is a woman, and there is no empathy for the victim, neither for the fact that it was also a woman, nor for the fact that it was a child, what is going on in the head of such a madam, or are they so intimidated by ethnic gangs there that they are already afraid to squeak at blatant sadism?

After this, somehow the last doubts that this is being done maliciously to radicalize society and bring fascists to power disappear.
All these Mohameds and Muwambas will soon be slaughtered in the West, and then they can start a new march to the East.

There was an interesting trial in the USSR for mass rape in the 1920s or early 30s, I don't remember. There were 20 people involved at once. And since at that time rape was considered hooliganism, the participants did not care much. They should have.
By that time the authorities were fed up with hooliganism and complaints about hooligans from the population. And they made a public trial, where they reclassified this rape as undermining the defense of the country. They said the girl studied, wanted to work at the factory and now she can't work. And the state spent money on her education, by the way.
Everyone was stunned. The ringleaders, including the local youth leader, were shot and the rest went to jail for long terms.
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Many good reasons we dissolved our rule away from Europe. And many good reasons we have 600 million guns in the hands of our citizens.

Another example of fascism:

The message "Irish Lives Matter" scrawled in Belfast, Northern Ireland, as well as a sign posted saying one neighborhood would "no longer accept the rehousing of illegal immigrants" are reportedly being investigated by local police as hate-related incidents. The BBC, which also shared photos of the messaging, first reported about the investigation Wednesday.
People Before Profit's Gerry Carroll, whose social media profile contains various images showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, condemned the incident in a statement.

"Vile, intimidatory signs were erected in the Suffolk area calling for immigrants not to be housed there. Meanwhile, 'Irish Lives Matter,' was scrawled on a wall at the Kennedy Centre on Falls Road overnight," Carroll wrote. "Nefarious and far-right elements are seeking to blame migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees for the problems caused by the rich and governments who protect and bolster corporate profits at all costs."

"We are under no illusions that 'Irish Lives Matter' is a racist slogan which is directly counterpoised to movements against the oppression faced by black people and other ethnic minorities," he said. "In recent days we have seen the chilling effect that the growth and intervention of far-right forces in the South can have on communities who are marginalized," Carroll added, referring to the riots that unfolded across Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland, in response to the stabbing of several people, including a woman and three children, outside a primary school in the city center. Local reports identified the suspect as an Algerian man who had become an Irish citizen after living on welfare in the country for decades.
Hate crime:
View attachment 865954
Accepted speech:
View attachment 865955
A German judge has released migrants who raped a girl for three hours. An expert witness testifying in the Hamburg District Court suggested that the rape was a means of expressing the migrants' "frustration" and an attempt to fit into a new society. The clerk of justice considered "team-building" a worthy excuse for the gang rapists, and gave only one of them a real sentence. Given the 15-year-old age of the victim, the punishment is purely formal - two years and nine months in prison.

The gang rape of a 15-year-old German girl took place at a festival in Hamburg. First, four men dragged the girl, who was under the influence of alcohol, into the bushes and raped her. One of the rapists also beat the victim before stealing her cell phone and wallet. When the girl tried to leave afterwards, she was attacked by other migrants and continued to be raped. In total, the brutal gang rape lasted three hours.
As it turned out, four of the rapists had German citizenship. Another four were of Afghan, Kuwaiti, Armenian and Montenegrin nationality. Also, one of the accomplices was born in Iran, another in Libya and the third in Egypt.

The trial was held in closed session: the media were prohibited from covering it. Of the eleven men initially charged with the gang rape of a minor, two were completely acquitted. Nine were found guilty based on DNA testing. Of those, eight received probation not to exceed two years. And only one will go to prison.

Among the so-called expert witnesses who spoke at the trial was psychiatrist Nahla Saime. She said the gang rape was a means of venting "frustration" that stems from "the experience of migration and sociocultural homelessness." Sime said rapists, "live on the margins of society, uprooted from their familiar cultural, linguistic and social environment." So they may face "a mixture of emotions of anger, sadness, powerlessness, depression, and fantasies of grandeur as compensation for trying to cope with their own suffering."
And sex, Sime stated, can serve as "a means of releasing frustration and anger. "Nahla Sime also explained to the court that gang rape "promotes identity development and reinforces the group feelings" of the migrants: guys, she said, are disoriented and lost. Sex, on the other hand, is one of the ways available to them to let off steam and tension. And group sex unites loners, gives them a sense of a shoulder and a collective. You can understand guys.

And the court understood the migrants. The presiding judge Anna Meyer-Gering did not live up to her big name. Although she recognized that "none of the defendants uttered a single word of regret during the trial," she nevertheless sentenced the eight rapists to suspended sentences of no more than two years. Only one went to prison. And even then, one could say, symbolically, considering the gravity of the crime: two years and nine months.
Not to say that the Germans liked the court's decision. Anna Mayer-Gering received a lot of threatening messages. But the Hamburg Judges' Association said their colleague had simply "performed the task assigned to her with dignity".
By comparison, a cab driver was arrested in Tokyo, accused of killing a pigeon! The bird, according to veterinarians, died of traumatic shock after the driver drove his car into a flock of pigeons sitting on the roadway!

Photo by Judge Anna Meyer-Gering, the whore , who is convinced that gang rape for migrants is just a team-building and stress-relieving opportunity. I am always surprised in such cases, the judge is a woman, and there is no empathy for the victim, neither for the fact that it was also a woman, nor for the fact that it was a child, what is going on in the head of such a madam, or are they so intimidated by ethnic gangs there that they are already afraid to squeak at blatant sadism?

After this, somehow the last doubts that this is being done maliciously to radicalize society and bring fascists to power disappear.
All these Mohameds and Muwambas will soon be slaughtered in the West, and then they can start a new march to the East.

There was an interesting trial in the USSR for mass rape in the 1920s or early 30s, I don't remember. There were 20 people involved at once. And since at that time rape was considered hooliganism, the participants did not care much. They should have.
By that time the authorities were fed up with hooliganism and complaints about hooligans from the population. And they made a public trial, where they reclassified this rape as undermining the defense of the country. They said the girl studied, wanted to work at the factory and now she can't work. And the state spent money on her education, by the way.
Everyone was stunned. The ringleaders, including the local youth leader, were shot and the rest went to jail for long terms.
this is germany. ……….
The European suicide is carried out by governments that are 100 % puppets of the US. So we Euros need to ask the Americans for any change. But I can´t find a hotline or something to request a fix. Can you help?

Phrase ‘Irish Lives Matter’ Is a Hate Crime in Ireland​

If so then this makes sense in regions where Irish are not any longer under legal control of Brits because then this is only a devaluating parody to the slogan "Black lives matter" and the problems around racist police violence.
If so then this makes sense in regions where Irish are not any longer under legal control of Brits because then this is only a devaluating parody to the slogan "Black lives matter" and the problems around racist police violence.
The regime is effectively denying the Irish the right to exist. What if we are electing genocidal anti-white traitors?
If so then this makes sense (?????)in regions ( ???? )where Irish are not any longer under legal control of Brits( ???? ) because then this is only a devaluating parody to the slogan "Black lives matter"(?????) and the problems around racist police violence.
Not all of us can handle German dialects .
Let us have an English translation . New Year will be fine .

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