Ex-Trump adviser says former president ‘hasn’t got the brains’ for dictatorship

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Mr Bolton has no love for trump. But I think that this might be an accurate assessment. trump also lacks the energy and focus. He is too self absorbed in his own private concerns to be a premier league didtator.

He is happier fighting Megan Rapinoe than dismantling the state.

But that doesnt include the shadowy figures around him. The guy who fetches donny his macdonalds breakfast is likely more on board with the dictator vibe.

Its a very worrying time for planet earth.

Mr Bolton has no love for trump. But I think that this might be an accurate assessment. trump also lacks the energy and focus. He is too self absorbed in his own private concerns to be a premier league didtator.

He is happier fighting Megan Rapinoe than dismantling the state.

But that doesnt include the shadowy figures around him. The guy who fetches donny his macdonalds breakfast is likely more on board with the dictator vibe.

Its a very worrying time for planet earth.
Agreed, not to mention his profound mental/emotional issues, but the problem is that he is surrounded by people who can do it just by manipulating him.

Stephen Miller, Kash Patel, Steve Bannon, for starters.

Look to history. It has never been about one guy.


Mr Bolton has no love for trump. But I think that this might be an accurate assessment. trump also lacks the energy and focus. He is too self absorbed in his own private concerns to be a premier league didtator.

He is happier fighting Megan Rapinoe than dismantling the state.

But that doesnt include the shadowy figures around him. The guy who fetches donny his macdonalds breakfast is likely more on board with the dictator vibe.

Its a very worrying time for planet earth.
That's good news, we won't be having a dictator. Sounds like you'll be disappointed.
Mr. Bolton is similar to Sleepy Joe, they both love War.

OTOH, President Trump realizes that blood is a big expense and bad for business.
I know you won't believe ANYONE who speaks out about Trump but here's another one

“When the President would say, ‘Here’s what I want to do and here’s how I want to do it.’ And I’d have to say to him, ‘Well Mr. President, I understand what you want to do, but you can’t do it that way. It violates the law....’” Tillerson said

He went on to add, “He got really frustrated … I think he grew tired of me being the guy every day that told him you can’t do that"

This was 2018. Pretty telling. Trump was telling Rex to do things that weren't legal. And Republicans say they love the constitution?

Mr Bolton has no love for trump. But I think that this might be an accurate assessment. trump also lacks the energy and focus. He is too self absorbed in his own private concerns to be a premier league didtator.

He is happier fighting Megan Rapinoe than dismantling the state.

But that doesnt include the shadowy figures around him. The guy who fetches donny his macdonalds breakfast is likely more on board with the dictator vibe.

Its a very worrying time for planet earth.
So, being a dictator is about intelligence?

How about this position, "Trump cares too much about Americas future to install a dictatorship"?

I watch countless videos of speakers, intelligence officers, authors, military, war mongerers like Bolton etc. The vast majority do and say what is best for themselves, profitably. Bolton is no exception I'm sure.

In the end, the true Mavericks are guys who rock the boat but do so from a place of concern. There are a great number of details I have gleaned from listening to so many, including people I don't inherently agree with (including Bolton). Do people realize that Dick Cheney may have contributed to this Russian war by suggesting quite early that Georgia should join NATO?

Do people realize that the leak from the Steele dossier came from Senator McCains office?

Do people realize that for decades Western intelligence has been wrong and chasing rabbits while real, global threats, the types that could lead to World Wars have been emboldened and expanded their influence?

In short, Bolton is a used car salesman. A threat to global security and Americas long term interests. So, when he speaks negatively about someone, first, it is wise to ignore or have a laugh at his comments, second like you would the Town Crier, his message no longer registers with the elite of the world and it is because of his repeated calls for the same "solution", regardless of the problem.

Neo-Cons are dwindling due to their own hubris, thus, he is an endangered species.
Trump knows how to manipulate the 'systems' to get what he wants. Isn't that what they all do? Washington is filled with 'systems' and 'levers of power' which are constantly being manipulated, and not for the good of the country.
Only four of Trump's prior cabinet members and staff have endorsed his reelection. Four out of over forty. You routinely hear prior cabinet officials and staff express similar sentiments to that of John Bolton. These are people who worked closely with this man every single day and warned him he would lose reelection if he didn't change his behavior. Despite all of this, Cult 45 continues to insist these people are all the "Deep State" just out to get him.
So, being a dictator is about intelligence?

How about this position, "Trump cares too much about Americas future to install a dictatorship"?

I watch countless videos of speakers, intelligence officers, authors, military, war mongerers like Bolton etc. The vast majority do and say what is best for themselves, profitably. Bolton is no exception I'm sure.

In the end, the true Mavericks are guys who rock the boat but do so from a place of concern. There are a great number of details I have gleaned from listening to so many, including people I don't inherently agree with (including Bolton). Do people realize that Dick Cheney may have contributed to this Russian war by suggesting quite early that Georgia should join NATO?

Do people realize that the leak from the Steele dossier came from Senator McCains office?

Do people realize that for decades Western intelligence has been wrong and chasing rabbits while real, global threats, the types that could lead to World Wars have been emboldened and expanded their influence?

In short, Bolton is a used car salesman. A threat to global security and Americas long term interests. So, when he speaks negatively about someone, first, it is wise to ignore or have a laugh at his comments, second like you would the Town Crier, his message no longer registers with the elite of the world and it is because of his repeated calls for the same "solution", regardless of the problem.

Neo-Cons are dwindling due to their own hubris, thus, he is an endangered species.
Trump just cares about trump.

Mr Bolton has no love for trump. But I think that this might be an accurate assessment. trump also lacks the energy and focus. He is too self absorbed in his own private concerns to be a premier league didtator.

He is happier fighting Megan Rapinoe than dismantling the state.

But that doesnt include the shadowy figures around him. The guy who fetches donny his macdonalds breakfast is likely more on board with the dictator vibe.

Its a very worrying time for planet earth.
John Bolton is a warmongering jerkoff.

Nobody cares what that jerk has to say about Trump because he's obviously a Deep State Stooge.

Why oh why do these Left wing moonbats give one fucking fig what a warmongering neocon like Bolton thinks about anything?

One of the few massive mistakes of Trump's presidency was even hiring that buffoon to begin with.

In Lefty land Bush/Cheney Republican Party now good, Orange Man freedom and peace loving Party bad.

It's so retarded it's mind boggling.

Mr Bolton has no love for trump. But I think that this might be an accurate assessment. trump also lacks the energy and focus. He is too self absorbed in his own private concerns to be a premier league didtator.

He is happier fighting Megan Rapinoe than dismantling the state.

But that doesnt include the shadowy figures around him. The guy who fetches donny his macdonalds breakfast is likely more on board with the dictator vibe.

Its a very worrying time for planet earth.

Obama said the same thing about Biden.

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