Debate Now Is it reasonable to think Trump suffers from mental illness? NPD, dementia, something else?

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There is no doubt in my mind that Trump suffers from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Coded: 301.81*):
"Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (fantasized or actual), lack of empathy and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient fit only for association with (or undersanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or autommatic granting of his wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of Empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief others envy the patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior"
Now, this is not the only Personality Disorder which fits what we see daily in the President's behavior and mannerism. For example, the Histrionic Personality Disorder (coded: 301.508*).

"beginning by early adult life, emotional excess and attention-seeking behaviors are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • Discomfort with situations in which the patient is not the center of attention
  • Relationships which are frequently fraught with inappropriately seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expression of emotions that is shallow and rapidly shifting
  • Frequent focusing of attention on self through use of physical appearance
  • Speech that is vague and lacks detail
  • Overly dramatic expression of emotion
  • Easy suggestibility (patient is easily influenced by opinions of other people or by circumstances)
  • Belief that relationships are mlre intimate than they really are."
Note: Some may think I made these up because they fit nicely into what we have seen and experienced since getting to "know" Trump from a distance. In fact the two mental illnesses (*) are copied from DSM-IV Made Easy (The Clinicians's Guide to Diagnosis) written in 1994.

For those curious it gives a quick intro into the five Axis Diagnosis and the principles used by the clinician in determining a diagnosis. Thus, the two Personality Disorders need to be ruled out by a medical professional.

You described Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, so when ya gonna describe someone other then 4 out of the 6 billion people who aren't slackers?
Now describe the personality trait that says someone who claims mocking disabilities is wrong should turn around and do just that, bash, demonize and mock someone they claim is disabled? BUSTED!

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Not CDZ compliant. Buy the book, and put you biases aside as you read through the book; it is not esoteric, but not so general it can't pinpoint people you know and wondered about]

You'll notice, if you read and comprehend my comment in the final paragraph, that Trump's behavior and what history we have on his background are discernible in at least five of the bullet points in both illnesses. If his background has been accurately described, and not "fake news", odds are your Messiah is one very sick puppy, and unfit to be POTUS.

Once again you described what was said about Al Gore and his claiming to invent the internet. You also are describing
Hillary and Obama, also at the graduation speach Hillary in attacking Donald described Herself and deflected it.
Doesn't get any sadder then that or the Psychiatric analysis deflecting their own grandeur and delusions that you can diagnose someone you never tested or had a formidable analyses through studying them in person without the regional or situational quirks or performance factors or demonization of your opponents tainting your view.
And remember, you guys tried to push this guy on our country.
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There is no doubt in my mind that Trump suffers from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Coded: 301.81*):
"Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (fantasized or actual), lack of empathy and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient fit only for association with (or undersanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or autommatic granting of his wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of Empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief others envy the patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior"
Now, this is not the only Personality Disorder which fits what we see daily in the President's behavior and mannerism. For example, the Histrionic Personality Disorder (coded: 301.508*).

"beginning by early adult life, emotional excess and attention-seeking behaviors are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • Discomfort with situations in which the patient is not the center of attention
  • Relationships which are frequently fraught with inappropriately seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expression of emotions that is shallow and rapidly shifting
  • Frequent focusing of attention on self through use of physical appearance
  • Speech that is vague and lacks detail
  • Overly dramatic expression of emotion
  • Easy suggestibility (patient is easily influenced by opinions of other people or by circumstances)
  • Belief that relationships are molre intimate than they really are."
Note: Some may think I made these up because they fit nicely into what we have seen and experienced since getting to "know" Trump from a distance. In fact the two mental illnesses (*) are copied from DSM-IV Made Easy (The Clinicians's Guide to Diagnosis) written in 1994.

For those curious it gives a quick intro into the five Axis Diagnosis and the principles used by the clinician in determining a diagnosis. Thus, the two Personality Disorders need to be ruled out by a medical professional.
Many people with personality disorders are a bit of this one and a bit of that one, and get multiple diagnoses on Axis II. Do you think the PD in itself makes him unfit to be President? If so, why? Are they considered mental "illnesses" in Axis II? If so, why don't they put them under Axis I where the rest of the mental illnesses are? I'm not a psychologist, but I've read plenty of psych evals on clients I worked with and I assumed Axis II was somehow different from Axis I.
There is no doubt in my mind that Trump suffers from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Coded: 301.81*):
"Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (fantasized or actual), lack of empathy and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient fit only for association with (or undersanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or autommatic granting of his wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of Empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief others envy the patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior"
Now, this is not the only Personality Disorder which fits what we see daily in the President's behavior and mannerism. For example, the Histrionic Personality Disorder (coded: 301.508*).

"beginning by early adult life, emotional excess and attention-seeking behaviors are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • Discomfort with situations in which the patient is not the center of attention
  • Relationships which are frequently fraught with inappropriately seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expression of emotions that is shallow and rapidly shifting
  • Frequent focusing of attention on self through use of physical appearance
  • Speech that is vague and lacks detail
  • Overly dramatic expression of emotion
  • Easy suggestibility (patient is easily influenced by opinions of other people or by circumstances)
  • Belief that relationships are molre intimate than they really are."
Note: Some may think I made these up because they fit nicely into what we have seen and experienced since getting to "know" Trump from a distance. In fact the two mental illnesses (*) are copied from DSM-IV Made Easy (The Clinicians's Guide to Diagnosis) written in 1994.

