Is John Bolton The "Whistleblower"?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
It's no secret Bolton was furious about his firing as National Security Advisor. He went from a big shot to a nobody in a matter of minutes. When you look at the mysterious way this latest HOAX is developing, who had the ability to reach out to the DOJ IG without getting his name hooked to it? Who had the Fake News merchants on it so quickly although they, of course, had no idea what it involved. It doesn't take a Columbo to look at it like any detective would...."MOM"...Motive, Opportunity, Method. Is this a "conspiracy theory"? No, it's a question. Would a National Security Advisor see a call transcript to a country he was fervently advocating for? Was he angry about losing his last high-level government position? Would he have any hesitation to take down the man who ended his career with a phone call? You bet he was, you bet he wouldn't.

Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was pushed out of the White House earlier this month, and has since slammed Trump's foreign policy on a number of fronts. He is also shopping around for a book deal and is said to have "a lot to dish."

John Bolton fought Trump for release of delayed Ukraine military aid
Just shows that the really really worst of the 911 Traitors are really really out to get Trump by any means....

Rod the Mossad Rosenstein
that's what i'm guessing & it adds up.

it was a very unpleasant departure for him & it's been reported that there was arguing before bolton left.

he also said that he'd be 'talking soon' or something similar a couple weeks ago b4 this whistleblower came forward.

he wanted cash to go to ukraine for their protection & he knew what trump was going to do in regards to holding the $$$ back to pressure them & that might just be the reason for him & donny's break up

it's reported (true or not? ) that the whistleblower wasn't a firsthand witness by actually listening in - but given his position in trump's cabinet - his word certainly carries clout.
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The answer to this HOAX is that Trump denied the Ukes the cash over his concern about where and who it would go to. He made the decision three weeks before the phone call. Anybody doubting his commitment to them only needs to look at the weapons he sent them.....lethal enough to stop the Ivans in their tracks should they try to steal more territory. We also signed a treaty with Ukraine that in exchange for giving up their nukes, we would defend them. Barry ignored that treaty and let Putin take Crimea and the land-bridge to resupply it. Do the Rats deserve a transcript of the conversation? Of course not because if they get this one, they'll ask for one each and every time they think they can embarrass the President. If I was advising Trump, I'd let this fiasco go right up to Pelousy advocating for impeachment (instead of bringing USMCA up for a vote) and then release it and destroy her.
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Is this a "conspiracy theory"?
Yes. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that. No more than simply asking a question. Only, this is really dull. Who cares if it was Bolton? Leaks galore from this administration. Did someone expect otherwise with Trump there?

Bolton signed a confidentiality agreement to get the NSA job...that's why if he's involved in this it's important. Somebody sooner or later is going to pay dearly for violating that trust.

Call made July 24

clapper resigned july 28

then his assistance resigned in Aug 8

a few days later Aug 12 whistle blower complaint

Bolten is forced out or resign in Sept 10th

I think quite a few people were aware of the call and I am sure they were lining up to leak this

But Bolton did not resign until Sept 10th and even though I am not one of his fans, I do believe that he would not do something like that as he plays hard ball but its call Bolton ball

Call made July 24

clapper resigned july 28

then his assistance resigned in Aug 8

a few days later Aug 12 whistle blower complaint

Bolten is forced out or resign in Sept 10th

I think quite a few people were aware of the call and I am sure they were lining up to leak this

But Bolton did not resign until Sept 10th and even though I am not one of his fans, I do believe that he would not do something like that as he plays hard ball but its call Bolton ball

The revelation that the "whistleblower" didn't have direct access to the transcript is so phony it's absurd. The DOJ wouldn't listen to some anonymous schmuck saying although he hadn't seen it, he knows what's in it. Trump liked having opposing points of view in his the WH it's a prescription for treachery. It's taken awhile for an outsider to realize how corrupt D.C. is...way beyond anything we ever thought before. It may or may not be may not be anybody....a total invention. And then again it may be Trump laying yet another trap for the rats to catch their tails in.
Giuliani has already admitted the Dotard pressured the president of Ukraine to get with Rudy to find some dirt on Biden.
Giuliani has already admitted the Dotard pressured the president of Ukraine to get with Rudy to find some dirt on Biden.

Damn right he did and there is ZERO illegality to wasn't attached to an aid-package. Biden is up to his shriveled old nuts in this and his weak attempt at the WH will be ending shortly. His kid better use his stolen money to hire some good lawyers...otherwise he's headed to Leavenworth with the intel chiefs.
Giuliani has already admitted the Dotard pressured the president of Ukraine to get with Rudy to find some dirt on Biden.

Damn right he did and there is ZERO illegality to wasn't attached to an aid-package. Biden is up to his shriveled old nuts in this and his weak attempt at the WH will be ending shortly. His kid better use his stolen money to hire some good lawyers...otherwise he's headed to Leavenworth with the intel chiefs.

You sure are a good little parroting rube. My god!

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