Is it time for a revamp of the rules?

The liberal use of the report button should be curtailed, maybe three per member per year. If you are reporting more than that then perhaps you should go and be thin-skinned someplace else. ;)
There are some posters who are usually off topic and indulge in filthy personal attacks.
I wonder if the swastika can be banned?

I heard supposedly in Germany, the swastika is banned there and if someone ever displayed it there they would probably get a beat down.
I'll lose the Jackass with the swastika just as soon as you Demonazis back off from abusing our GOD GIVEN freedoms.

The fact that you want to ban FREE SPEECH tells me I need to keep it until you're willing to give up on taking away AMERICAN rights.

BTW, Nobody gives a fuk about Germany

And I particularly don't care for furry freaks, but I'm not demanding you be banned
I wonder if the swastika can be banned?

I heard supposedly in Germany, the swastika is banned there and if someone ever displayed it there they would probably get a beat down.
Nice try. I don't know what third world shithole you live in, but we live in America and have this lovely God given right called freedom of expression.

Suck it.
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I do. It carries with it every bit of contempt you think it does. The day you start to differentiate yourself from the rest of the rage heads I'll treat you as an individual.
You seem addicted to rage and other kinds of emotionalism. But the thread isn’t about that or the contempt you feel. The thread is about a suggestion that the rules would benefit from an overhaul. Suggestions about that might be a tad more topical.
You seem addicted to rage and other kinds of emotionalism. But the thread isn’t about that or the contempt you feel. The thread is about a suggestion that the rules would benefit from an overhaul. Suggestions about that might be a tad more topical.
Sorry for feeding the troll on your thread but sometimes you just have to.
Recently, there have been a few posts reciting one of the rules about mod actions. One of them caught my eye. The one that says in effect, “thou shalt not discuss banned members.” This is antiquated I believe because the Board no longer tells anyone (other than the member who has been banned) who is away to the Land of the Banned.

Now, since the Board rules themselves seem to require another kind of ‘convention of the states,’ wouldn’t it make sense to address other glitches, too? For example, if a member (let’s say member “L”) has a mysterious an unidentified mod (let’s say mod “?”) issue a ban against him, “L” can’t direct the question of “why” to “?” because banned members lose the ability to sign-in. If “L” can’t even sign in, then “L” can’t find out from “?” or any other mod what the alleged rule violation was. Likewise “L” can’t ask “?” for a reconsideration, nor can “L” ask any group of mods to make a ruling (like an appeals) panel.

Maybe other members have other issues with the rules? Discussion might help make this a “more perfect” board.

It's time to get outside forum staff who are paid ... otherwise we will continue to get the leftist agitating organizers and the squishy secular right.

If there really is such a thing.
Recently, there have been a few posts reciting one of the rules about mod actions. One of them caught my eye. The one that says in effect, “thou shalt not discuss banned members.” This is antiquated I believe because the Board no longer tells anyone (other than the member who has been banned) who is away to the Land of the Banned.

Now, since the Board rules themselves seem to require another kind of ‘convention of the states,’ wouldn’t it make sense to address other glitches, too? For example, if a member (let’s say member “L”) has a mysterious an unidentified mod (let’s say mod “?”) issue a ban against him, “L” can’t direct the question of “why” to “?” because banned members lose the ability to sign-in. If “L” can’t even sign in, then “L” can’t find out from “?” or any other mod what the alleged rule violation was. Likewise “L” can’t ask “?” for a reconsideration, nor can “L” ask any group of mods to make a ruling (like an appeals) panel.

Maybe other members have other issues with the rules? Discussion might help make this a “more perfect” board.

Of course the members know when someone's been banned. There's a strike thru the name in their avie box. USED to be more embarrasing when we turned the Name font pink. Thus -- "getting pinked" was a sloppy work-around to saying someone was banned. AHHHH -- the good ole days.

The rule is there because if it's a temporary ban, people take advantage of it to go celebrate it openly or whine about in discussion threads. Without the person being here to defend and only guessing at why they were banned.

There's more "latitude" now about it for certain. But we still dont let members go to Announcements and demand that banned member never be let back in or lobby for us to disclose the reason for the ban. Since folks rarely get banned for JUST the "latest infraction", it really doesn't help for us to TELL the general audience the details. POSSIBLY, the whole concept is already covered by the "thou shall not discuss SPECIFIC moderator actions" outside of PM.

So I'm not sure if it's redundant or not. It's just better "community etiquette" to not talk behind people's backs.

As far as PROTESTING a ban -- which is the rest of your post -- we're not gonna sit here and allow an angry member to spam or graffiti the boards with gripes BEFORE they go out. They'll have the warning in their INBOX when they come back and then we can discuss.

If the rules were touching a lot of content issues or types of flaming -- it might be different. But RARELY is a ban controversial in the Mod room. That's why we LIKE minimal rules. How informative, worthwhile, or entertaining USMB becomes is really up the members.
You sure he wasn't just messing with us? Wouldn't be surprised if members had access to colored fonts in the Avie box. Dont know.
Easier to just drag and drop it and insert it after the ban.


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