For those curious it gives a quick intro into the five Axis Diagnosis and the principles used by the clinician in determining a diagnosis. Thus, the two Personality Disorders need to be ruled out by a medical professional.
I have had my signature for months.
There is no doubt in my mind that Trump suffers from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Coded: 301.81*):
"Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (fantasized or actual), lack of empathy and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient fit only for association with (or undersanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or autommatic granting of his wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of Empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief others envy the patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior"
Now, this is not the only Personality Disorder which fits what we see daily in the President's behavior and mannerism. For example, the Histrionic Personality Disorder (coded: 301.508*).

"beginning by early adult life, emotional excess and attention-seeking behaviors are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • Discomfort with situations in which the patient is not the center of attention
  • Relationships which are frequently fraught with inappropriately seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expression of emotions that is shallow and rapidly shifting
  • Frequent focusing of attention on self through use of physical appearance
  • Speech that is vague and lacks detail
  • Overly dramatic expression of emotion
  • Easy suggestibility (patient is easily influenced by opinions of other people or by circumstances)
  • Belief that relationships are molre intimate than they really are."
Note: Some may think I made these up because they fit nicely into what we have seen and experienced since getting to "know" Trump from a distance. In fact the two mental illnesses (*) are copied from DSM-IV Made Easy (The Clinicians's Guide to Diagnosis) written in 1994.

For those curious it gives a quick intro into the five Axis Diagnosis and the principles used by the clinician in determining a diagnosis. Thus, the two Personality Disorders need to be ruled out by a medical professional.
Many people with personality disorders are a bit of this one and a bit of that one, and get multiple diagnoses on Axis II. Do you think the PD in itself makes him unfit to be President? If so, why? Are they considered mental "illnesses" in Axis II? If so, why don't they put them under Axis I where the rest of the mental illnesses are? I'm not a psychologist, but I've read plenty of psych evals on clients I worked with and I assumed Axis II was somehow different from Axis I.

I do believe a person diagnosed with a PD is unfit to be POTUS.

Axis I: are Mental Disorders
Axis II: are Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
Axis III: Physical Conditions and Disorders
Axis IV Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
Axis V Global Assessment of Functioning

"There are many definitions of mental disorder, none of which is both accurate and complete" This quote is followed with a long discussion on what is a mental disorder. It is a book well worth looking through if you are really interested in the topic.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Even if he is, he is still better than Hillary. Road kill would be a better choice. :dunno:
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Being unprepared and incapable of leading the free world does not make one "crazy." Poor personal judgment in how one acts in public does not make one "crazy." He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality. What people call lies are usually exaggerations or inaccuracies. "I did not have sex with that woman" is a lie. "The dishonest fake media" is not. I think he's awful, same as you, but I don't see mental illness that precludes him from serving. Everyone hoping the 25th will somehow apply to him is dreaming, I think.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Being unprepared and incapable of leading the free world does not make one "crazy." Poor personal judgment in how one acts in public does not make one "crazy." He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality. What people call lies are usually exaggerations or inaccuracies. "I did not have sex with that woman" is a lie. "The dishonest fake media" is not. I think he's awful, same as you, but I don't see mental illness that precludes him from serving. Everyone hoping the 25th will somehow apply to him is dreaming, I think.

I think you're wrong. He's by definition (see the DSM-V) a narcissist.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.
Susan Collins "worried"
Later Tuesday, Collins' office sent a statement from communications director Annie Clark saying that Collins was "worried" about Trump's budget.
"Senator Collins is worried about the elimination of transportation and housing programs in the President’s budget request that are critically important to local communities across our country," she said, pointing out specific grant programs that Trump has proposed eliminating.

Gordon Humphrey (R-NH) -- Trump is "mentally unwell"
I think that making incendiary remarks such as raining down fire and fury on North Korea is akin to pouring gasoline on a fire. The president is engaging in a kind of nuclear game of chicken.
It worked though, didn't it? I believe Kennedy was accused of doing the same during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

[Other] Republican Senators worry Trump is mentally ill
I haven’t heard a lot of good things, and I’ve heard great concern about the president’s temperament.”
Temperament is not the same as mental health.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Being unprepared and incapable of leading the free world does not make one "crazy." Poor personal judgment in how one acts in public does not make one "crazy." He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality. What people call lies are usually exaggerations or inaccuracies. "I did not have sex with that woman" is a lie. "The dishonest fake media" is not. I think he's awful, same as you, but I don't see mental illness that precludes him from serving. Everyone hoping the 25th will somehow apply to him is dreaming, I think.

