Is it time for a revamp of the rules?

Definately NOT pointless. Most of the bad feelings about a ban has to do with fairness. And when that banned member comes back -- the majority of time we fill them in on how the thread was handled including what OTHER actions we took against other members in that thread. (not identified by name). They may rarely successfully argue that the words were misinterpreted.

But it's so simple to look for topical content. It's either there or it isn't. The member either DID a "family attack" or they didn't. They "Ignored Moderation" or they didn't. Aint much there for "interpretation". PM me if I'm wrong about one of your bans.

We make mistakes. But not so much with warnings/bans. Because like I've said, you are rarely banned because of the LAST warning you got. Lately, about 80% of the bans are automatically done "by the system" -- which has a formula for keeping track of current warnings that have not expired. The moderator MOST OF TIME -- might not even know that warning they are writing is gonna get you banned -- unless they've looked at your PREVIOUS warnings. So -- quibbling about the 3 or 4 warnings that CAUSED THE BAN with mod staff for a couple of days BEFORE you go "on vacay" is just not in the cards AND severely awkward. 80% of the time -- you are "going out" because of TOO MANY WARNINGS -- in too little time, NOT because of what you JUST did. Dont get a lot of recent warnings.

(exceptions would be the "Ignoring Moderation" warning or maybe single-handedly crapping up an entire thread)

The MOST mistakes are probably in finding socks and accusing people of that. Because, it's not an exact science. That and moving threads or tossing them to the Taunting Forums where mod staff has to talk it over to see if we're on the same page. A fair amount of that stuff is reviewable and some of it DOES get reversed.
Maybe don’t issue warnings so readily. What constitutes a “warning” anyway? I saw some had been issued to me ironically while I was away on a ban (and therefore couldn’t even see them).
Nobody should be banned without an email explaining which post resulted in a ban, what the infraction was and how long the ban is in effect

Posters should also be informed of how many current infractions they carry

Moderators should also have to inform an OP why a thread was moved or why a thread was terminated. Many are sent to Badlands without a stated reason
Normally, upon seeing your deliberately mis-identifying username, I wonder what I’m going to disagree with now. 😎

Not that it matters, much. But, here, I agree with your post.
Maybe don’t issue warnings so readily. What constitutes a “warning” anyway? I saw some had been issued to me ironically while I was away on a ban (and therefore couldn’t even see them).

Normally, upon seeing your deliberately mis-identifying username, I wonder what I’m going to disagree with now. 😎

Not that it matters, much. But, here, I agree with your post.
What is mis-identifying in my username?

Their House ... Their Rules ... Their Enforcement

Play nice with the Mods (don't have to kiss their rear end) ...
You can do just about anything short of burning the place to ground and they will leave you alone.

If you argue with them about rules or enforcement,
then you get the clarification you are asking for.

The one rule suggestion I would have for this forum is that for any particular poster, one mod cannot account for the overwhelming majority of their infractions.

Any claims being made about mods being limited in their abilities, or only acting to enforce rules is made a lie when nearly all of any given poster's infractions are by one moderator.
^this. There are definitely cases of mod harassment of individual posters.
I'll lose the Jackass with the swastika just as soon as you Demonazis back off from abusing our GOD GIVEN freedoms.

The fact that you want to ban FREE SPEECH tells me I need to keep it until you're willing to give up on taking away AMERICAN rights.

BTW, Nobody gives a fuk about Germany

And I particularly don't care for furry freaks, but I'm not demanding you be banned
If con-servatives don't have the right to give themselves swastika avis are any of us truly free?
No, it isn't.

Though some seem to think that it is.

I'd like to know whose house it actually is, though.

Odd how that bit of information is so closely guarded.

In fact, this is the forst board I've ever wasted time on that I didn't know who actually owned the joint.

I simply meant "Their House" in a sense that they (the Mods) agreed to supervise it and were given the opportunity to do so.
If you really want to know who owns the house ... I could tell you, but what's the fun in that ... :auiqs.jpg:

No, it isn't.

Though some seem to think that it is.

I'd like to know whose house it actually is, though.

Odd how that bit of information is so closely guarded.

In fact, this is the forst board I've ever wasted time on that I didnlt know who actually owned the joint.
It's always the same Mod who has the final word, though, even if other mods are doing the talking.
In fact, this is the first board I've ever wasted time on that I didn't know who actually owned the joint.
It's not a secret.
Nines and El Chorizo probably wont answer you..
Here you go. Forum Foundry"

Contact: Dank

In the Forum? Contact 4Nines

^You can find the phone number here. These are good people. They know the difference between grooming the narrative and grooming the child and the games played in order to shut one side of the narrative up.

All found in the public domain.
It's not a secret.
All found in the public domain.

Yeah ... And the owners will answer you if you send them a message asking them to
verify the address so you can send them a money order ... :auiqs.jpg:


Yeah ... And the owners will answer you if you send them a message asking them to
verify the address so you can send them a money order ... :auiqs.jpg:

What... makes the world go 'round.

It sure ain't love, bro.

It's not a secret.

Here you go. Forum Foundry"

Contact: Dank

In the Forum? Contact 4Nines

^You can find the phone number here. These are good people. They know the difference between grooming the narrative and grooming the child and the games played in order to shut one side of the narrative up.

All found in the public domain.

Didn't that Gunny guy get fired or something? Thnk I read some drama with that dude around here from a long time ago. I dunno how I stumbled over it.

Anyway. Thanks for that. That was very courteous, Ropey. Stuff like that is why I lobbied for em to let you renege on that bet down in the basement.

I, for one, certainly didn't know who owned the joint, and I'm pretty sure most don't. And while I was curious about it, I didn't feel like looking.

That's what pissing and moaing about it is good for. Eventually somebody's gonna pass that info on, even if it's just to kick a feller in the nuts. Heh heh.
Didn't that Gunny guy get fired or something? Thnk I read some drama with that dude around here from a long time ago. I dunno how I stumbled over it.
Head Admin Gunny made friends with a pos named JBeukema who used to get drunk with him on the forum. He gave the keys to the pos who locked the forum, removed all the staff and made JBeukema, Sunni Man, Truthmatters, Jos, and more as admins.

The FF staff had to come in and reset the entire thing. From that day on, no Admin has come from the membership. I doubt any will.

Anyway. Thanks for that. That was very courteous, Ropey. Stuff like that is why I lobbied for em to let you renege on that bet down in the basement.

Sure thing, quid pro quo bro. :)

I, for one, certainly didn't know who owned the joint, and I'm pretty sure most don't. And while I was curious about it, I didn't feel like looking.

That's what pissing and moaing about it is good for. Eventually somebody's gonna pass that info on, even if it's just to kick a feller in the nuts. Heh heh.

Head Admin Gunny made friends with a pos named JBeukema who used to get drunk with him on the forum. He gave the keys to the pos who locked the forum, removed all the staff and made JBeukema, Sunni Man, Truthmatters, Jos, and more as admins.

The FF staff had to come in and reset the entire thing.

Oh, yeah. That was it.

Sure thing, quid pro quo bro. :)


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