Is it accurate to describe God as "good?"

If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."
Good and evil are subjective. What is seen as good today may be bad tomorrow.

Wouldn't agree. Good is always good being something people like or want, whereas evil is always evil because no one's happy when those things befall them.

Would agree though good and evil don't exist as much as do actions and consequences. Reason being many things one person may enjoy or desire may not be desired by another. Thus good and evil are relative but not objectively real.

Is a soldier like the Kyle guy "good" after killing however people he did? If so, why's a "terrorist" not-good for killing even fewer? That best illustrates the relative nature of good and evil. And also how killing is never good because no one wnats you to kill them. No one sane at any rate. :)
That's pretty doubleplus ungood for God to give kids debilitating diseases because of what Adam and Eve did thousands of years ago, but it's probably for our own good. Juvenile Leukemia will keep us on the straight and narrow path, or else...

God surely does move in mysterious ways; mysterious, dickish, ways.

So, no, I don't think all the hurt the world endures from natural causes is because of rebellion against God or else kids wouldn't get sick.

LOL. Perhaps, Sir, our not truly following our Prophets is the true cause of all of the evil that we are suffering.

If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."

Well, philosophers have debated on what is "good" and what is "not good" (if I'm not mistaken)...I think it depends on your definition of "good." Has God created/permitted a time of great mischief being committed throughout the earth? Yes, He has. But perhaps humanity will benefit from our experience in this time if God changes the time to a time where there will be NO mischief being committed anywhere on earth. So, is "good" causing the benefit that we would gain from our experience in this time? I say, yes that is good.


I have a simple definition of good and evil: good is whatever if another person does it to you you thank them for. Evil is whatever if someone did it to you would make you upset.

That would amount to each individual person having their own opinion of what good and evil is. Try telling a 15 year old daughter she can't go out with a 19 year old boy. I promise you she won't say "thank you", and she is likely to think, at least temporarily, that you are evil.
There's a bit of a difference between "you broke the rules, now go to your room" and "you broke the rules so I'm killing your children".
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."

Well, philosophers have debated on what is "good" and what is "not good" (if I'm not mistaken)...I think it depends on your definition of "good." Has God created/permitted a time of great mischief being committed throughout the earth? Yes, He has. But perhaps humanity will benefit from our experience in this time if God changes the time to a time where there will be NO mischief being committed anywhere on earth. So, is "good" causing the benefit that we would gain from our experience in this time? I say, yes that is good.


I have a simple definition of good and evil: good is whatever if another person does it to you you thank them for. Evil is whatever if someone did it to you would make you upset.

That would amount to each individual person having their own opinion of what good and evil is. Try telling a 15 year old daughter she can't go out with a 19 year old boy. I promise you she won't say "thank you", and she is likely to think, at least temporarily, that you are evil.

Thought the fact that everyone involved is an adult was self-evident. A parent denying their child a sweet isn't being an evil parent.
There's a bit of a difference between "you broke the rules, now go to your room" and "you broke the rules so I'm killing your children".

Well Sir, some people believe that persecution is worse than slaughter; you have heard someone say, "death is to good for that person." If Pharaoh wanted to torture the Children of Israel (after killing off the male children of the Israelites,) so what if God killed the firstborn of the Egyptians?
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."

Well, philosophers have debated on what is "good" and what is "not good" (if I'm not mistaken)...I think it depends on your definition of "good." Has God created/permitted a time of great mischief being committed throughout the earth? Yes, He has. But perhaps humanity will benefit from our experience in this time if God changes the time to a time where there will be NO mischief being committed anywhere on earth. So, is "good" causing the benefit that we would gain from our experience in this time? I say, yes that is good.


I have a simple definition of good and evil: good is whatever if another person does it to you you thank them for. Evil is whatever if someone did it to you would make you upset.

That would amount to each individual person having their own opinion of what good and evil is. Try telling a 15 year old daughter she can't go out with a 19 year old boy. I promise you she won't say "thank you", and she is likely to think, at least temporarily, that you are evil.

Thought the fact that everyone involved is an adult was self-evident. A parent denying their child a sweet isn't being an evil parent.

Of course not. That was an extreme example but, the same principal can be applied for adults. Telling a heroin addict you will stop him from getting his drug of choice will give the same result. Good and evil are relative things, and it depends on your personal beliefs which category these things fall into. It's disconcerting to admit that, because we want to feel that our personal opinion of what is good or evil is shared by everyone else. The overall decision of which is which really comes down to how many people that you know of agree with your opinion.
It's been some time since I read Exodus, but I don't remember Pharaoh killing every male Israelite. That's kind of pointless to do to a slave population, even if the goal is simply to keep some kind of a slave-race of women for breeding stock. Sooner or later they will be no different than the Egyptians and women aren't great for human labor projects like building the Pyramids.
It's been some time since I read Exodus, but I don't remember Pharaoh killing every male Israelite. That's kind of pointless to do to a slave population, even if the goal is simply to keep some kind of a slave-race of women for breeding stock. Sooner or later they will be no different than the Egyptians and women aren't great for human labor projects like building the Pyramids.

Well perhaps you should re-read the Bible before you start charging the Abrahamic God with being evil; my reference was from Ex. 1:22.

That makes no sense at all. Which female slaves did the heavy lifting? After that first generation of drowned Hebrew boys, there wouldn't be any slave cast. So where did all the males who came with Moses come from then?
That makes no sense at all. Which female slaves did the heavy lifting? After that first generation of drowned Hebrew boys, there wouldn't be any slave cast. So where did all the males who came with Moses come from then?

It makes sense, Sir lol. There were already males in existence before that decree from Pharaoh lolol.
God can't murder, by definition.

God is the Creator of the Universe and Sovereign over His creation. God justly has Sovereign Authority to His creation. God justly do as He pleases.
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."
Good and evil are subjective. What is seen as good today may be bad tomorrow.

Wouldn't agree. Good is always good being something people like or want, whereas evil is always evil because no one's happy when those things befall them.

Would agree though good and evil don't exist as much as do actions and consequences. Reason being many things one person may enjoy or desire may not be desired by another. Thus good and evil are relative but not objectively real.

Is a soldier like the Kyle guy "good" after killing however people he did? If so, why's a "terrorist" not-good for killing even fewer? That best illustrates the relative nature of good and evil. And also how killing is never good because no one wnats you to kill them. No one sane at any rate. :)
When the Mayans cut the throats of young girls and the crowd watched the last drop of life leave their body, this was a good thing, at least in Mayan culture in southern Mexico two thousand years ago. The girl was honored for her sacrifice and the priest praised for his devotion to God.

A dozen young men push the town elders and their family into a church and set it a fire and are praised for their good work and their devotion to the Reich.

These and a million other acts of horror by today's standard were seen as good in their culture and acts of horror and evil today. It really depends on how the culture defines good and bad at the time. The idea of absolute good and evil are for those that see the world in black and white with no shades of gray.
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."

Why would a perfect god that cares make a devil evil or hell? Or why not do away with it?
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."

Well, philosophers have debated on what is "good" and what is "not good" (if I'm not mistaken)...I think it depends on your definition of "good." Has God created/permitted a time of great mischief being committed throughout the earth? Yes, He has. But perhaps humanity will benefit from our experience in this time if God changes the time to a time where there will be NO mischief being committed anywhere on earth. So, is "good" causing the benefit that we would gain from our experience in this time? I say, yes that is good.


I have a simple definition of good and evil: good is whatever if another person does it to you you thank them for. Evil is whatever if someone did it to you would make you upset.

If you could have snapped your fingers and prevented that plane from flying into the building on 9 11 would you have done it? So you're nicer than god.

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