The death of the Libertarian Party

I gave my opinion, that you choose to take it as some sort of command from me is your own fucking problem.
I don't take it as a command that's more make believe debating. What power do you have to command me to do anything? :dunno:

What I take it as is you being a Brittle Bitch who is crying about the lack of popularity for your view points.

No one has to accept your weak ass premise that the country is broken or getting worse or heading for a break up. I happen to think it's getting better all the time and some of those MAGA's want a break up. That's their MAGAt right Libertarian. You of all people should know that. :itsok:
Proud? When were they ever proud? And they will never die. They are needed by the political class to promote the idea that we have choices. So they are a useful tool of control for the ruling class.

They will be there in name only, the party is dead though.
I love the way the progs pretend they had nothing to do with any of the spending that occurred during the COVID era.
I love how you tards blamed Obama for every penny of debt accrued on his watch, and then twist and turn and do back flips to avoid holding Trump accountable for the same thing.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

And no one forced Trump to submit the biggest spending budget in history.

Trump had a GOP Congress for his first two years while they doubled the federal deficit.

Then why did you throw such a hissy fit?
More narrative about the people you're debating with absolutely no argument to be seen. You libertarians are empty suits.

Let's refocus Clown. I don't mind the name calling I just think it should be accompanied by some sort of rational argument, otherwise you're just yapping. So here it is. Your premise, that country is falling apart and that the problem is people stuck voting for the same two parties is subjective. That's your opinion. None of us are required to act based on your opinion. We act according to our own. You're supposed to be a libertarian. Why do I have to explain independent thought and free will to you like you're a simpleton?

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. later this month as he tries to woo voters beyond the Republican base and avoid losing support to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This is just embarrassing, the once proud Libertarian Party reduced to this stupidity. There is not a Libertarian bone in Trump's body.

This makes as much sense as having Biden speak at the RNC.

Might have to give the Constitution Party a closer look
The Libertarians could never figure out exactly who they were. One site I used to frequent even had them divided into left leaning Libertarians and right leaning Libertarians. They were never anything more than a protest vote. Their biggest mistake was in concentrating on president instead of starting from the bottom up.
That's how I'd bet. Unless hell freezes over and voters finally decide they've had enough of taking it up the ass.

You fantasize nonconsensual sodomy and the rest of us are fools for not acting in accordance with your disturbing rape erotica? :dunno:
The Libertarians could never figure out exactly who they were. One site I used to frequent even had them divided into left leaning Libertarians and right leaning Libertarians. They were never anything more than a protest vote. Their biggest mistake was in concentrating on president instead of starting from the bottom up.
It makes no difference at all. The American population is too dumbed down, too ignorant, too stupid, and/or too wrapped up in their own lives to make the Libertarians anything more than what they already are.

Again, quoting George Carlin -- people are too busy at the malls, taking their credit cards out of their fanny packs, and buying sneakers with lights in them.
They will be there in name only, the party is dead though.
They were always just a name. They never accomplished anything other than aiding the ruling class. As was their mission.
They were always just a name. They never accomplished anything other than aiding the ruling class. As was their mission.

So they were there to help your beloved duopoly.

You should thank them for all their help then.
So they were there to help your beloved duopoly.

You should thank them for all their help then.
It's YOUR political class they helped. There is no duopoly, there is a ruling class that calls themselves by many names, but simpletons call them the duopoly, because they are simpletons.
It's YOUR political class they helped. There is no duopoly, there is a ruling class that calls themselves by many names, but simpletons call them the duopoly, because they are simpletons.

This from the lifelong loyal defender and voter for the GOP.

You are too fucking funny today!

Thanks for the laughs.
Ahhh yes, the demented laugh of the simpleton.

Makes me happy.
This from the lifelong loyal defender and voter for the GOP.

You are too fucking funny today!

Thanks for the laughs.
Wrong, dumbass. I was a pretty loyal Democrat for longer than you've been alive.

Then I woke up.

But you, your head is firmly up the ruling classes ass.

That's for sure.

Don't forget to polish those boots after you've licked them.
to my eyes, libertarians turned into even more depraved corporatist neocon dumfucks, open borders forever wars, Zionism and all.

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