I think you're wrong. He's by definition (see the DSM-V) a narcissist.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia
I know you think being a narcissist makes him unfit to serve. We discussed this before. I disagree that that alone disqualifies him. But you have a right to your opinion.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Being unprepared and incapable of leading the free world does not make one "crazy." Poor personal judgment in how one acts in public does not make one "crazy." He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality. What people call lies are usually exaggerations or inaccuracies. "I did not have sex with that woman" is a lie. "The dishonest fake media" is not. I think he's awful, same as you, but I don't see mental illness that precludes him from serving. Everyone hoping the 25th will somehow apply to him is dreaming, I think.

I think you're wrong. He's by definition (see the DSM-V) a narcissist.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia
I know you think being a narcissist makes him unfit to serve. We discussed this before. I disagree that that alone disqualifies him. But you have a right to your opinion.

His behavior is erratic, he has the nuclear codes.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Being unprepared and incapable of leading the free world does not make one "crazy." Poor personal judgment in how one acts in public does not make one "crazy." He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality. What people call lies are usually exaggerations or inaccuracies. "I did not have sex with that woman" is a lie. "The dishonest fake media" is not. I think he's awful, same as you, but I don't see mental illness that precludes him from serving. Everyone hoping the 25th will somehow apply to him is dreaming, I think.
He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality.

  • Most recently --> President Trump Ranted For 77 Minutes in Phoenix. Here’s What He Said
  • Claiming to know Putin when he did not is a mere exaggeration rather than a lack of connection with reality?
  • Claiming to be someone whom one is not is what? A mere inaccuracy?
  • Asserting that nobody has more respect for women than he does after also having treated women as he has is connected with what reality?
I could go on and on...Indeed I did in the OP identify more than just a few instances in which Trump manifested an utter lack of connection with several realities. Yes, some of them can be written off as lies, a few as exaggerations, but not all of them, and, as for the exaggerations, that's a lot of exaggerating, more than the quantity and quality of such things one would expect from someone who's not lost their mind.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.
Susan Collins "worried"
Later Tuesday, Collins' office sent a statement from communications director Annie Clark saying that Collins was "worried" about Trump's budget.
"Senator Collins is worried about the elimination of transportation and housing programs in the President’s budget request that are critically important to local communities across our country," she said, pointing out specific grant programs that Trump has proposed eliminating.

Gordon Humphrey (R-NH) -- Trump is "mentally unwell"
I think that making incendiary remarks such as raining down fire and fury on North Korea is akin to pouring gasoline on a fire. The president is engaging in a kind of nuclear game of chicken.
It worked though, didn't it? I believe Kennedy was accused of doing the same during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

[Other] Republican Senators worry Trump is mentally ill
I haven’t heard a lot of good things, and I’ve heard great concern about the president’s temperament.”
Temperament is not the same as mental health.
Collins was "worried" about Trump's budget.

Yes, she was worried about that ALSO.

It worked though, didn't it?

That remains to be seen.

I believe Kennedy was accused of doing the same during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Kennedy didn't, however, have the long trail of other absurd remarks and behaviors that Trump does. One act alone is not enough to declare one "nuts." The issue at hand here and with regard to whether the man is "mental," isn't any one absurd, ridiculous, delusional, outrageous, etc. act or statement Trump has made, but rather the sum total of the oh-so-many he's made and what, taken in total, one should as a result construe about the nature of Trump's sanity.

Temperament is not the same as mental health.

It is not the same as because it is part and an indication of one's mental health and mental health status.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Being unprepared and incapable of leading the free world does not make one "crazy." Poor personal judgment in how one acts in public does not make one "crazy." He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality. What people call lies are usually exaggerations or inaccuracies. "I did not have sex with that woman" is a lie. "The dishonest fake media" is not. I think he's awful, same as you, but I don't see mental illness that precludes him from serving. Everyone hoping the 25th will somehow apply to him is dreaming, I think.

I think you're wrong. He's by definition (see the DSM-V) a narcissist.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia
I know you think being a narcissist makes him unfit to serve. We discussed this before. I disagree that that alone disqualifies him. But you have a right to your opinion.

Merely being a narcissist does not disqualify one. Being a narcissist to the extent that one has NPD, IMO, does. So does having mild or more significant forms of dementia.
I created this thread in February. It's now August and we're hearing from Republicans what was apparent to many -- Trump's GOP opponents and Democrats -- during the campaign. Now we've got this madman in the WH and have to wrangle out how to get him out of it.
We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment after Trump's AZ speech tonight.

I hope so.
Being unprepared and incapable of leading the free world does not make one "crazy." Poor personal judgment in how one acts in public does not make one "crazy." He doesn't pick his nose or go off on rants that are dissociated with reality. What people call lies are usually exaggerations or inaccuracies. "I did not have sex with that woman" is a lie. "The dishonest fake media" is not. I think he's awful, same as you, but I don't see mental illness that precludes him from serving. Everyone hoping the 25th will somehow apply to him is dreaming, I think.

I think you're wrong. He's by definition (see the DSM-V) a narcissist.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia
I know you think being a narcissist makes him unfit to serve. We discussed this before. I disagree that that alone disqualifies him. But you have a right to your opinion.

His behavior is erratic, he has the nuclear codes.

And therein, no matter the cause, is a huge part of the risk associated with our having that man as POTUS.
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