Is it any wonder why Trump refuses to have a news conference???

There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

Actually 87% of voters have concluded that he's a lying idiot. :)

Poll: Just 13 percent of Americans consider Trump honest and trustworthy
Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

Says the snowflake who supported a criminal party and a criminal administration that:

- Protected a proven FELON so she could run for office....who supports a criminal party that rigged primaries, cheated in debates

- Engaged in election fraud, violated both election law and campaign finance law, and who paid foreign spies and Russians for propaganda she illegally used in an e4lection in an attempt to effect the outcome of the election...

- Planned and plotted the attempted coup of a sitting President, an attempt to 'un-elect' a President, the attempt to strip the American people of their democratically-elected President.

..and this snowflake speaks of 'respect' for our republic.

Boy, take some advice from the criminal bit@h you and your party ran for office and show some d@mn respect to your President:


STOP being a THREAT to our DEMOCRACY, snowflake!
Last resort for losers....
So I'll ask again.
I'm sure you have something to back up your statement.

Sure,'s an example

While BANNING US media, Trump allows Russian reporters into the oval office and does THIS

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."


I loved it when he did that!!
I bet it really pissed you off didnt it?
But talking to the Russian media isnt illegal. Nice try though.
There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

He's obviously smarter than you are....why should he put up with ridicule by folks who hate him like you do every day here?
There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

He's obviously smarter than you are....why should he put up with ridicule by folks who hate him like you do every day here?

It's like holding a press conference with the DNC.
She had them cut off when they found she had a breast cancer gene.

Actually it was more than a gene - Sad :(

Then, in April 2008, shocking news silenced the laughter. At 36 years old, Christina was diagnosed with breast cancer. At first, Christina says she lived quietly with the disease. "It's hard to live quietly," she says. "I went through five weeks of work without telling anyone that this was going on in my life."
Maybe it's because he rightfully sees the msm as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and doesn't feel an obligation to subject himself to their partisan attacks and rhetorical questions.

Wow - It's a half century RECORD!

President Trump’s New Record: The Longest Time Without a Formal Press Conference in Half a Century

AND I remember when you Dotards whined that Obama didn't hold enough press conferences.

By the end of his first year in office, President Barack Obama had held 11 solo press conferences

But of course you whined every time he played golf or took a vacation too. :wink:
There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

Actually 87% of voters have concluded that he's a lying idiot. :)

Poll: Just 13 percent of Americans consider Trump honest and trustworthy

Ahhhh, 13%???........THAT high???
That percentile must be from golfing buddies, Trump's legal team, the Koch brothers and some Russian expats...and a few taxi cab medallion owners..
Maybe it's because he rightfully sees the msm as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and doesn't feel an obligation to subject himself to their partisan attacks and rhetorical questions.

Wow - It's a half century RECORD!

President Trump’s New Record: The Longest Time Without a Formal Press Conference in Half a Century

AND I remember when you Dotards whined that Obama didn't hold enough press conferences.

By the end of his first year in office, President Barack Obama had held 11 solo press conferences

But of course you whined every time he played golf or took a vacation too. :wink:
And you didn't whine about Obama but you're whining about Trump. I guess that makes you a hypocrite.
Says the snowflake who supported a criminal party and a criminal administration

Well, Queasy, MY side has FIVE guilty please and FOURTEEN indictments....

How many does YOUR side have???

(and don't forget, repubs control EVERY facet of government......LOL)

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