Is Islam a violent religion?

If you think Islam is peaceful then I have a used car for sale, and some swampland in Florida. :banana:
No. They are just a fun loving people that likes to tease others with explosives !
Of course Christians have. But the last time Christians killed in the name of Christianity was durring the Crusades. Problem with Islam is they have not evolved and are still behaving like neanderthal savages insisting on dragging the world back to the 7th century barbarism, through violence if necessary.

Of course Christians have. But the last time Christians killed in the name of Christianity was durring the Crusades. Problem with Islam is they have not evolved and are still behaving like neanderthal savages insisting on dragging the world back to the 7th century barbarism, through violence if necessary.

You seem to have forgotten the Inquisition, which occurred several hundred years after the Crusades.
The crusades and the inquisition, these are the two atrocities by the Christians most often mentioned.

Actually the crusades came after the Muslims had violently overrun 60% of Christianity. The crusades could be compared to the Little Big Horn where the Native Americans began to fight back after most of North American had been overrun. The crusades were too little, too late, but certainly not unprovoked.

The inquisition occurred after the Spanish had expelled the Moors and it started as an effort to make sure all the Muslims were gone. It turned into a reign of terror against Jews and all non-Christians, but began because of the centuries of Muslim occupation.

None of the attempts to distract from Islamic brutality by pointing a finger at the Christians takes into consideration the level of brutality in Islamic history. Most people know little to nothing about the violent history of Islam. We don’t talk too much about Islamic history, even in our schools. It is humanity’s darkest, most unspoken secrets. Like comedy central or the Mohammed cartoons, we have always found it safer to not talk about it.

You should look into the real history of Islam. If you add Christianity and Marxism and Fascism all together, it is inconceivable that they could ever catch up to Islam as far as the pain and suffering and death that Islam has caused.
Muslim apologists need the centuries old Crusades and Inquision because it excuses Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg.
Islam is the Religion of Peace.

Why yes it is*. **

*NOTE: Islam is only a relgion of peace to other Muslims. Other religions/belief systems do not apply to this peace and are subject to attack until they convert. Those who convert must follow the correct form of Islam which is subject to interpetation of whom you are dealing with. If you are Sunni and your fellow Muslim is Shiite you may be attacked as you might not be considered a true Muslim. The reverse may occur if you are you are a Shiite and you are dealing with a Sunni as you are not considered a true Muslim. **If you are an Atheist you are still SOL.
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Islam is the Religion of Peace.

Why yes it is*.

*NOTE: Islam is only a relgion of peace to other Muslims. Other religions/belief systems do not apply to this peace and are subject to attack.

Think about that.

Just think about it.

Expecially the next time sunnis and shiites start killing each other.

Actually I corrected that but you must have posted before I had the chance to make the correction. Of course you're right, but if you ask a Sunni why he's killing a fellow muslim he will tell you he's not a true believer and vice versa. I've just come to the conclusion that Muslims will never be satified and would find a reason to hate even if everyone followed the exact same regime. Instead of Your not following the correct form of Islam it would become "you don't read the Koran Enough" or "your wife wears a Burqa instead of the Niqab." It wouldn't end.
Islam is the Religion of Peace.

Why yes it is*. **

*NOTE: Islam is only a relgion of peace to other Muslims. Other religions/belief systems do not apply to this peace and are subject to attack until they convert. Those who convert must follow the correct form of Islam which is subject to interpetation of whom you are dealing with. If you are Sunni and your fellow Muslim is Shiite you may be attacked as you might not be considered a true Muslim. The reverse may occur if you are you are a Shiite and you are dealing with a Sunni as you are not considered a true Muslim. **If you are an Atheist you are still SOL.
Funny part is more Muslims die at the hands of other Muslims than by the "infidels". If you look at the history of Islam it's no different, not only were their prophets and messengers being killed by other Muslims, it was often their own cousins or brothers that did the killing! The religion seems to be all about blood, brutality, and vengeance in my opinion. And I use the term religion very loosely as it appears to be more of a cult, with a political component as well.
it's definately a cult. That's what I don't get with most people. If this was Jim Jones,The Moonies,Heaven's Gate,The Manson Family,or even that branch of the Mormon's that follow Warren Jeffs people would not readily accept them. Because Islam has been around for a long time and there are large a amount followers people feel they have to accept it and even defend it in the name of PC. It's sad.
Look at the spelling

"I Slam"

If that is not indictive of violence, then I don't know what is!

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