Is it any wonder why Trump refuses to have a news conference???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.
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Still working through the 2016 election thing I see...

Where the fuck do you come up with THAT "conclusion"????

Simply address WHY your charlatan moron REFUSES to address questions posed by the media (except those clowns at FOX).......If you can't do that, go play somewhere else.
I hope our wonderful Pres. Trump never holds another press conference.

All they are is a mob of lefty liberals asking him idiotic questions. ..... :cool:
Maybe it's because he rightfully sees the msm as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and doesn't feel an obligation to subject himself to their partisan attacks and rhetorical questions.
Sure thing Al.
the constitution lets ya get away with hating on my country, but not one of out national treasures like Al Bundy...knock it off...seriously, is there something amusing hidden in that post?
It's no wonder why President "Ramblin Man" hates the tradition.

Republicans have no problem with President "Blurt" not taking questions in public. With his mind the way it is, "you never know what that muther will blurt out!" an unnamed source said.
Last resort for losers....
So I'll ask again.
I'm sure you have something to back up your statement.

Sure,'s an example

While BANNING US media, Trump allows Russian reporters into the oval office and does THIS

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."


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