Best stock to buy RIGHT NOW and hold for 10 years?

I would probably pick ORGN as a good long term hold, especially now, based on share price. This is a company involved in a lot of experimental manufacturing of biodegradable plastic. 3 years ago they were trading at $10 a share, they are .80 now, and they recently reported they are years behind schedule, which spooked investors. The need for what they are working on is obvious.

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If you have faith in the US government, TSMC. If not..not.

TSMC is a good company. As to whether Uncle Sam backs it remains to be seen.
Grab inc

It’s a popular rideshare company operating in Singapore, Cambodia and Thailand. I believe they are trying to get into the USA as well. Even if they don’t get into the USA
they have a sizable market share in Southeast Asias rideshare industry

It’s around $3.50 now a share down from Highpoint of $17. There’s a tremendous upswing here because of the money that Singapore and China is investing in Cambodia. Thailand is already on the rise.

Cambodia is gonna take a little bit more time, but this is a countries to watch out for ,probably will turn into a “little tiger.”

Did I mention that Grab has a 96% buy rating on Robinhood.
/—-/ That makes no sense. When the shorts get squeezed, the stock goes up. How is that handing money over?
The bloated mofo is telling investors to make their shares available to short sellers and to return any sold to them.

So, the shorts have to cover their positions and buy shares to return to original shareholders.

The bloated mofo wants you to take the loss when he starts dumping his shares.
None under any circumstances .
Just commodities with a big bias toward Precious Metals .
I expect up to a 90% dollar devaluation but whether that is within 2/3 5 years time I have no idea .

Doubtless seems extreme , so we will see .But in 10 years this site will be long gone . imho
The nice thing about some of these stocks I mentioned is that it's a cheap buy in, if you think they are going to do well in the long run of 10 years. You can get 100 shares of GEVO for $70 or RGF for $37. Technically, I guess you could call them penny stocks, but they weren't before covid and high interest. So I just see them as extremely depressed stocks which should regain their former strength over a bit of time. And if there is a combination of a strong showing for Democrats in November, coupled with lowered interest rates, I can see all of the Green companies I've bought stock in going up significantly, especially if a new wave of tax cuts, subsidies, and stimulus is passed by climate-aware Democrats.
MAXN might be worth some speculation....
10 years ???? There wont be a stock market in 10 years. Buy Treasuries like me and the big players.
We have a New World Order coming and the structures of the past will be long gone.
Consider the Market as a Casino and play with maybe 10k for fun.
10 years ???? There wont be a stock market in 10 years. Buy Treasuries like me and the big players.
We have a New World Order coming and the structures of the past will be long gone.
Consider the Market as a Casino and play with maybe 10k for fun.
/——/ “Consider the Market as a Casino and play with maybe 10k for fun.”
Which proves you understand casinos but not the stock market.
Need to get a bit of conversation going on these boards. NVDA and SMCI have been the hot stocks lately, but if you could buy one stock now, and hold it for 10 years, which stock would it be?
I would invest in Mexico's Maya Train, Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Cruise Ships, Smart Watches, Cloud Security Solutions, Smart Glasses, Virtual Machine Systems & Games.

Best stock to buy RIGHT NOW and hold​

Forget attempted stock purchase before the crash .
Just stick to precious metals .
Extended BRICS will have its construction based on Gold assets or with a direct link to Gold .

We say , Money for Jam .
Except this ime the Jam pool will be like an Ocean of Wealth .

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